
Revolutionary new technology platform

The People’s Vote.com

As a politically engaged organization with an equally motivated audience, I wanted to share the exciting news about a revolutionary new technology platform, The People’s Vote.com.
Founded by Chuck Kirkpatrick, The People’s Vote.com is the only online, nonpartisan venue for citizens to not only learn about public policy issues that affect them personally, but also to record and communicate their opinions to their elected officials at the local, state and federal levels of government. Conceived and developed over the past two years, The People’s Vote is the first of its kind. It will be launching nationwide on -- appropriately enough -- Independence Day, July 4, 2012. Based in Palm Bay, Florida, the company has been actively recruiting and hiring talented employees on the Space Coast over the past few weeks. To learn more about the system by watching a short video demo, please visit The People’s Vote.com. After viewing you will understand why so many have dubbed it “the voters tool of the future”. Many high-ranking public policy officials in several states believe it will become the standard for citizen interaction in governance.
Click on the links to discover what the Space Coast Economic Development Commission, The Brevard Times and Central Florida Politics.com media have had to say about The People’s Vote. As the Central Florida Politics.com article notes, nearly 50% of voters have an avid interest in ThePeoplesVote.com. Wouldn’t your viewers/listeners want to know about it too? If you agree, Chuck Kirkpatrick would welcome the opportunity to be featured on your site to share this remarkable new technology tool for civic involvement with your readers. Please contact me at daria@thepeoplesvote.com or 610-848-0444 to schedule a date and time. I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Daria DiGiovanni Director - Social Media Strategy The People’s Vote.com

Daria DiGiovanni -- Bio and Archives

Daria DiGiovanni Dariadigiovanni.com, is an accomplished writer, author, blogger, internet radio host and social media professional. She released her first novel, Water Signs: A Story of Love and Renewal in 2008 and is currently at work on a sequel, Sea To Shining Sea, due out in 2012. In addition to her blog, she contributes content to a variety of sites including Parcbench.com and regularly co-hosts Conservative Republican Forum with Steven Rosenblum every Saturday at 6 p.m. Eastern on Blog Talk Radio. Daria also manages a weekly twitter chat for authors, readers and writers called #Writestream, which takes place every Thursday at 11 a.m. Eastern.