
America is moving toward becoming a totalitarian society: Corrupt Central Government, Complicit News Media, Compliant Population

The Requisite Trilogy for Totalitarianism 

The Requisite Trilogy for Totalitarianism 
America is leaning toward totalitarianism.  Three factors are moving us is that direction. The first is a corrupt central government that promotes a political agenda that perverts the rule of law and disregards the historical precedence of America's founding documents.  Lincoln's "government of the people, by the people, and for the people" has been replacing the word "people" with "government politicians and their donors".

The headcount of the compliant population is sufficient when mass formation psychosis infects  enough people to divide a nation

In the 20th Century history of historical global totalitarianism, competing political parties were initially tolerated.  But soon, political opposition ceased to be allowed by the ruling class.  Eventually, elections evolved into sham events, or were cancelled.  Joseph Stalin once famously said that what matters is not who votes, but who counts the votes.  The second requisite for totalitarianism is a complicit news media eager to parrot the talking points of a corrupt central government. The venues of broadcasting (TV, radio), print  (newspapers, tabloids), and social media (e.g., Google, Twitter, Facebook, TikTok), with the financial support of commercial advertisers, make up a news media that routinely shills for the ruling political class.   The third and final requirement is a compliant population that accepts the maxims of the totalitarian agenda.  In America, derogatory slurs aimed at the minority party include accusations of being Nazis, white supremacists, racists, and sexists.  The headcount of the compliant population is sufficient when mass formation psychosis infects  enough people to divide a nation.

Is this not what we've been witnessing in America?

The man pictured above is Mattias Desmet, Professor of Psychology at Ghent University in Belgium, and author of The Psychology of Totalitarianism (Chelsea Green Publishing, White River Vermont, London, UK © 2022). Here's how he defines the social-psychological process of mass formation
"…the willingness of the individuals to blindly sacrifice their personal interests in favor of the collective, radical intolerance of dissident voices, a paranoid informant mentality that allows government to penetrate the very heart of private life, the curious susceptibility to absurd pseudo-scientific indoctrination and propaganda, the blind following of a narrow logic that transcends all ethical boundaries (making totalitarianism incompatible with religion), the loss of all diversity and creativity (making totalitarianism the enemy of art and culture), and intrinsic self-destructiveness (which ensures that totalitarian systems invariably annihilate themselves in the end).  An analysis of the psychological process of totalitarianism is extremely relevant in the twenty-first century."  (pp. 90-91) 
Is this not what we've been witnessing in America?

President Biden is not a "ringleader." He's a puppet scripted by government bureau- and techno-crats

Totalitarian regimes need not be governed by "ringleaders" like Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Mao, and Pol Pot.  "Dull bureaucrats and technocrats" are sufficient to the task.  President Biden is not a "ringleader." He's a puppet scripted by government bureau- and techno-crats.  Desmet uses the analogy of the sudden change in direction of a large flock of starlings as a visual example of mass formations. They move in unison in the sky, seemingly with no one bird in charge.  On the other hand, we see geese fly in a "V" shape led by an apparent leader.  But other birds (eagles, buzzards, hawks) usually fly alone or in pairs. They are free. According to Desmet, there are four conditions for large-scale mass formation to occur in a human population (pp.94-95):
  1. "The first condition is generalized loneliness, social isolation and the lack of social bonds among the population." (For example, you've likely seen four young adults seated at a restaurant awaiting their food while all study their cell phones.) 
  2. "The deterioration of social connectedness leads to the second condition: lack of meaning in life."  (See Covid lockdowns and school closings. No work. No school. No social contact.)
  3. "The third condition is the widespread presence of free-gloating anxiety and psychological unease within a population." (First it was Covid;  then the Russian invasion of Ukraine; now the threat of mounting inflation and serious recession.)
  4. "The fourth condition, in turn, also follows from the first three: a lot of free-floating frustration and aggression. The link between social isolation and irritability is logical and has also been established empirically." (See the epidemic of crime tolerated America's big blue cities, and the increase in suicides.)
America is moving toward becoming a totalitarian society.  It began evolving after 9-11.  It has not abated since.   And it may not abate - until it becomes too late, and Americans wake up in an Orwellian world.   

Lee Cary -- Bio and Archives Since November 2007, Lee Cary has written hundreds of articles for several websites including the American Thinker, and Breitbart’s Big Journalism and Big Government (as “Archy Cary”). and the Canada Free Press. Cary’s work was quoted on national television (Sean Hannity) and on nationally syndicated radio (Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin). His articles have posted on the aggregate sites Drudge Report, Whatfinger, Lucianne, Free Republic, and Real Clear Politics. He holds a Doctorate in Theology from Garrett Theological Seminary in Evanston, IL, is a veteran of the US Army Military Intelligence in Vietnam assigned to the [strong]Phoenix Program[/strong]. He lives in Texas.