
His crazy world view and insane actions do not detract from the real dangers of extremist Muslim actions in Europe

The Oslo Maniac, Guilt by Association and Chinese Food

The incomprehensible and shocking mass murder of scores of Norwegian young people following the detonation and destruction of an important government building in the center of Oslo by a lone maniac defies any analysis or comparison in real world terms. It is so grotesque that it simply cannot be put in any box. The lone killer was possessed with a lunatic logic that directed his wrath against his own people and neighbors as well as the country’s national leaders whom he believed had enabled turning Norway, once the most homogeneous nation in Europe (after Iceland), into a problematic and strife torn multicultural society.
The fact that no party, movement or even band of eccentrics claimed responsibility for this heinous act apart from two Islamic Jihadi groups, (Ansar al-Islam and Helpers of Global Jihad allied to al-Qaeda which both rushed to take credit and then quickly withdrew their assertion), is the best indicator that his actions could only appeal to and benefit the very devil he had tried to exorcise. I will offer up an attempt at an analogy that puts the lunatic logic into a comparable framework, just as grotesque and fantastic. Imagine after Pearl Harbor in 1941 that a lone individual in the United States – a native born White American (an atheist or agnostic with no ties to any church), angry at the attack and bent on revenge for the murder of several thousand American sailors and civilians, carried out a massacre and devastating attack on crowded Chinese restaurants in New York’s Chinatown, issuing a declaration of over 1500 pages that all those eating and enjoying Chinese food (but especially Caucasians, native born White Americans like himself and Jews as well as Blacks) were all guilty of betraying their own cultural heritage and American traditions. His claim went on to assert that these individuals all deserved to die at his hands because Chinese Americans in New York and working on the western railroads had preceded the immigration of Japanese immigrants to Hawaii and California thus providing legitimization of a fifth column responsible for Pearl Harbor. He concluded therefore that both the white and black patrons of these Chinese restaurants had been misled and corrupted by the presence of many Jewish patrons who, as everyone knows, are addicted to Chinese food, and had conspired to make it so popular in America, thereby spreading their addiction. Their corrupting behavior had contributed to the decline of white Christian Civilization due to overdoses of MSG. Although not religious himself, he regarded American Civilization as White and Christian by historical circumstances. He was thus a “Cultural Christian” and understood that more than alcohol or heroin, MSG was capable of producing mind destroying effects leading to the breakdown of civilization and Western culture. Only a violent crusade carried out single handedly by himself could hope to prevent this. No, not even MAD magazine in its heyday could have come up with a scenario as remotely absurd as that which occurred in Norway or my fictional analogy. The reality of the world we live in of 2011 is that demented individuals who are anarchists in their hatred not just of the “others” (by race, religion, ethnicity or gender) but all those who disagree with their demented vision, have the opportunity and means to carry out mass mayhem. The horrific event in Oslo and the rush to condemn all those who have opposed extremist Islamic-Jihadi views as if Breivik were their friend or ally is the fallacy of Guilt by Association carried to its extreme. A and B may agree that C is a danger but that does not make them friends or allies. The flaws and dangers of the presence in Europe of millions of unassimilated Muslim immigrants who are unwilling to become responsible citizens sharing equal civic duties and who crave special rights will not disappear; nor will the justifiable unwillingness of the police and fire services today to enter many predominantly Muslim residential areas in parts of major cities in the UK, France, Belgium, Germany, Sweden and elsewhere that are considered “No-Go.” These problems will not go away or diminish because of the crazed act of an individual. If my fantastic scenario of 1941 had really occurred, it would not have changed the course of events or the outcome of World War II nor my continued love of Chinese food. Sometimes, as this case proves, the enemy of my enemy is not necessarily my friend but an even worse enemy. Breivik’s lunatic logic led him to praise al-Qaeda as long as it operated within the Muslim world. His crazy world view and insane actions do not detract from the real dangers of extremist Muslim actions in Europe – the real fatwa against Rushdie and real murders of Theo Van Gogh and Pim Fortuyn. They do not make Breivik a “friend” any more than Stalin’s “Popular Front” anti-Nazi policies and aid to Republican Spain in the 1930s made him a reliable ally of the West.

Dr. Norman Berdichevsky -- Bio and Archives

Dr. Norman Berdichevsky nberdichevsky.com, Ph.D. - Geography, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1974, is an author, freelance writer, editor, researcher, lecturer, translator and teacher with sophisticated communications skills.