
“We the People” must hold them accountable. “We the People” must reassert our sovereignty.

The Hypocrisy of Honoring Freedom Day in the Same Session as Approving Vaccine Mandates

The Hypocrisy of Honoring Freedom Day in the Same Session as Approving Vaccine MandatesThe absolute hypocrisy of Mayor Sam Liccardo and the San Jose City Council was on full display on Tuesday as they held a sham public hearing on the “possibility” of imposing a mandate requiring proof of vaccine (ie. passports) for all citizens to attend public events in city-owned facilities of over 50 people. Speaker after speaker, not only in person, but also via Zoom, condemned and spoke out against the citywide ordinance. What was surprising is that the city “leaders” had the patience to sit through nearly three hours of negative comments against the vaccine passports. Nevertheless, it appeared that they could not wait to dismiss the comments as irrelevant, as they gave their reasons to vote in support of the mandate.

Of course, tyrants do not consider themselves tyrants

The collective response from the council members to the public comments seemed to be more like a “circling of their political wagons” because the measure that they are taking was compared to the mandates from Nazi Germany and other tyrannical actions in the course of human history. They were “abhorred,” or “concerned,” or “disturbed” by being compared to tyrants. They wanted to assure themselves they were not really tyrants and that they were not saying people had to get the vaccine -- only that they could not go to specific places (the common references were to a hockey game). And, the concept of a vaccine passport was dismissed as they emphatically did not want to associate themselves with such a negative perception. However, this comes just as the election to recall Gov. Gavin Newsom is currently proceeding. Voting is already occurring. Observers in the Registrar of Voters Office are already monitoring the ballots being counted. Is it coincidence they may be denied access to observe in government buildings? In addition to being personally offended by the comments labeling them as tyrants due to their tyrannical actions in implementing such a mandate, the city council and mayor dismissed in a cavalier manner many citizen comments as “misinformation.” One council member, later in defending her Yes! vote, stated that she understood that such misinformation originated on the social media sites and supported the “standards” of the BigTech companies to impose their “standards” by which such “misinformation” is blocked or censured. Yet, on the other side of reality, such thorough brainwashing of the mayor and the San Jose City Council members seems to have successfully blocked the voice of the people who seemed to simply express common sense and personal concerns that such a measure would be further divisive to the residents and create an artificially imposed segregation of the people. Of course, tyrants do not consider themselves tyrants. Many consider themselves doing what they do in the interest of the people, no matter how “painful,” or how much of a sacrifice they must make to perform their nefarious deeds. And, although they do not like the label, there is an old saying that I believe originated from a fairy tale: “if the shoe fits, wear it.” It can be related to many situations. But, in such a day and age when a full grown 50 year-old man can identify as a 12-year-old girl, or men of any age self-identify as women to go into women’s restrooms, or play in women’s sports, or or white people self-identify as black people, it is not unusual for tyrants to self-identify as humanitarians. It was clear that the tyrannical actions of the mayor and the city council are not apparent to them, as it is doubtful that any have a fully functioning conscience.

At the San Jose City Council meeting, the arrogance of the members was on full display

What was extremely ironic was the fact that the meeting included a motion that was passed to have an official San Jose celebration of Juneteenth for next year. The action was ironic because the whole meaning of Juneteenth, also called “Freedom Day,” or “Emancipation Day,” is to celebrate the release of the slaves from their Democrat slave owners, who manifested the Confederacy primarily for the purpose of owning human beings. The rationale and propaganda the Democrat Party could get away with using, in that day, was that Blacks were not truly human beings; therefore, they could be treated like cattle. The measures Democrats are using across the country, in this day, is that the anti-vaxxers must be dealt with in order to teach them that “resistance is futile.” Restricting access to a baseball game, or a hockey game, or an opera is not entirely what this measure is about. The greater short-term implication here is that there is a recall election that started to proceed this week as ballots for the recall of Governor Newsom dropped beginning Monday. Volunteers from the county contingent of the Election Integrity Project of California have already started their observations of the processing of the mail-in ballots at the Santa Clara County Registrar of Voters in San Jose. Such an arbitrary mandate could trigger some serious legal issues if the county follows a similar course of restricting access to county buildings. Although the County Supervisors and the San Jose city council members would not admit to it, a serious violation of the Constitution may be developing. At the San Jose City Council meeting, the arrogance of the members was on full display. “They” own these buildings and “they” have the right to determine how best to utilize the people’s buildings. The unfortunate reality at the basis of such arrogance is that we have given these people such power -- but it is the power of an illusion. “We the People” across the nation for several decades have trusted in a system of government that requires vigilance, as in the true cost of Liberty is eternal vigilance. Criminals, communists, and the globalists have decided in many quarters to work together to exercise dominion over the “masses” as the “masses” have lost the understanding that the people we elect to public office are our employees. We give them the right to place divisive and destructive mandates over the populace, and we pay them to boot. How could that be so upside down?

Only the city “leaders” know what’s best for residents, so they will begin the steps to restrict access to city buildings

Over time, despite the ideals, the government was surrendered to people who do not care about the will of the people, they mainly consider the will of their party chiefs, who could be as corrupt and as ruthless as any corrupt politician or any political boss could be. Who holds them accountable? While “We the People” exercised the right of free speech on Tuesday, the concerns and the sincere effort to voice dissent, which was almost 95% of the comments, the words of the people fell on deaf ears. Only the city “leaders” know what’s best for residents, so they will begin the steps to restrict access to city buildings (read taxpayers’ buildings) to only those who can prove they were vaccinated. The lie of the artificial “plannedemic,” false narratives, and propaganda perpetrated by criminals, communists, and globalists, has eliminated common sense. Proper order of our system of government can only be restored by the people. The time is long overdue for criminals, communists, and globalists in the seats of power to be held under the light of the noonday sun. “We the People” must hold them accountable. “We the People” must reassert our sovereignty.

Jonus Freeman -- Bio and Archives Jonus Freeman is a conservative political commentator who has written for numerous online publications including Canada Free Press, Communities Digital News, Examiner.com, Fairfax Free Citizen, Red State, and The Washington Times (Communities)