
Obama has done more to divide America racially and ideologically, but in doing so he has also galvanized the Bitter Clinger Party

The Bitter Clinger Party

With the Iowa Caucuses a few weeks away, and the New Hampshire primary to follow soon on its heels, is it too late to form a solid voting block that can identify as the Bitter Clingers Party? Consider the latest actions by the president: Executive Orders meant to curtail gun ownership as well as focus on exciting the liberal base. But what it really has accomplished is boosting the stocks of gun makers, increased gun sales, and succeeded in dividing Americans even more.
Ask yourself this: Which side do you want to be on? The proactive self-defense bitter clingers, or the side that is so delusional it thinks the government can actually protect and care for them? Yes, it’s an easy choice for sane people, for only crazy folks put their faith and trust in the current leadership of the United States. When you take the liberal media (most all of television, movies, news outlets, and internet influence), the Executive Branch, liberal judges, the recent actions of the Supreme Court, EPA, DOJ, IRS, and other rogue agencies out of the picture—the majority of America is held together by Bitter Clingers! And while they cling to their guns and religion (and the constitution) they also comprise a force of millions and millions who are near the breaking point of a revolution aimed at not just voting the liars and scoundrels out of office—but ignoring the many unconstitutional directives that have been vomited out of the White House, the SUPCO, and the aforementioned agencies.
Take the rise of Donald Trump for example. The media would have you think that his popularity has everything to do with angry white men. What they don’t get is that a plurality of blacks also feel disenfranchised as they watch special government comforts being extended to illegal aliens. College grads who cannot find jobs are angry watching the extension of work visas to foreign workers who will get paid much lower wages for the same jobs they need—and in some cases these very citizens are forced to train their foreign replacements. There are millions of immigrants who came to America LEGALLY—and who are bitter at the inaction of Obama and ICE to enforce the laws that would protect us from the current invasion. This administration has managed to anger more segments of America than anyone before him. Obama cannot admit that radical Islam is a problem, he takes joy in sending terrorists in GITMO back to ISIS and Al Qaeda to conspire to kill Americans again, he has shown his fondness for Islam while denouncing Christianity—and cannot even mention the genocide of Christians in many countries in the Middle East. In short, he has done more to divide America racially and ideologically, but in doing so he has also galvanized the Bitter Clinger Party.

Dave Macy -- Bio and Archives

Dave Macy (aka: Dave Deppisch) spent 30 years as a conservative talk host on a variety of stations in markets like Atlanta, Nashville, Toledo, and Ft. Wayne. He was drawn out of his profession into the ministry and now serves as an associate pastor. He preaches several times a year and is also available to bring his unique style of common sense conservative talk along with his faith in Jesus Christ to any setting that is looking for a speaker with humor, common sense, and Christian values.

He is the author of DoubtFreeLiving.com,and has been privileged to speak at CBN and appear as a guest on World Harvest TV.