
A “free pass”, Mr. Cavuto?

Talking Head Neil Cavuto Convinced That The President Wants Him To “Fawn” Over Him

Talking Head Neil Cavuto Convinced That The President Wants Him To Fawn Over HimArrogant, dying-to-be-noticed-out-there-in left-field Neil Cavuto has somehow convinced himself that President Donald Trump wants the Fox News host to “fawn” over him: "First of all, Mr. President, we don't work for you," Cavuto postulated at the end of his last night show. (The Blaze, Aug. 29, 2019)
Addressing a tweet that the president lobbed at the cable news channel, Cavuto went all-out TDS:
"I don't work for you. My job is to cover you, not fawn over you or rip you, just cover you. Call balls and strikes. Our job is to keep score, not settle scores," he explained.
Given that admitted Hillary Clinton-debate-question-provider Donna Brazile is one of the talking heads the network that pays his salary, gives a voice, it is plain to see that Fox is keeping, and perhaps even “settling”, some scores. "You are right for a media isn't fair to you. That they are more inclined to report the bad than anything good about you so it's no surprise you are frustrated that more aren't in line with you — that everyone at Fox might not be in lockstep with you," Cavuto said. "Alright well, I think the president watches Fox. I also think he is getting sick of Fox. Which is weird because I think he gets pretty fair coverage at Fox," said Cavuto. It’s not the president watching Fox News that should be a worry to Cavuto and the Network. It’s the Fox viewership disappointed because of its slide to the left in the midst of the 2020 election campaign.
"But the president making clear to fact-check him is to be all but dead to him and his legion of supporters who let me know in no uncertain terms I am either with him totally or I am a Never-Trumper bully," he continued. (The Blaze) "There are no grays. No middle grounds. You are either all in or you're just out. Loyal on everything or not to be trusted on anything," he explained. "Hard as it is to fathom, Mr. President, just because you're the leader of the free world it doesn't entitle you to a free pass," he said. "Unfortunately, just a free press," he concluded."
A “free pass”, Mr. Cavuto? What a joke when 90% of the media, including its egotistical, know-it-all talking heads, have been attacking President Trump almost daily since his unexpected 2016 election victory. Why doesn’t Cavuto come out and say what he really thinks: The president of the USA has NO RIGHT to his opinion because he’s the viscerally HATED and smeared Donald J. Trump?

Related: Long-suffering Deplorables should remember that this was Democrat diatribe presented by Fox News, not CNN or MSNBC.

Fox News’ Anti-Trumper Neil Cavuto Recycles Valerie Jarrett

-- June 15, 2019 Fox News’ Anti-Trumper Neil Cavuto Recycles Valerie JarrettThis time last year, Canada Free Press (CFP) dared to ask whether Neil Cavuto and Fox News were trying to outdo Fake News King CNN when Cavuto claimed to be shocked, stunned and “disgusted” that President Donald Trump didn’t go after Russian President Vladimir Putin for stealing the election from Hillary Clinton, during a press conference in Helsinki. “Fox Business Network host Neil Cavuto on Monday called out President Trump over his press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin after Trump appeared to side with the Russian president over his denial of involvement in the 2016 election. (The Hill, June 16, 2018) “Cavuto said that Trump’s “disgusting” refusal to confront Putin about Russian meddling was effectively letting Putin “get away” with it.” “How dare President Trump not count himself in as one of the deranged Progs who believes his own election was illegitimate?!” CFP asked. “This has got to be the most incredible thing I’ve ever witnessed,” Neil Cavuto said. He likened it to someone offering to help look into the cause of a fire that they started.” (Mediaite) Yesterday morning Cavuto was back to showcase former Obama top advisor Valerie Jarrett in a return of Fox News propped up propaganda. Pouffed, polished and prettified, now displaying a remarkably softer side, Jarrett joined a noticeably hoarse-voiced Cavuto Thursday morning on the Coast to Coast show. -- More...
How dare President Trump not count himself in as one of the deranged Progs who believes his own election was illegitimate?!

Cavuto Bought into Russia-Stole-Election Conspiracy and Now “DISGUSTED” Trump Won’t?

--July, 17, 2018 Cavuto Bought into Russia-Stole-Election Conspiracy and Now DISGUSTED Trump Won't? If anyone can play the part of shocked, stunned and “disgusted” that President Donald Trump didn’t go after Russian President Vladimir Putin for stealing the election from Hillary Rodham Clinton, it’s Fox News Business Network Host Neil Cavuto. Most folk fully expected the mainstream and social media to pile on Trump for not upsetting Putin’s apple cart in Helsinki, they just didn’t know that a thoroughly “disgusted” Cavuto would be the one bringing up the rear. “Fox Business Network host Neil Cavuto on Monday called out President Trump over his press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin after Trump appeared to side with the Russian president over his denial of involvement in the 2016 election. (The Hill, June 16, 2018)
“Cavuto said that Trump’s "disgusting" refusal to confront Putin about Russian meddling was effectively letting Putin “get away” with it.”
How dare President Trump not count himself in as one of the deranged Progs who believes his own election was illegitimate?! More...

Judi McLeod -- Bio and Archives -- Judi McLeod, Founder, Owner and Editor of Canada Free Press, is an award-winning journalist with more than 30 years’ experience in the print and online media. A former Toronto Sun columnist, she also worked for the Kingston Whig Standard. Her work has appeared throughout the ‘Net, including on Rush Limbaugh and Fox News.