
‘Sisiphobia’ has a detectable pattern. While Gen. Sisi defends Christians from the brutality of the Muslim Brotherood, Obama ignores Christians but caters to radical Islam

The new "Sisiphobia" for the U.S. administration or Why Obama is so afraid of Gen. Sisi

CAIRO, EGYPT--Egypt’s interim President Adly Mansour made it official--which should come as nothing unexpected--presidential elections before parliamentary elections, with the presidential election within three months.
As a result of this decision, Gen. Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, charismatic Egyptian Defense Minister, moves one giant step closer to the presidency. Everyone knows that he's the strongest candidate and the only one who has the support of nearly all political parties to lead Egypt in its war against terrorism led by the Muslim Brotherhood and their militias. Over the last few days, numerous Egyptian, Arabic, and even American newspapers and websites, Including the National, Jerusalem Post, Washington Times, blogger Walid Shoebat and many others, published statements by highly placed political sources in Egypt, outlining the steps carried out by the U.S. administration and President Obama to prevent the candidacy of Gen. Sisi. This resistance to Gen. Sisi is also articulated by some Arab Gulf states such as Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Kuwait. Senior Egyptian sources say that the U.S. Secretary of Defense, Chuck Hagel, made several contacts with senior Egyptian armed forces members, about the pressing need to convince Sisi not to run in the presidential elections. Hagel said that Washington is not ‘comfortable’ with Sisi’s presidential candidacy and that the military must forthwith disengage from the ongoing political struggle in Egypt. Looks like to the Obama administration Republican enemies extend all the way to the Land of the Pharaohs.
Sources confirm that top Egyptian officials expressed their anger at the U.S. election intervention, stressing that this is an internal affair, and America or any other nation are not welcome to interfere. The Supreme Council of the Egyptian Armed Forces held a meeting few days ago, in which they discussed the arrangements for the presidential elections. They announced that armed forces will stand by the will of the Egyptians and their choices, and that every Egyptian citizen has the right to run for the presidency as long as they meet the constitutionally prescribed conditions. Senior sources said that the U.S. Anti-Sisi Movement has already reached the Arab Gulf states, after a high-level U.S. delegation made two visits to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the UAE. The delegation met with senior officials of the two countries and asked them to put pressure on the Egyptian military to prevent Sisi from running in the election. Newspapers published several reports about the concerns of the U.S. administration with Al-Sisi in power in Egypt. Some reports even talked about an alleged plot led by Obama to assassinate Sisi to prevent him from gaining the presidency. So what is the secret of Obama administration's fear of Gen Sisi? It stems from a new expression I created called "Sisiphobia"! It seems the current U.S. administration cannot accept nor even tolerate the existence of a powerful independent ruler in the Middle East. U.S. support for Mubarak and the Arab Gulf kings and even the Muslim Brotherhood’s Morsi was only because of the potential of their full cooperation and dependency on America. Their real goal is to maintain the supplies of oil from the Arab Gulf, and holding on to the privilege of U.S. ships in the Suez Canal. The second goal is to ensure the security of Israel and the continued blockade of Iran. We all know what happened to leaders who tried to oppose America and stand in front of its plans in the Middle East, such as Nasser in Egypt, Abdul-Karim Qassem in Syria and many others in the Middle East or in Latin America. All of this is grippingly narrated in details by Hugh Wilford in his new book The Great American Game and the Arabists. In general, the U.S. sees Sisi as the same danger. He is a popular hero powered by the overwhelming majority and a lovable character, to boot. Gen. Sisi has the unified support of the armed forces, police and intelligence services. He overthrew the Muslim Brotherhood rule in Egypt's, toppled the American project which supports the rise of political Islam forces in the Middle East to implement the U.S. plans concerning the new Middle East and the creative chaos that would ensue. Sisi came along and ruined everything by becoming the strongest enemy of political Islam and terrorist groups, especially the Muslim Brotherhood-- backed by Barack Obama, both politically and financially. A man like Sisi poses a major threat to U.S. schemes in the region. Therefore, the United States cannot feel comfortable with the existence of such a person at the head of the largest and most powerful Arab country. And that’s without even considering the fears about the exposure of the Obama administration’s secret relations with the Muslim Brotherhood, for which Gen. Sisi holds the smoking gun, some of it already leaked in the $8-billion Obama suppot for the Muslim Brotherhood, which caused great embarrassment for Obama and questioning by Congress. My ‘Sisiphobia’ has a detectable pattern. While Gen. Sisi defends Christians from the brutality of the Muslim Brotherood, Obama ignores Christians but caters to radical Islam. Obama wants an army “as well-trained and well-equipped as the US military”, Gen. Sisi would see that as something the treasonous Muslim Brotherhood would do. While Obama hides his credentials, everything checks on Gen. Sisi’s educational and military records. Even though it can’t be too long before Sisi’s telephone conversations are tapped by the National Security Agency, it looks like ‘Sisiphobia’ might be here to stay.

Ali Al Sharnoby -- Bio and Archives

Ali Alsharnoby, an Egyptian journalist and deputy editor, worked in many Egyptian newspapers.

Studied at university of Cairo, faculty of law.. and wrote a number of books about the political trends in the Islamic view.