
Many of our politicians, the left, and our media really have difficulty understanding this word, illegal

The Definition of “ILLEGAL”

According to the Random House Webster's Dictionary, the definition of the word "illegal," is as follows: adj. 1- Forbidden by law. 2- contrary to official rules or regulations.
That's it, forbidden by law. The word itself is not confusing by any means, and in fact, is actually pretty self descriptive. Illegal is the exact opposite of legal. So where do all the problems associated with this particular word come from? Is it just me, or do you feel also, that many of our politicians, the left, and our media really have difficulty understanding this word, illegal? The misunderstanding of the word illegal really seems to become evident when they speak of people coming across our borders without permission. At that point they like to refer to them as "undocumented." Put simply though, they're not undocumented, they're in reality illegal, the exact opposite of legal, which by the way, undocumented isn't. I wonder if Nancy Pelosi for example, a strong advocate of amnesty for illegal aliens, would consider one of them, or anyone else for that matter, which walked into her home uninvited or without her knowledge, consider this person as an "undocumented visitor?" I'd venture to guess she'd not consider this an undocumented visit, but rather an illegal entry and they'd probably be charged by Mrs. Pelosi with such. Many people would defend her actions because this event would have taken place at, or in, her home. Good, valid point. No one wants this type of incident taking place at their home, myself included. It's your home, and it's where your family comes as well. It'd be preposterous for people you didn't know to come and go as they please in your home, wouldn't it? But in reality, isn't our country our home too, just a bigger home? Isn't our country where our families reside as well? Do you love your country any more or any less than your home, and do you want to see them both protected equally? So where does this big difference of opinion lay when it comes to people illegally entering our country, which is our home, without permission? It's still illegal, no matter how you cut it or spin it. It is not by the farthest stretches of your imagination an undocumented action either. It is though, the exact opposite of legal, isn't it? How has our country become "turned upside down" when it comes to the definition of our laws, as well as our fundamental American values? This subject is but one example. Probably to the astonishment of the left I will say this. I do advocate immigration into our country. I believe the great majority of Americans do also. The problem I and millions of other Americans have with the immigration policy in our country is the fact that so many are coming here illegally. This in itself is the problem. First, there is no accountability as to who they are. Are they criminals, or even terrorists? No one knows the answer, simply because there is no record of their entry. To me, this is not a viable excuse to be used by our administration when, and if, a tragic event involving an illegal happens. For whatever the reasoning, our federal government has not "taken the bull by the horns" approach to this problem. We've seen the pleas by local law-enforcement, especially along the border, asking for federal assistance in handling the problems arising from this. The locals haven't the manpower, or the capabilities to combat this alone. Why do such requests go unheeded by the feds? But, the local and state governments are starting to act on this alone, as evidenced by the next few statements. Hudspeth County, Texas, Sheriff Arvin West has stated, "You farmers, I'm telling you right now, arm yourselves. As they say, the old story is, it's better to be tried by 12 than carried by 6." New Mexico Governor, Bill Richardson, has ordered the National Guard to patrol his state's borders with Mexico. Texas Governor, Rick Perry has activated the Texas military forces helicopters to fly the border between El Paso and Brownsville. Then we have Arizona just passing an illegal immigration enforcement bill that had a 70% approval rating. Governor Jan Brewer ignored the criticism from President Obama and signed the bill into law. In a statement Gov. Brewer said, "We in Arizona have been more than patient waiting for Washington to act, but decades of inaction and misguided policy have created a dangerous and unacceptable situation." President Obama says the bill is misguided, and plans on having the Justice Department look into it to see if it's legal. Isn't this one more example of our administration, the media, and the left not understanding this bill was enacted on account of illegal immigration, not legal immigration. There is a big difference between the two, in case you didn't know, Mr. President. Some of the charges by the left and different human rights and social justice groups to this legislation are typical to basically any other argument they become involved in, which in a nutshell, is race. If you think this bill was needed and approve its passage, you my friend are a racist. An article from "The Arizona Republic," entitled, Arizona Immigration Bill Ignites Outcry From Students And Latino Advocates, written by Yvonne Wingett, on 4/23/10, she had these things to say: At the end of the quotes from her article, I'll supply you with the link so you can read it in its entirety. Activist Carlos Garcia had this to say, "This bill just blew up everything for me. This is an attack. That's why folks feel they have to resort to marches, or chaining themselves to doors-because the system doesn't seem fair." I have to step in here a minute, just to express my own opinion to Carlos over his statement. You're correct in your statement Carlos, though your reasoning differs a complete 180 from my own and millions like me. The system isn't fair by any means when Joe the taxpayer has to pay for education, medical care, prison incarceration, housing, or any other welfare program to anyone who entered our country, which is our home, illegally! Not fair at all! Alfredo Gutierrez, is a long-time activist, Spanish-language radio host and former state lawmaker who told The Republic that young people and activists see the bill as the legislation of apartheid. "It's clearly trying to separate us, and the anger it's ignited is extraordinary," he said. "These kids have walked out and locked themselves up spontaneously-and the bill hasn't even passed. If she signs it, the consequences are going to be immense." Activist Alejandro Chavez said Arizona will revert to the 1960's if the bill becomes law. He is the grandson of labor leader Cesar Chavez and believes it's his responsibility to fight against