
The State of Israel

“Start worrying, details to follow”

A while back, I read a reasoned article suggesting the survival of Israel was important to the free world. My feeling is that the survival of Israel is more important today than was the survival of England in the last Great War. With a thousand times the firepower around today, the stakes are much higher. The enemy is far more deadly and committed...and a shade looney.
Here is an interesting quote I found recently, and saved... "The Jews," he said, "will never be able to settle more than a few million people here. That is reality. What is also reality is the fact that such a state will always be surrounded by tens of millions of hostile and unforgiving Arabs. You cannot expect to hold them at bay forever. Sheer weight of numbers and a Moslem society that perpetuates hatred makes that impossible. If you are to survive, you must establish the principle of retaliation.... What the Arab must understand is that he is going to face a reprisal..... massive retaliation - it is the key to controlling forces a hundred times the size of your own." (said to a British officer by a member of the Haganah in 1936, 70 years ago). The lingering dilemma for me is--why in hell are we not in a panic over the major problem. The real and frightening problem that is endlessly talked about but never really attended to. A problem we are all part of. The conundrum of perception. Jews are perceived to be a demonic race of evil people by much of the world. They are not. However, there is a perception gap so enormous that it hangs over every issue like an acid rain cloud--a gap so enormous that it could be the tipping point to disaster for Jews, for Israel and for us all. I`m not a conspiracy theorist nut--but on top of the universal condemnation of Jews for causing the world's present ills, and harping endlessly that they are the lineal descendants of the evil monsters who nailed Christ to the cross, there has been a conspiracy of silence for decades, even centuries, from the good guys; a disgraceful deafening silence from Jews and non-Jews alike, when it comes to proudly parading the awesome contribution Jews have made to every facet of life on this planet.

Jews vastly outnumbered by their enemies

With no great spirited dialogue, the silence leaves a worldwide vacuum for the fundamentalist crazies to flaunt their warped holiness and poison in the media and cyberspace. And they have been damn good at it. They know in today's world information can be as deadly as bullets. The world`s Jews make up 0.2 percent of the population--and over 20% of the people on this planet are Muslim, of one kind or another. Think about it--there are less than 14,000,000 Jews and there are 1,300,000,000 Muslims. Yet, a year ago, the Malaysian Prime Minister said, "We must unite against Jewish world domination." and the press in most countries printed it. And back here at home--our not-quite-a-rocket-scientist, Canadian Union of Public Employees Ontario president Sid Ryan wants Israel boycotted. Sid and his public service workers believed the West Bank barrier protecting the lives of Israelis was an abuse of the human rights of Palestinians. His 200,000 workers met and passed a resolution to boycott Israel. Big deal. When do we get a resolution on the senseless ethnic cleansing deaths of hundreds of thousands of Black Muslims in Darfur, murdered by White Arab Muslims, or the hideous treatment of women in the Middle East, or the wholesale murdering of Christians in Nigeria, or on the brutal human rights record of Sid`s pal Fidel Castro? No, we gotta' get those terrible Jews. Six billion people in the world and only a handful of Jews, yet the wave of hatred, and violence and division in the world is all their fault. Half the world has been told the Jews and/or the Bush crowd set up the World TradeCenter attack--and thousands in North America believe it, and it is constantly being promoted on the internet as a conspiracy of the West.

