
It's Like Comparing Bullets and Blanks

Shooting Down Misleading Myth About Anti-Gun Rally Crowd Sizes

Shooting Down Misleading Myth About Anti-Gun Rally Crowd Sizes Comparing the crowd size of the anti-gun rally at Washington D.C. with the crowd size at President Trump's inauguration is like comparing apples and oranges, or perhaps more apropos, bullets and blanks. It is even more outrageous than the misleading comparisons between the inaugurations of President Obama and Trump that I wrote about in the Canada Free Press, "Response to Claim That More Women Protested [at the women's rally the day after President Trump's inauguration] Than People Attended the Inauguration," Jan. 23, 2017 (which includes a large section contrasting the Obama and Trump inauguration crowd sizes). The inauguration of President Trump was on a weekday; the anti-gun rally was on a Saturday. Schools did not generally give students an opportunity to take off from school to attend the inauguration of President Trump; if anything, most schools are headed and staffed by people who opposed the results of the election that led to the inauguration.

Billionaires and millionaires subsidized publicity, transportation, entertainment, and related expenses for people to attend the Washington and other rallies

Billionaires and millionaires subsidized publicity, transportation, entertainment, and related expenses for people to attend the Washington and other rallies. They did not subsidize the transportation or other expenses relating to the inauguration. As rich as President Trump is, he is still not as rich as George Soros whose funding of the anti-gun rallies was supplemented by high-profile multi-millionaires. The Democrats saw this rally--and other rallies throughout the country and the world--as an opportunity to serve as a voter registration drive for young people who often fail to register and to vote, giving the Democrats and their supporters all the more incentive to build up and promote these rallies. In the case of the inauguration, the vote had just passed, so there were no comparable incentives. The anti-gun rally gave participants an opportunity to try to change the minds of future voters, and to change the laws passed by incumbent legislators, while the inauguration focused on a vote that had already taken place, not on changing minds or laws, so people were less incentivized to attend the inauguration. The anti-gun rally gave students the ultimate dream approaching that of Dr. Martin Luther King--the opportunity to lecture their elders and to tell them that their elders and parents were wrong. In the inauguration, the president of the United States was telling the nation to return to the values of the past, when adults were considered wiser than teenagers. You don't have to be a genius or a statistician to know that teenagers have worse driving records than adults because they are less inhibited in their drinking and driving habits, for example. You don't have to be an educator to know that teenagers have much less knowledge, patience, perspective, and life experience than adults, although many adults never acquire the wisdom that should grow as they age. The rally gave students an opportunity to rail against all guns, which even most anti-NRA adults don't do. President Trump of course supports the Second Amendment, as do even most opponents of the NRA who advocate common sense background checks and restrictions and oppose assault weapons getting into the wrong hands rather than the handguns that cause much more deaths than assault weapons, on one hand, and that allow Americans to protect themselves, on the other hand, and that allow armed guards to protect the leftist celebrities that oppose the NRA. The anti-gun rallies were promoted by the press and a high percentage of celebrities; the inauguration of President Trump was opposed by the press and a high percentage of celebrities. It is the "in" thing to do for young people and people with liberal backgrounds to support the students at the rallies. People who support President Trump openly are accused of being evil and are blacklisted by the left and fired from jobs and not hired if their pro-Trump feelings are known, so this puts a damper on people publicly coming out in support of President Trump.

Wise, all-knowing arrogant children, who insulted their elders at the recent anti-gun rallies might have been a bit wiser and less arrogant had they taken the trouble to read some recent statistics

There was heavy security at President Trump's inauguration, as at all inaugurations. The security at the anti-gun rally was comparatively minimal. After all, many of the anti-gun people want all guns banned, thinking rather thoughtlessly that police will protect lives more effectively without guns than with them. The anti-gun rallies were seen by many people as anti-Trump rallies; not just anti-NRA and anti-Republicans. Leftists are capitalizing on the recent accusations that President Trump had some affairs about a decade ago, hypocritically ignoring the facts that Democratic Gods Presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt and John F. Kennedy had marital affairs DURING their presidencies, let alone what President Clinton did during his presidency and under his desk in the Oval Office. Leftists also ignore the fact that Trump was elected to be president, not pope. Leftists also ignore the fact that Rev. Martin Luther King, who as a pastor was supposed to serve as a moral guide, was unfaithful to his wife while he was a pastor, unlike Trump who has been a comparative choirboy in his sexual habits as president of the United States. Yet Martin Luther King now has a holiday, and all of the Presidents of the United States are now relegated to sharing a holiday. It is clearly more fashionable--and safe and with job security--to be politically correct nowadays than to be actually correct. Much of the hatred of President Trump is based on intentional lies and distortions, as also discussed in the article referred to above. Trump's errors in fact are often simply over generalizations and exaggerations, and even wishful thinking. The leftists' lies are clearly intentional and calculated. The wise, all-knowing arrogant children who insulted their elders at the recent anti-gun rallies might have been a bit wiser and less arrogant had they taken the trouble to read some recent statistics A chart going viral..The Odds That a Gun Will Kill the Average American May Surprise You , now shows that the cause of death by mass shootings in the United States ranks as the 27th most frequent cause of death, at 1 in 11,125, well behind forces of nature (1 in 2,586) and choking on food (1 in 3,461), so if people truly want to reduce unnecessary death, they would teach the Heimlich maneuver in all classrooms rather than how to empty classrooms to attend rallies. The Odds That a Gun Will Kill the Average American May Surprise You

Some more significant statistics that appear in that chart are that motor vehicle accidents occur in 1 in 108 deaths; alcohol in 1 in 123 deaths; murder in 1 in 119 deaths; and assault by guns in 1 in 315 deaths. Compare that to the figure above regarding deaths caused by mass shooting (1 in 11,125 deaths). Assault-style rifles account for about 2% of the gun deaths and less than 1% of the gun injuries recorded by the Gun Violence Archive at some point during the year Trump was elected. It rained during President Trump's inauguration. The weather was beautiful for the anti-gun rally. The trusty guns that protected the people at the rally did not get rusty. And for those who did not read my article contrasting the crowds of the Obama and Trump inaugurations referred to above, and who don't plan to read it, some of the differences are that some of the photographs weren't taken at the same time of day, some of the widely shown Trump crowd sizes were shown as people were entering the area while Obama's photos were shown after the crowds had accumulated, at their peak. Furthermore, if you take into consideration the technological and social advances in the performance and use of live streaming between the first Obama inauguration and President Trump's inauguration, the total number of viewers of the Trump inauguration, by means of all media, may indeed have exceeded Obama's. It may be noted that so many people were disappointed with Obama's divisive presidency, despite the original hopes for inclusiveness, that the viewership of Obama's second inaugural far underperformed compared to the first, although additional factors were obviously relevant. The population of Washington D.C. is overwhelmingly African-American, and the election of Obama as president was particularly historic and meaningful to African-Americans, so the crowd sizes were swelled for Obama's inauguration by local people. And, of course, it rained during President Trump's inauguration. But not on his parade.

Ron A. Y. Rich -- Bio and Archives

Mr. Rich is a self-described liberal with common sense and an open mind.