
Human experiments

Shock: EPA exposes human guinea pigs to lead; Agency ignores own ‘no safe’ exposure dete

The EPA has exposed human test subjects to lead despite the agency’s conclusion that there is “no safe” level of exposure to the heavy metal.
Below is an excerpt from the EPA’s “FACT SHEET: FINAL REVISIONS TO THE NATIONAL AMBIENT AIR QUALITY STANDARDS FOR LEAD,” issued in October 2008. Note that inhalation of lead can lead to rapid absorption in the bkloodstream and that “no safe level of lead in the blood has been identified.” Next is an excerpt from EPA’s May 2002 “Health Assessment Document For Diesel Engine Exhaust,” which states that diesel exhaut contains lead. Yet for years, EPA has been intentionally exposing human study subjects to high levels of diesel exhaust as in the 2007 study captioned below. Not only did EPA intentionally expose study subjects to a substance for the which the agency says there is no safe exposure, but they failed to inform study subjects about the lead in diesel exhaust. Below is a sample disclosure from a recent clinical study consent form. Click for more on EPA’s ghastly human experiments.

Steve Milloy -- Bio and Archives

Steve Milloy publishes JunkScience.com and GreenHellBlog.com and is the author of Green Hell: How Environmentalists Plan to Control Your Life and What You Can Do to Stop Them

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