Using fabricated quotes in media interviews

Scattered throughout the Web are pages and pages of quotes that portray Israelis as evil and Zionism as a racist conspiracy. Many of the quotes, some alleged to have come from prominent Jews, are forgeries and inventions. Fabricating quotes in interviews that often never even took place, and altering real quotes and taking them out of context is a thriving cottage industry in the Middle East... They are taken out of context or otherwise manipulated to present a distorted view of Zionist intentions and actions. Propagated on the internet, some of these make their way into opinion columns in campus newspapers and even, on occasion, into the mainstream press. Syndicated columnist Georgie Geyer`s column appeared in the Chicago Tribune, and in other newspapers saying Prime Minister Sharon said to his cabinet "I control America." Confronted, Geyer said she relied on two anonymous Israeli sources for the statement. In fact, it started with a Hamas press release in 2001 attributing it to a report on Israeli Hebrew Radio. Of course, it was fabricated--but in the meantime it was read by countless thousands in the U.S. and a United Press foreign editor said the quote was widely reported in the Palestine Press. It may be nonsense--but it is as deadly as bombs, for it inflames the Middle Eastern mind. Even the educated Muslims succumb to the propaganda. Last summer, I noticed an ad on a post on my street saying, "Fix Computers For $20. an hour". I called the number and hired "Asan" for about 5 hours over two days to clean up my hard drive and do some upgrading. I found that he was a Kurd, had been refused landed status twice by the Refugee Board, and was more or less hiding out. He was no dummy. Very bright and really skilled with computers. He was born in Turkey and claimed to have a degree in computer science from a university in Ankara (and he didn`t hide the fact that he hated Turks). Although a somewhat lapsed religious Muslim, he was indeed a strong Islamist politically. He was originally a bit guarded, but on the second day he said Bush was a criminal and America was evil--this in spite of his obvious lusting to get across the border and live in the U.S. I mention this only because he was a well educated young man, who spoke excellent English, but he was totally brainwashed. At one point, he said something like, "Everybody in the Middle East knows the Americans didn`t put a man on the moon. It was all done in Texas with mirrors and trick photography." It is hard to fathom how a person so well educated, talented and worldly could be so stupid. Unfortunately, I lost him because I argued a bit too strongly about his views, which I think embarrassed him. For a Muslim losing face to a Christian can be a real no-no. He got very red in the face and angry and stomped out the door--even refusing to take the money I still owed him. It is a bit unsettling knowing that there are about 25.000 rejected refugees like Asan roaming the country. And thanks to Chretien`s "honour system", there was no organization or system set up to keep track of them or to now locate them.

A history we should know and revere

I find it disturbing that so many ordinary people and so many in the media have little interest or regard for the history we should all know and revere. We have a proud past, but who cares any more? I suppose, after fifty years of wide open immigration with new arrivals having few if any ties to past wars fought by Canadians and Americans, it was inevitable. Tell me about it--I was a Citizenship Court Judge for five years. Many are more interested in the ongoing wars in the lands they left. As we are now finding out, maybe too interested. How many Americans know, or even give a damn today, that the proportion of Jews who fought in the Union Army in the Civil War was not just large--it was probably larger than any of the other faiths serving in the war. It is estimated that 6,000 to 8,000 Jews fought under General Grant in the Union army. Many were officers and a half dozen were Generals. Newsman and columnist Claire Hoy wrote about them in his excellent book on the Civil War... Over 4,000 Jews enlisted in the Canadian Armed forces in the First World War and 84 were decorated for bravery. One has to dig through dusty history books to find that about 15 Jewish battalions from Palestine were part of the British Army in 1940. The Jewish Brigade was formed in 1944 and fought against the Germans in Italy. Some 30,000 Jewish volunteers from Palestine served with the British forces during World War ll. Ten percent of the Jews in Canada volunteered for active service in that war. Five hundred were killed and 196 were decorated for bravery. Before Canada existed as a country, Aaron Hart served with General Wolfe`s army at Quebec city in 1759. He was a Jew. The ship that brought reinforcements for the battle on the Plains of Abraham was captained by Alexander Shoenberg. A Jew. Now, much of the world's press still wants the war between world's terrorists and Western society to be a fair fight. The new rules are simple. Terrorists are allowed to use terrorism and "our" side must abide by the protocols of The Geneva Convention. We in the West have so lost the ability to market our values and the greatness of our world that our cheering section is down to a corporal's guard. Although things are slowly improving, in July of 2006, a survey showed Lebanon's four major religious groups: 96 percent of the Shiites, 87 percent of the Sunnis, 80 percent of the Christians; and 80 percent of the Druze supported Hezbollah. Even though they are committed to terrorizing the world by blowing up planes, busses, restaurants, embassies, night clubs, tall office buildings, subways and battleships. Talk about guts--they go public with their intentions to kill us all....and our media turns it into a news item.

