
The liberal tv/entertainment empire has effectively programmed and delivered us to where we are today

Something's Grinding To A Painful Halt. Do You Know What It Is?

Something's Grinding To A Painful Halt. Do You Know What It Is?The answer is hidden somewhere in this article. Well here we are, already approaching the end of 2022, and America ("... land of the free and home of the brave." Remember that?) is pretty well totally flipped upside down. Our alleged president stays in his basement anytime anything is expected from him. And the madness continues because greed knows no sanity or bottom. Not too long ago Biden had gleefully informed his liberal fellows that the day was coming when white people in America would "absolutely" be in the minority. I thought that was a fairly racist remark. Nevertheless, how does he plan to achieve that?

At the end of the day, America goes home, kicks off its shoes, crawls into the recliner, grabs for the remote - and continues to live a fantasy life vicariously through a bunch of actors skillfully playing fake people

Well, so far, we know that he's very willfully leaving the gate open at our southern border. And then he metastasizes whatever is coming in there by nightly busing those illegals to all points unknown here in America. Our border patrol is discovering, the hard way, that much of our trespassing traffic down there is not even Mexican or South American. But they must be important - because they aren't taking any 'jabs' or even any tests - for anything! Oh, I know who they are! They are, at least, future democrat voters!! The ones we are buying with our tax dollars!! I didn't think that we would keep our seats when he left so many of our American people and several billions of dollars worth of Armed Forces' state-of-the-art firepower in the hands of the spiritual brethren of the people who gave us 9/11/. But nobody in power seems to mind enough to seriously challenge this devil. So I guess we will content ourselves with whatever happens. He seems to have still managed to bring in planeloads of Afghan 'homesteaders' while no one has been watching (I guess). And we will like it. And apparently we will ask for more. But haven't you really had enough yet? I have had enough and more than enough. As illegal aliens (60% of whom are functionally illiterate) continue to take over America, they are the new voting block for the criminals who have lifted the latch. Biden, Pelosi, and the rest of politically correct California all know that the illegals will not vote against whoever is furnishing them with all the freebies. No, they are not going to shoot themselves in the foot. Since Biden has been in office, the number one currently assigned task of American citizenry is to mind our own masked businesses and of course to pay our taxes so the crookedest democrats and rinos are all assured job security. But what does pedestrian America do in response? At the end of the day, America goes home, kicks off its shoes, crawls into the recliner, grabs for the remote - and continues to live a fantasy life vicariously through a bunch of actors skillfully playing fake people. And when Will Smith Smacks Chris Rock for maybe insulting his wife, that garners more headlines than any of the very real horror I have written above.

People are falling over dead from taking various government/employer-mandated vaccinations

People are falling over dead from taking various government/employer-mandated vaccinations - I have now lost two friends from that, myself. Public schools are stuffing pupils' heads, systemically, with fatally real racism. And America has it rubbed into her face - that the way to get away with anything is to be the president's playboy/'artist' son. Has anyone of my good readers had enough of all this? I have had a belly full. Freeform violence, widespread mass shoplifting and general destruction of private property - all posing as protest regarding the death of George Floyd, began America's freefall into what I've seen as the beginning of the end of our free United States of America. If you want to see where the majority of the Christian church is during all this, I think you can find most of them on Facebook posting news articles, jokes and trading recipes. When the soon-returning Jesus called us 'sheep' He was not exaggerating. But if you want to find the present 'lord' and leadership of most of brain-dead America, simply go home and cuddle up in front of your cable. And there you will be told who you are and how you are to behave. The liberal tv/entertainment empire has effectively programmed and delivered us to where we are today. And most Americans act as though they will go on forever doing that. But I wouldn't bet on it. I could set up my rant on a table in some park someplace, with a sign saying: "Tell Me I'm Wrong!" But nobody would be able to do that. And truthfully, no one would today even bother to try. And all the sheep said, "Baaaaaa! Baaaaaa!

Dave Merrick -- Bio and Archives

Dave Merrick, Davemerrick.us is an internationally known and published artist whose works reach into the greatest diversity of audiences. Known primarily for his astoundingly lifelike portraiture, Merrick’s drawings and paintings grace the walls of an impressive array of well-known corporate and private clientele. Many of his published wildlife pieces have become some of America’s most popular animal imagery.

He has more original work in the Pro-Rodeo Hall of Fame than any other artist. His wildlife and Southwestern-theme work is distributed internationally through Joan Cawley Galleries of Scottsdale AZ.