measures that "target people because of the color of their skin." (Senate Bill 1070) legalizes racial profiling," he said. "We're supposed to be the land of the free. When people can't walk around free, that's wrong." azcentral.com It looks as if Alejandro would understand in order to be in the land of the free, and able to walk around free, you have to be governed by specific laws which allow your freedoms. Illegal immigration does not fall into a category as being lawful does it Alejandro? What's amazing to me is that all these people who are creating such a fuss over this legislation are asking us, no, in reality they're telling us, to condone their convictions on this issue. Even though they know full well, it is against our law, it's a tremendous burden on the taxpayer, and is actually a very serious national security threat as well! We have no idea who is coming into this country or what they may have with them. Parkland Memorial Hospital in Dallas, Texas (these are 2006 numbers), is the second busiest maternity ward in the U.S. Almost 16,000 babies are delivered there each year, about 44 per day. A patient survey indicated that 70% of the women who gave birth at Parkland in the first three months of 2006 were illegal immigrants. That's 11,200 anchor babies (American citizens) born every year just in Dallas. The hospital spent $70.7 million delivering 15,938 babies in 2004 but managed to end up with almost $8 million in surplus funding. Medicaid kicked in $34.5 million, Dallas County taxpayers kicked in $31.3 million, and the feds tossed in another $9.5 million. This has been documented through Snopes.com and you can read the rest of the article, and I suggest you do, off this link. Another article well worth the read, and authenticated by Snopes.com, on illegal immigration by a former (retired after 27 years), Border Patrol Agent, David J. Stoddard, who provided testimony to a Congressional Subcommittee on Criminal Justice, Drug Policy and Human Resources in 2002. Both of the above links are good, informative reads. Will they "tick you off?" They did me. The Parkland Hospital link basically discusses the treatment they, the illegal aliens receive, and how it's gotten to the point they demand preferential treatment, such as, more Spanish speaking staff. Because of this, Parkland is now providing incentives in the form of extra pay for applicants who speak Spanish. Free care for the illegal alien and more pay for a Spanish speaking staff member, all courtesy of the great American taxpayer! On top of this, most, if not all of the welfare recipients whether illegal or home-grown consider you, the taxpayer, and their benefactor as well, racist! Isn't it great to be loved?? Border Patrol Agent Stoddard's testimony is very informative due to his years spent in the Border Patrol, and his insight from such experience. He brings to light several policies instituted by Mexico which actually encourage its citizens to sneak into the United States. As I said, you'll enjoy his knowledge of the subject. We as American citizens need to applaud the efforts of Gov. Brewer in Arizona, and let the administration know we don't see Arizona's actions as unlawful, but indeed as an action that was needed to stop the influx of illegal immigration into our country. The laws to prevent this type of entry have been around for a long, long time and it is past time to start the enforcement of them. You've also seen this is not a one-party problem. It has been allowed to happen by Republican and Democratic leadership alike. This is why the states are now coming to grips with the seriousness of this issue without the help of the feds. As Gov. Brewer stated, "Arizona has been more than patient waiting for Washington to act." In an article from The Washington Post, written by Paul Davenport and Jonathan J. Cooper, entitled Arizona Governor Signs Immigration Enforcement Bill, on 4/23/2010 they have this to say: The legislation.... makes it a crime under state law to be in the country illegally. It also requires local police officers to question people about their immigration status if there is a reason to suspect they are illegal immigrants; allows lawsuits against government agencies that hinder enforcement of immigration laws; and makes it illegal to hire illegal immigrants for day labor or knowingly transport them. The law sends "a clear message that Arizona is unfriendly to undocumented aliens," said Peter Spiro, a Temple University law professor and author of the book "Beyond Citizenship: American Identity After Globalization." The Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund said it plans a legal challenge to the law, arguing it "launches Arizona into a spiral of pervasive fear, community distrust, increased crime (??? Me) and costly mitigation, with nationwide repercussions." --washingtonpost.com Is it incredible these people such as Peter Shapiro, and groups like the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund (you want to bet we the taxpayer fund this), can't see the short and simple truth here? These people, the undocumented as they like to call them, are here illegally! End of story, they broke our laws! Also, what must Shapiro's book be about," ...: American Identity After Globalization," but I can probably guess? In closing, every one of us, need to voice our opinion on this situation. Every state in the union is affected by this problem and we have to make our voices heard. President Obama will be seeking amnesty for these people sooner than later, and this in itself is wrong. Again, I support immigration whole heartedly, but I, do not support illegal entry into our country by any means. These people should have to leave and start the process over. It is not fair to the people who try to do this the right way, only to see the ones who entered it the wrong way, which is unlawfully or illegally, are pardoned. This is another example of crime does pay, and is condoned by our federal government on these types of issues. Arizona State Rep. Russell Pearce of Mesa, had this to say about Obama and other critics of the bill. "They're against law enforcement, our citizens and the rule of law." He said the legislation will remove "political handcuffs" from police and help drive illegal immigrants from the state. "Illegal is illegal," said Pearce. "We'll have less crime. We'll have lower taxes. We'll have safer neighborhoods. We'll have shorter lines in the emergency rooms. We'll have smaller classrooms." Thank goodness for our politicians who are beginning to move past "political correctness," and focus on our laws, and their constituents once again! God Bless You All!

Doug Bronson -- Bio and Archives

Doug Bronson is a small business owner in Florida and has written a book, “Simple Man…Simple Wisdom”