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The B&R Wednesday Edition

In the Book According to Al, pension reform is now a civil rights violation

Keystone cops: Officers leave loaded rifle unattended on boot of patrol car… then drives away with gun STILL in place What do you say to this? Democrats pass austerity budget for California It wouldn’t hurt so much today had Democrats not been in spend-fest denial for years In the race? Maverick Palin still mum on her intentions Sarah Palin’s man in Iowa says she will run for the White House in 2012 Enough of the drama already Voters unhappy with Obama on deficits Poll Numbers Continue Alarming Trend for Obama Stand by. The white guilt, you’re-a-racist-if-you-don’t-vote-for-Obama card is still in the deck Attack on teen prompts curfew in Columbia Have you noticed the lack of reporting on black mobs terrorizing American cities? Had a white mob beaten up a young black male… Obamas returning to Vineyard in August Beggin’ for money to save HIS job (and take a little more paid time off) Obama Troop Cuts Went Beyond Largest Withdrawal Offered By Top General Of course the smartest president ever would know more about how to conduct war better than some lowly soldier N.J. Miracle – How about the rest of us? Jersey has a leader who faces reality with balls. The rest of us don’t Mittle Ground Romney says he can work with Democrats (and he did). Can you say “RomneyCare”…? Michele Bachmann, you’re no Stepford Wife: Only a gaffe-proof candidate can win The media has a double standard on mistakes, thus we can’t afford any Diet drinks make you fat Just drink Classic Coke like the rest of us The Worst Boss in Congress? Richardson spokesman responds to damning ethics complaint by watchdog group Angry, abusive, power-trippin’ black liberal women: Sheila Jackson Lee, now Richardson. A trend? Harigate: Oh, the delicious hypocrisy of the Left The trust factor comes back to haunt Al Gore in Denial Hustlers usually are Nato helicopters end siege at Kabul Intercontinental hotel Yeah, we have the Taliban right where we want them. Good time to announce our leaving Future of federal solar programs in doubt Why? Van Jones says “America is not broke” Senate panel OKs use of force in Libya To cover for Obama Flotilla faces serious delays, might sail only next week Gaza flotilla organizers demand Greek police provide security for ships They plan on mocking the national security of a sovereign country and now they “demand” protection while they do it. # The joke of ‘secure Britain’: Vile banned militant extremist strolls through Heathrow immigration as 200 Somalian criminals are allowed to stay due to human rights Muslim extremists can move about freely while Michael Savage is banned Barney Frank wants to decriminalize marijuana Ron Paul teaming up with Frank. One reason I’m proud to have never been a Paulie BBC boss who lost his job left with £950,000 pay-off Liberals go off on this kind of thing, except when it’s them President Fails To Measure Up Even To Carter That’s cold

Bob Parks -- Bio and Archives

Bob Parks is a is a member/writer of the National Advisory Council of Project 21. Bob’s websites are Black & Right and youtube.com/BlackAndRight