The suicide bomber

I'm getting almost as angry at our own in-house idiots as I am at the bands of deviates who want to do us in. Tolerating frustration is the terrible curse of being aged along with the helpless feeling of being so far out of the loop I can do little to help the cause. I must be content with words rather than deeds. I sit here calling them names while we are being outwitted and outflanked by ruffian fundamentalist assassins. Watching the noble goals of our society become elusive and more unreachable by the day, while a great chunk of our enlightened society doesn't appear to give a damn... The hearts and minds of crazies are won through a combination of ignorance and religious propaganda that is sucked in by the sponge-like minds of fanatics--both young and old, but mostly the young. Go figure. The father of the young suicide bomber who killed a Canadian soldier told the Daily Telegraph earlier this year that because of his son's martyrdom, a provision of Islam gets dad on a list of 20 who get a free passage to paradise. Dad`s in for a surprise. Is this a looney cult. or what? With little self esteem, and uneducated by our standards, many really toy with the "get-out-of-going-to-hell-free" ticket and the glory through martyrdom crap, and who knows, maybe there really are 72 virgins. Or at least an Islamic heaven with paved streets, once a week garbage collection, street lights, running water and inside plumbing with real toilet paper. Tragically, a surprising number of women are sucked in. They are paraded on television in countries around the world carrying signs cheering on Hezbollah and calling for the beheading of infidels. Women who can`t seem to come to terms with the fact they are half the warm bodies in the world and probably hold sixty percent of the grey matter. Imagine convincing millions of women to perceive themselves as little more than sign carrying chattels and uneducated housebound child bearers of suicide bombers, and getting away with it. When a handful of women turned up at the Saudi Arabian Parliament Chairman Sheik Muhammad bin Ibrahim whatever, he explained. "Women as parliament members is out of the question. Nobody even thinks about it, because the issues the parliament deals with are public matters under the responsibility of men." No sanction from the U. N. for that. However, if some poor Jewish guy in Israel sneezes, The Secretary General would likely have said Jews are spreading disease and Israel would get yet another reprimanding resolution passed, and our own liberal press and the New York Times would report it on the front page.

The UN and Israel

Over 700 General Assembly resolutions have been passed since the UN was established in 1945. Almost 450 condemn Israel and none have ever been passed against any Arab country nor any Arab terrorist organizations! In other words, out of 190 member nations in the UN, over sixty percent of all the resolutions passed by the General Assembly condemned just one member, Israel! The reason. The majority of U.N. member states are Arab or Islamic nations (74) or dictatorial, anti-democratic nations or nations in desperate need of Arab oil or nations looking for business investment opportunities within Arab countries, or countries like most of Europe now, fearful of discontent among their growing Arab/Muslim populations they so generously admitted... Spain is now a sniveling hostage of Islam. Want your trains blown up again? Sweet revenge for the defeat 500 years ago at Granada by Queen Isabella`s Christians, ending eight centuries of Islamic rule. Muslims were booted out of Spain and have longed for it back ever since. Jews were also ordered out of Spain or face death but not a big deal, just one more in a long list of expulsions... We should be so embarrassed, yes, even ashamed at our (the democratic West's) inability to win the PR war. My God, we invented it. Public relations, marketing and advertising, for better or worse were our inventions. Have we lost the will to flog our greatness and expose the sins of the evil doers? Has our passion for fairness, civility, for order and tolerance slowed us to a crawl--along with our silly political correct posturing? And all the while, tons of money (from the Saudi Wahhabi`s who got it from us for fuel for our SUV`s) slips in unnoticed. Billions to fund fundamentalist Muslim madrasses from Calgary to Culver City and Liverpool to Lima. Saudi wealth has been bankrolling a worldwide campaign telling of the glorious wonders of Islam in every country in the world. For us, managing the news is undemocratic and politically sinful. For them it is an art and a science. And all the while they are killing their fellow Muslims in Afghanistan and Iraq knowing the world won`t bother to hold it against them. For that's what they do--and they know the world knows that's what they do. And they know the world doesn't really care a hell of a lot. Not only have we let the image of their cause expand and be glorified, they now get the sympathy vote from many of the average Joe's on the street and a big chunk of the world's liberals and socialists. We have let control of the United Nations fall into the hands of cliques less competent than those folks sitting in the Clark Institute waiting room as I tap these keys. With a few exceptions, writers, columnists and editors employed by the liberal leaning press truly believe they will instantly turn into a frog if they use the word

Clare Westcott -- Bio and Archives

Clare Westcott served as Commissioner of Metro Police and a Citizenship court judge following a long career at Queens Park.