
Mexico filed a brief in court against the AZ immigration law

The Assault On Our Sovereignty

Recent events surrounding the immigration issue with Arizona has divided this nation even further. Regardless of whether one is pro or con, it is still an issue within the U.S. and its citizens.
With the weakness of the current administration, foreign governments have assaulted our sovereignty as a nation by using our own federal courts. Without having any standing in this country, Mexico filed a brief in court against the AZ immigration law. In any other country, this would be unheard of. But here with having a world government in mind, this has been deemed acceptable by the silence the administration has voiced. Seven other Latin American countries want to join Mexico in supporting a lawsuit challenging Arizona's immigration enforcement law. Bolivia, Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Paraguay and Peru filed separate and nearly identical motions to join Mexico's legal brief supporting the lawsuit filed by U.S. civil rights and other advocacy groups. A federal judge formally accepted Mexico's filing July 1 but did not immediately rule on the latest motions filed late last week. Each of these countries has illegal aliens in this country. Wake up, Americans! We are quickly losing our ability to govern ourselves by the courts accepting these actions by foreign governments. The White House has remained silent as the U.S. Department of State. No one is protecting American citizens from outside influence. No one outside the U.S. should be allowed to influence outcomes of a state or federal law. But yet, we have ample proof of this administration’s failure to do the job they were elected to do. This assault on our sovereignty should strike at the heart of every American who believes we are our own country, made up of our own laws, and govern ourselves. Where are the protests against allowing these countries to try and influence the laws of our states and the laws of this country? Where are the diplomats telling these countries to back off and leave our governing to the U.S. citizens? Where is anyone taking note of these outrageous and insulting actions by foreign governments? These civil rights and other advocacy groups who entertained having a foreign country join them in the lawsuit should be looked at as attempting to undermine the sovereignty of this nation. This issue is to be dealt with within the U.S. and not play out on the world stage. It is for the U.S. to decide who is allowed into this country; it is for the U.S. to determine how illegals are to be dealt with; it is for the U.S. to make those decisions without foreign interference. But with this administration, it seems ignoring the American citizen in favor of supporting other countries has been, and will continue to be, the norm. Note: The Governor of Arizona should call an emergency session of its legislator to declare its sovereignty and invoke itself under 10th amendment now.

Armand C. Hale -- Bio and Archives

MSgt. Armand C. Hale retired from the U.S. Air Force, has served his country for over 23 years,  His many tours of duty included Korea, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar. He has a degree in business & management, and has written a book about his experiences in the country of Qatar. You can purchase his book at Amazon and Lulu Books