
Stop the enticement to come here

Stop Funding Ecuador

It's actually funny to watch in a sick sort of way.
The President believes he can control Putin with sanctions but he isn't even attempting to control Central American countries the same way. I'll just bet that if we threatened to withhold the approximately $25 million that we give Ecuador annually until they stop sending their kids to us that there would be some changes made. If not, at least we'd have some money to care for those children. As it stands now, the President and liberal media types accuse anyone who believes that this isn't our problem of being Unchristian, heartless. They use the Reagan "shining city on a hill" quote to imply that it is our responsibility to take any and all comers no matter the cost. Well, part of being responsible and realistic is making hard choices, something this President deftly avoids. We can and we should (for the sake of the children) stop the enticement to come here and make it clear that we will not accept them. Victoria Vaughn

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