
Telling the Chinese Communist government that "Enough is Enough” and backing it up financially!

The "CHI-COM GOV” Virus

The CHI-COM GOV VirusCorona virus,COVID—19, etc. are the names that we have been using for the very dangerous virus that is currently affecting, and infecting, a very large portion of the world. If what the news has been reporting is correct, this virus was initially detected in Wuhan, China where it was attributed to a meat market that sold a wide variety of animals as food for people. There, or so we are told, the virus "crossed over” from animal to human infection. We have since also learned of the existence of a virology laboratory located in Wuhan that could have been conducting experiments with this virus and that it was possible that the virus somehow may have accidentally escaped from that lab.  Wherever it originated, the first person that China claims to have contracted the virus was in Wuhan, China in the month of November of 2019. In the five  plus months since then it has spread, literally, worldwide. Whatever the original source of this virus, what happened after the virus started infecting humans in China, provides a clear example of how China's Communist government became a great danger to the entire world and needs to be exposed for what they did, and did not do. 
Just like in all Communist dictatorships, in China the local officials have the same initial reaction to any potential crisis which is to attempt to hide the problem; not to fix it, but to hide it. It is the learned response for such officials to protect themselves from those around and above them in their own government. Like all Communist systems, China's is totally about those in power maintaining and increasing their power which means not "getting blamed” for something that went wrong. For those at almost all levels of authority it becomes far more important to "dodge the blame” than it is to make an effort to correct or minimize problems.  Given the outcome, it is clear that the virus spread rapidly in Wuhan and it appears that for the first several weeks, little, if anything was done to attempt to control it. Instead it appears that while the virus was still a local problem, that official efforts instead, were focused on attempting to hide the virus's existence. One likely result of that delay has been that what might have been stopped as a local problem has quickly become a serious and potentially deadly threat to the entire world. It is the author's hope that the world will unite in placing the blame for this epidemic and the incredible personal and economic damage that it is causing directly on the Chinese Communist Government where it, indeed, belongs. That organization needs to be made aware that the world finds them fully responsible for what their initial hesitation to act has caused and is causing.
One method of doing this would be to start referring to the virus, not asCOVID-19 or the "Chinese Virus” and refer to it as the "Chinese Communist Government Virus” or the "Chi Com Gov Virus”. If enough people throughout the world would use one of those names or something similar it would tell the Chinese Communist Government that their continued lying is not working and that there are going to be consequences. What consequences, short of war, can the world place on China that could exert sufficient pressure to force that government to change? There is one thing that the people of the world can and should do and that is simply to turn off the money. Stop buying Chinese! China's economy is extremely dependent on their exports, particularly the export of manufactured goods or components thereof. The very low wages the Chinese government pays their workers makes it more economical for many companies in the US and around the world to have the products that they market manufactured in whole or in part in China. Importing from China needs to be drastically reduced in order to put the Chinese government on notice that the world will no longer tolerate their behavior. One very good way to send this message would be if all of us throughout the world would simply stop buying things made in China. Any time a "Made in China” label appears on anything, if at all possible, DO NOT BUY IT and tell the retailer why. This would make a clear statement that the world's people rather than the world's governments were telling the Chinese Communist government that "Enough is Enough” and backing it up financially!

Stan McHugh -- Bio and Archives Stan McHugh is a freelance writer.