
United Nations, Sustainability Police

Thank you Canada! You cured my despair over UN Agenda 21

imageExceed your electric quota and it will cost you! In 1992, the UN looked upon the world and concluded: "We are confronted with a perpetuation of disparities between and within nations, a worsening of poverty, hunger, ill health and illiteracy, and the continuing deterioration of the ecosystems on which we depend for our well-being." The UN still sees a glass half empty, and their purported remedy is imposing their Agenda 21 Master Plan for a centralized world government.
Others, familiar with state tyranny vehemently disagree with this remedy. In 1947, Mahatma Gandhi was asked about the wisdom of a state-controlled economy, and replied: "I look upon an increase of the power of the state with the greatest fear, because although while apparently doing good by minimizing exploitation, it does the greatest harm to mankind by destroying individuality, which lies at the root of all progress." George Washington said: "Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force; like fire, a troublesome servant and a fearful master." Ignoring these icons of Liberty, in 1992 the UN unleashed their Agenda 21 Master Plan, empowering bureaucrats to leverage the power of the UN to transform the world into a peaceful, sustainable place, where well fed indigenous peoples are employed with green technology, and ride high speed trains to, and from, their efficient sustainable apartments. You've noticed their improvements over the last 19 years, right? Future UN Agenda 21 plans call for developed countries to help more by giving away their technology and intellectual property to create sustainable utopias. But I digress. The UN Agenda 21 Master Plan to control the world is going to be great, and Canada is playing a significant role in creating it!

The UN has been relentless in their pursuit of a New World Order, quietly crusading and coercing bureaucrats worldwide with a sustainability propaganda campaign that would make Leni Riefenstahl blush with anticipation. In 1992, the UN Division for Sustainable Development was created to implement the UN Agenda 21 Master Plan. In 1993, the European Union was created, and now the UN is creating the North American Union, which will make it easier for the two Unions to merge. In 1994, NAFTA was implemented, and created free trade zones in Mexico where products are made in about 3,000 factories (maquiladoras), and shipped back to the US and Canada. To facilitate product shipments across the US-Mexico border, US Customs and Border Protection introduced SENTRI (Secured Electronic Network for Traveler's Rapid Inspection) which scans RFID chips on Mexican trucks, allowing them to pass without stopping. SENTRI is operational in eight US cities, and according to the Border Patrol its been operational in El Paso since 1997. SENTRI is good for Mexican business, but it is also a step toward eliminating the border. The UN has taken the following steps to create the North American Union (NAU):
  • Creating a North American compliance agency -- When we merge, we will need standardized regulations, and someone to enforce them, ergo, the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (headquartered in Montreal), which was created in 1994 by the US EPA, Environment Canada, and Mexico's Environment and Natural Resources. The CEC acts as a super-agency with the goal of: "Canada, Mexico and the United States cooperating to protect North America's shared environment."
The creation of the CEC is crucial, because despite Spain's experience the Master Planners say green jobs are the future; so the UN will need a continuous cash flow to subsidize the creation of sustainable green jobs in underdeveloped nations. The UN has acknowledged this funding will come from the redistribution of fees and taxes from "unsustainable activities" in developed nations. Therefore, the NAU will need a super-enforcer to monitor unsustainable activities in North America, collect fees, and transmit our cash and green technology to the UN. In essence, they need Sustainability Police.
  • To reduce stops at the borders and maximize the flow of goods within the NAU, the North America's Corridor Coalition, Inc. (NASCO) was formed, to build, improve, and connect, railroads and highways, as shown on NASCO's interactive map. There has been significant resistance to the superhighway in Texas, which has slowed the construction of the superhighway and a Mexican customs office in Kansas City, Missouri, which would be the first customs check for Mexican truckers crossing the border from SENTRI locations. But in January 2011, the US DOT published a Concept Document, for a new phased in approach for Mexican trucking, which could result in de facto open borders for Mexican truckers. There will be some reviewing and checking of Mexican truckers, but the Concept Document does not state the Mexican truckers or their trucks must meet the same US federal standards as American truckers. The Independent Drivers Association, states this approach in unfair because this lack of safety and environmental compliance allows Mexican truckers to operate with lower costs.
  • The UN has planned for the day we are moderately comfortable with the idea of living in the NAU. That is when they will announce the NAU merger with the EU. In fact, the EU is already on standby for that merger, because in 2010, the European Chemicals Agency signed Memorandums of Understanding (MOU) with Environment Canada - Health Canada, and the US EPA for, "the implementation and further development of EU policies." So we just have to sit back and wait for it to happen!
If you don't know which activities are unsustainable don't worry. As it says in the Preamble, "Agenda 21 is a dynamic programme." At the end of Section 1.6, they add, "It could evolve over time in the light of changing needs and circumstances." So unsustainable is a flexible term, and when the time comes the UN will tell us exactly what it means, and how much to pay. To ensure your compliance and payment to the Sustainability Police, in 2005, the UN signed a MOU to partner with Google. As an American, when I realized the NAU was coming I was outraged and depressed. How could the public (i.e. me!) let our government pay for the UN's subversive propaganda, and then allow the UN to take our cash and deposit it into the bank accounts of third world dictators, for green jobs? The UN Agenda 21 Master Plan didn't make sense to me because it sounded just like socialism; but then I looked at the bright side and saw the silver lining...Canada! The US is fortunate to be able to host about a million new illegals every year. But regardless of our past good fortune, I am guessing with the new superhighways and railroad connections being built for the NAU, we will lose a third of those to Canada; which as the second largest country in the world can also provide great sustainable opportunities. That will be great for the US since it will save us a boatload of cash, and it will be great for Canada since the undocumented workers will do all the jobs you don't want to do. Just imagine how sustainable Canada will be as your undocumented workers take trains in Vancouver, Winnipeg, and Toronto, or jump on the Corridor, and ride the rails to their jobs making curly light bulbs for you! No matter how you look at it, it's a win-win! After all, the UN Environmental Program that defines "sustainable" was even started by a Canadian, Mr. Maurice Strong, who also managed the UN Oil-for-Food Programme. But oddly, when Mr. Strong discussed sustainability at Rio he sounded like one of George Washington's "fearful masters" when he asked: "Isn't it the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to bring that about?" This startled me at first, but then I thought; what could possibly go wrong after the UN's best minds designed, and are now implementing the Master Plan we must obey? With the promise of open borders, free healthcare, alternative energy, and green jobs all you have to do is look at the sustainable state of California to see how great the NAU will make Canada! Si?

James Lampe -- Bio and Archives

James Lampe grew up in Pittsburgh, PA, earned a BS in Environmental Science and worked as a laborer and QA Chemist in a steel mill. He entered the environmental field as a Project Manager in the NJDEP Superfund Program, and his first job was excavating unexploded rocket fuel.

He went on to work as a Project Manager in environmental consulting, and as an EH&S Manager for a multi-national Pharmaceutical corporation. While working as EH&S Manager for a Pesticide manufacturer, he earned a BA in Business Management. He has performed over 40 EH&S audits and worked on many Superfund sites.

Jim can be reached at: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).