
Fear has a debilitating impact on society. That effect can be seen in the rising crime rates in Big Blue Cities representing a general spread in lawlessness

The CCP's Un-Restricted Asymmetrical War on America & the West

The CCP's Un-Restricted Asymmetrical War on America & the WestAbsence an admission of intent, the best explanation for a seriously disruptive event – between individuals and nations – is sought in its subsequent consequences.  The release of Covid-19 from the Wuhan Institute of Virology was likely intentional, as an act of unrestricted warfare aimed at America specifically, and the West in general.

Asymmetrical Warfare, Un-Restricted Warfare, Stealth War

Asymmetrical Warfare A hostile act where two or more states exploit the weaknesses of their opponent(s) using strategies and tactics generally considered outside the symmetry of conventional warfare.   Un-Restricted Warfare In 1998, two Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) Colonels, Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui, wrote a book entitled "Un-Restricted Warfare". Here are a few quotes from that book.
  • "Warfare which transcends all boundaries and limits, in short; unrestricted warfare."
  • "…this kind of war means that all means will be in readiness, that information will be omnipresent, and the battlefield will be everywhere.  It means that all weapons and technology can be superimposed at will…all the boundaries lying between the two worlds of war and non-war, of military and non-military, will be totally destroyed, and that many of the current principles of combat will be modified, and even that the rules of war may need to be rewritten."
  • "These two sentences, ‘fight the fight that fits one's weapons' and ‘build the weapons to fit the fight,' show the clear demarcation line between traditional warfare and future warfare, as well as pointing out the relationship between weapons and tactics in the two kinds of war."

China's stealth war on: Economy, Military, Global diplomacy, Technology, Education, Infrastructure

Stealth War
"Stealth War: How China Took Over While America's Elite Slept" (© 2019) was written by Brigadier General Robert Spalding (USAF, Ret.). Spalding served 26 years.  He ended his career as the Senior Director for Strategic Planning to the National Security Council, was formerly the China strategist for the Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staffs, as well as a Senior Defense Official and Defense Attaché to China. He holds a doctorate in economics and mathematics from the University of Missouri and is fluent in Mandarin Chinese.  He wrote: "Chinese diplomacy seeks to manipulate targets so they don't realize they are doing the CCP's dirty work. To do this, China convinces other countries that it is a good neighbor or partner and is genuinely trying to help their partners help themselves. There is little doubt that this poly drives the vast majority of deals as China unfurls its projected $1.3 trillion Belt and Road infrastructure plan for developing nations. By building a global network of connected railroads, highways, and ports throughout two-thirds of the world, China can talk a great game about helping countries participate in the worldwide economy.  but it also puts the CCP in a position to control that economy and exploit all the data that is generated as people and goods move around the world. ‘No conflict. No confrontation. Win-win cooperation' is the CCP's slogan." 

Major American corporations have sold their intellectual souls to China

The subtitle of Spalding's book illustrates how some major American corporations have sold their intellectual souls to China for a bowl of soup (Genesis 25:29-34).  Meanwhile, China has, over several years, successfully compromised the President of the United States through the Biden family.  Spalding's intent in writing was "to alert the world of China's stealth war and its strategy to dominate the planet by focusing on six spheres of influence: the economy, the military, global diplomacy, technology, education and infrastructure." With the initial thesis stated above in mind, what have been the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic on America? Here's a short list:

Consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic on America?

  1. Covid-19 was a major factor in removing President Trump from office as the MSM targeted him as the enabler of the spreading virus.  The by-product of his removal was the loss of the deterrent to China's one-sided trade relationship with the U.S.  When Trump left, China's trade exploitation recommenced. (See Spalding's book for elaboration.)
  2. The Virus provided an opportunity for the U.S. Federal Government to take further steps toward becoming more of a surveillance state.  That objective emerged in the wake of 9/11.  Citizen surveillance has reached epic levels in China. America is catching up.
  3. Public reaction to the Virus has brought division among the American citizenry. The unvaccinated are stigmatized by federal officials, including the President, by some state governments, and by the liberal media.  America is divided.  The statement "Never let a crisis go to waste" has never been truer.  Today's definition of ‘unwasted' is chaos. 
  4. America's economy faces mounting inflationary pressures as the federal deficit rises to interstellar levels.  A breakdown in the supply chain is blamed for the unavailability for some goods and services.  (This month, a major-chain hotel employee blamed the supply chain for a failure to provide bathrooms with soap. The desk clerk was reminded that soap remains available at Walmart.)  
  5. Public education is torn between in-class vs. remote learning and mask vs. no-mask debates concerning students and teachers. On-again/off-again on-line instruction for many college students has negatively impacted learning. The immediate loss in intellectual growth at all educational levels is historic for modern times.  Most recently, the SCOTUS voted that the Federal Government could not constitutionally require that non-government commercial entitles demand their employees be vaccinated. But that left government open to requiring their employees to be poked.  
  6. The credibility of the primary U.S. federal medical systems has been irreparably eroded – for the foreseeable future – in the minds of much of the American citizenry.  Dr. Anthony Fauci began as an authority on treating the virus. His credibility in that venue has significantly declined (more on that later).
  8. The current administration is pushing for an investment in infrastructure. Those who witnessed the last time an infrastructure investment was pushed by Congress remember that much of the money went elsewhere.  Recall how President Obama and the CEO of GE laughed about how those ‘shovel ready projects' were not as ‘shovel ready' as they thought. 

CCP's Un-Restricted Asymmetrical War on America through Covid-19

You have noticed that the drivers of some passing vehicles, although alone, are masked. That behavior illustrates Mass Formation Psychosis (more on that later) where fear abounds. Some warranted. Much not. Fear has a debilitating impact on society. That effect can be seen in the rising crime rates in Big Blue Cities representing a general spread in lawlessness. There is nothing to stop it from invading the suburbs.  As all this happens, there is a precipitous increase in deaths from fentanyl overdoses, much of the drug having crossed the open U.S. southern border after originating in China. These outcomes are but a few among the consequences of the CCP's Un-Restricted Asymmetrical War on America through Covid-19 (AKA: Wuhan Virus).   And the rest of the West is not immune.  Previously posted on the Canada Free Press by this writer: Aussie Investigative Reporter Eclipses GOP Covid CommitteeWill America awake from Comfortably Numb?

Lee Cary -- Bio and Archives Since November 2007, Lee Cary has written hundreds of articles for several websites including the American Thinker, and Breitbart’s Big Journalism and Big Government (as “Archy Cary”). and the Canada Free Press. Cary’s work was quoted on national television (Sean Hannity) and on nationally syndicated radio (Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin). His articles have posted on the aggregate sites Drudge Report, Whatfinger, Lucianne, Free Republic, and Real Clear Politics. He holds a Doctorate in Theology from Garrett Theological Seminary in Evanston, IL, is a veteran of the US Army Military Intelligence in Vietnam assigned to the [strong]Phoenix Program[/strong]. He lives in Texas.