
o forget the talking heads opinions. Most of them are in it for the money and the ratings. I’d rather know what a hard working American conservative has to say than listen to the likes of Dick Morris, Lanny Davis, Donna Brazile, Charles Krauthammer,

Tearing Down the Grand Old Party!

While many pundits are quick to offer their expertise on the various strengths and weaknesses of Republican presidential candidates, the real battle for the presidency is being waged in comment sections of popular conservative websites. And they are often not only funnier than what you can read by some of the “political experts”, but most of the time they are a better predictor of the heart of conservatism in America.
The conservative attacks (justified) on President Obama are reactions to his lack of leadership, socialistic policies, and his disdain for America. An example of the trickery of the Obama administration not being lost on conservatives can be read in the comments here at CFP and some other sites such as Lucianne.com. In the aftermath of the vote on Obamacare, one commenter wrote:
The voters did not support Obamacare, as Obama asserts. Instead, they attempted to prevent its passage by voting for a Republican (Brown) in a special election in Massachusetts (of all places). As the 41st senator, it was hoped that Brown could uphold a Republican filibuster to prevent passage of the law. But the voters' will was thwarted by the Democrats who refused to seat the new senator until after the vote was taken. Fraud, trickery and intimidation may be the Chicago way to win, but it certainly doesn't indicate that the gangster-in-chief had the support of the American people in passing his healthcare law.
And this reaction to that covert Halloween party at the White House with Tim Burton and Johnny Depp:
The first rule for leftist elitists is to deny being leftist elitists or that anything leftist elitist has ever taken place. It's like ''Fight Club'' only with more yelling and the violence is hidden in the background.
And one more on the chance that Rick Perry might play the role of spoiler in the upcoming South Carolina Primary:
If Romney survives this set up campaign by the elites then goes against Obama who will beat him what will be said? After Dole, McCain then Romney you will hear the words 'never again will I vote for a RINO'. Will the lesson be learned? Not until a Tea Party is formed and the Republicans can meld with the democrats. When we are a communist country you will have a long time to think about it. I said never again after McCain and I mean it. Perry is the only conservative in this race that can beat Obama.
Of course if you take time to scan the comments on sites that are not monitored for foul language you can find a ton of freedom of speech euphemisms that will cause you to blush! So forget the talking heads opinions. Most of them are in it for the money and the ratings. I’d rather know what a hard working American conservative has to say than listen to the likes of Dick Morris, Lanny Davis, Donna Brazile, Charles Krauthammer, Fred Barnes, and other professional partisan political hacks!

Dave Macy -- Bio and Archives

Dave Macy (aka: Dave Deppisch) spent 30 years as a conservative talk host on a variety of stations in markets like Atlanta, Nashville, Toledo, and Ft. Wayne. He was drawn out of his profession into the ministry and now serves as an associate pastor. He preaches several times a year and is also available to bring his unique style of common sense conservative talk along with his faith in Jesus Christ to any setting that is looking for a speaker with humor, common sense, and Christian values.

He is the author of DoubtFreeLiving.com,and has been privileged to speak at CBN and appear as a guest on World Harvest TV.