
Persecution and Prayer Alert, Voice of the Martyrs

SYRIA: Mother and Daughter Persecuted for Christian Faith

Sources: VOM USA, Release International A Syrian mother and her daughter are under fire for their new Christian faith. Three years ago, "Karima" learned about the love of Jesus and became a devoted follower. As the married mother of three, she hoped her husband "Ismaeil," a Muslim, might also believe. Instead, he became even more devoted to his Muslim faith and trained as an imam (an Islamic spiritual leader).
Ismaeil forbade Karima and their daughter, who had also converted to Christianity, from reading the Bible or sharing their faith with others. About two months ago, he also began beating Karima. Fortunately, recent health challenges have prevented him from abusing her further. Elsewhere in the country, other Christians are facing opposition from Islamic radical groups. Much of the north, for example, has come under the control of militant groups attempting to impose a strict Islamic ideology on the area. Pray that God will shield and protect Karima and her daughter, surrounding them with His favour (Psalm 5:12). Also lift up her son who has recently started attending church. May his faith grow and be deeply rooted. Pray that Ismaeil will repent of his abuse toward his wife and recognize his need for a Saviour, joining his family in worshipping the one true God. Please also intercede on behalf of all believers throughout Syria, that they will continue to follow Jesus at any cost.
To share your own prayers for Karima and her family, please visit our Persecuted Church Prayer Wall.


CHINA: Pastor Charged with 'Fraud' and 'Disrupting Public Order'

Sources: ChinaAid, Radio Free Asia, Christian Solidarity Worldwide Zhang Shaojie, 49, a pastor detained in November of 2013 along with over 20 other Christians, has been charged with committing fraud and gathering a mob to disrupt public order. His criminal hearing has been scheduled for February 12th. Pastor Zhang and his state-approved church began facing opposition from authorities after the county government reneged on an agreement to allocate a piece of land for the church to construct a new building. The incarceration of the believers came as a surprise to many observers, as the communist government typically targets unregistered congregations. (For more information on Pastor Zhang's arrest, please visit this page). Thankfully, by mid-January, several of the imprisoned Christians had been freed. On January 24th, three additional believers -- Ms. Zhao Xiping, Ms. Yang Miling and Ms. Sheyin Duanmu -- were also released. The conditions of their release were not yet known at last report. Thank the Lord for the release of these dear sisters in Christ! Ask God to be near Pastor Zhang and his legal counsel as they prepare for his criminal hearing. May the legal authorities act justly, recognizing Pastor Zhang's innocence and releasing him to his family. Pray that the other believers who remain imprisoned will also soon be freed. Bring the country of China to God in prayer, asking Him to powerfully use His church to bring glory to His name. To learn more about China's persecuted church, go to the China Country Report.

KAZAKHSTAN: Criminal Trial Begins for Retired Pastor

Source: Forum 18 News Eight months after his arrest, retired pastor Bakhytzhan Kashkumbayev arrived in court on January 22nd for the first hearing in his criminal trial. He faces charges of harming health, inciting hatred, propagating extremism and leading an organization that harms others. The charges carry a maximum penalty of about six to ten years' imprisonment each. He denies all wrongdoing. (For more details on his arrest, click here.) The 67-year-old pastor has gone deaf in one ear and has suffered heart problems during the long months he has spent in prison and a psychiatric hospital. His trial will resume after January 31st. Elsewhere in the country, two Christians were imprisoned for 48 hours, beginning on January 9th, for refusing to pay fines that were given as punishment for exercising their freedom of religion "without state permission." Numerous fines continue to be levied for this "offence." Pray the Lord's favour will be upon Pastor Bakhytzhan and his legal team, and that the truth of his case will be brought to light. May he soon be acquitted of all charges and released. Pray, too, that God will completely heal and restore him. As others face fines or even imprisonment for exercising their religious freedom, ask God to use them and their suffering to strengthen fellow believers and encourage the growth of His church in Kazakhstan. You can encourage Pastor Bakhytzhan by sending him a letter. Mail your correspondence to: Bakhytzhan Kashkumbayev SI-12 (ETs 166/1) Alash Tas Zhol street 30/1 010000 Astana Kazakhstan

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