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True Green Report

Giving terrorists road maps

July 29, 2002

Did you know?

That more than 17,000 scientists (including hundreds of climate experts) have signed a petition saying they see "no convincing scientific evidence that humans are disrupting the earth’s climate?"

Giving terrorists road maps

"Is Greenpeace a tool of state-sponsored ecoterrorism?" asks Dan S. Borne, President of the Louisiana Chemical Association in a recent letter to the Times-Picayune.

"Its most recent affront, posting petrochemical worst-case scenarios on the Internet, is one of the organization’s most egregious.

"Sophomoric antics like hanging a sign from a building have been replaced by giving terrorists road maps to the nation’s critical facilities.

"People know chemical plants and refineries can be dangerous. The building blocks for virtually every product from miracle drugs to smart bombs guidance systems are often, in their early stages problematic if not handled properly. So are stepladders and SUVs when you’re not careful.

"That’s why our plants preach safety, safety, safety. That’s why they have long-standing relationships with local emergency responders, sheriff’s offices and the State Police.

"That’s why plants shared with their communities the worse-case scenarios Greenpeace has made available to the world. And that’s also why, long before Sept. 11, plants sided with the FBI, the Defense Department and the country’s intelligence community to oppose posting these scenarios on the Internet. Who on some other continent would need to know about a plant in South Louisiana?

"Greenpeace is an organization that owes its allegiance to no nation. It has put its own agenda ahead of America’s well-being, answering only to its left-wing ideology and to unnamed fellow travelers who pump millions into its coffers. Federal investigators and enterprising journalists should ask whether its funding is influenced by donors who do not have America’s security interests at heart."

Beam us up, Scotty:

Earth ‘will expire by 2050’

"Our planet is running out of room and resources. Modern man has plundered so much, a damning report recently claims," write Mark Townsend and Jason Burke in The Observer.

"Earth’s population will be forced to colonize two planets within 50 years if natural resources continue to be exploited at the current rate, according to the report.

"A study by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) warns that the human race is plundering the planet at a pace that outstrips its capacity to support life.

"In a damning condemnation of Western Society’ high consumption levels, it adds that the extra planets (the equivalent size of Earth) will be required by the year 2050 as existing resources are exhausted.

"The report, based on scientific data from across the world, reveals that more than a third of the natural world has been destroyed by humans over the past three decades.

"…Experts say that seas will become emptied of fish while forests–which absorb carbon dioxide emissions–are completely destroyed and freshwater supplies become scarce and polluted.

"The report offers a vivid warning that either people curb their extravagant lifestyles or risk leaving the onus on scientists to locate another planet that can sustain human life. Since this is unlikely to happen, the only option is to cut consumption.

"Systemic overexploitation of the planet’s oceans has meant the North Atlantic’s cod stocks have collapsed from an estimated spawning stock of 264,000 tonnes in 1970 to under 60,000 in 1995.

"African elephant numbers have fallen from 1.2 million in 1980 to half a million now. In the UK the songbird population has fallen dramatically. With the corn bunting declining by 92 per cent in the past 30 years.

"The US places the greatest pressure on the environment, with its carbon dioxide emissions and over-consumption. It takes 12.2 hectares of land to support each American citizen and 6.29 for each Briton, while the figure for Burundi is just half a hectare."

Defining Kyoto

Kyoto…``changing the way societies produce and use energy, and justifying a powerful system of global government.

"Indeed, French Premier Jacques Chirac told delegates to the plenary session at the Sixth Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP-6) in the Hague that the Kyoto Treaty is "the first component of an authentic global governance."

-Nick Nichols, Rules For Corporate Warriors

The Green Anarchy Tour

If you are looking for a way to while away those hot summer days, you might be interested in Green Anarchy Tour, coming to "urban hells" throughout the United States this summer.

The tour began in Ashland, Ore. in mid-July and travels through California and the southwest before making its way to Washington, D.C. in August.

The purpose of the tour, according to its sponsors is "to destroy civilization on this stolen land."

Green Anarchy Tour is a chance for "environmental" activists, animal "rights" activists, anarchists and urban hell-dwellers of all stripes to gather together to enjoy the musical stylings of bands such as Bongizilla and The Fartz, and to participate in what they call "Direct Action Workshops".

Direct action is the euphemism that anarchists and ecoterrorists use in lieu of "sabotage", "arson" and other words that might better describe their attacks against government, the business community or society at large.

Wildfires raging in the West and plumes of smoke drifting across the Eastern seaboard from Canadian forest fires are reminders of the consequences that environmental extremism brings to ordinary citizens.

Decades of mismanagement prompted by extreme preservationist groups have resulted in the firestorms now erupting in our national forests. Burned-out buildings, bankrupt businesses, lost jobs, amid the destruction of years of valuable medical research all bear the imprimatur of anarchists and terrorists of the sort that Green Anarchy want to attract.

Proceeds from the tour, if there are any, will, according to the official website, go to help West Coast anarchists and Earth Liberation Front (ELF) prisoners such as Jeffrey "Free" Luers amd Craig "Critter" Marshall, both convicted of arson for fire-bombing a car dealership in Oregon.

Writing from his prison cell, Luers had this to say about "direct action" by ecoterrorists: "For years, decades, we have pleaded and petitioned those in power, those responsible for injustice, genocide and ecocide. This pleading has gone unanswered. It is time to use actions that can not (sic) be ignored.

"In defense of life, these actions are justified. `Strike a match, light a fuse. We only have the earth to lose.’"

"The Green Anarchy Tour," the group posts on its website, "is an attempt to bridge the gap between the punk movement, the revolutionary anarchist movement, the ecological movement, and prisoners of war who have been incarcerated for their involvement in the struggles listed above.

"Through the media of slides, videos, spoken word and music, we will share our perspective to comrades across turtle island in what may very well be the last state-permitted summer of `above-ground organizing’. We understand that time is running out, for us and for the earth. And thus we will take our words, ideas, music and spirit on the snakes of concrete, the civilized transportation infrastructure to various movements in America."

But for the more serious ecoterrorist who eschews the sort of fun and good times that Green Anarchy Tour is bringing to towns acoss turtle Island, there is this alternative option proposed by Earth First: "To those feeling suicidal: This may be the answer to your dreams: If you are determined to end it all, don’t slink off to some garage and intensify acid rain and the greenhouse effect by CO poisoning. Don’t jump off a bridge–blow up the bridge! Who says you can’t take it with you?"

Unfortunately, As Earth First! And Green Anarchy Tour remind us, and as we have been reminded in recent weeks by concerns about a dirty bomb possibly in the hands of a U.S. citizen, not all terrorism threats come from outside the country." Wires

Canada Free Press, CFP Editor Judi McLeod