
Scott Walker has been an extraordinary leader since his emergence on the political scent in his home state of Wisconsin several years ago

Scott Walker Explains Our Laws on Immigration to An Illegal Alien

On Monday, July 20, 2015, Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin, a 2016 GOP Presidential Candidate went online to talk with, or as he puts it, "goes 'MANO a MANO' with an illegal immigrant." His online article on that date is titled, "Scott Walker Goes "Mano a Mano" With Illegal Immigrant!" I prefer the use of the word "alien" instead of "immigrant" because most, if not all, of these people came here illegally by crossing our borders without previous permission from our officials and for the most part they are not familiar with our customs and living habits. In other words, our laws and habitats are first, unfamiliar, or alien, to them.
And, secondly, these aliens or trespassing lawbreakers, refuse to adhere and obey the laws that we require of all of our true citizens currently and legally residing and making homes here in the United States. I consider an immigrant to be the lawful term affixed to a person from another country who has legally applied for citizenship and residence in the United States and granted same by our government after compliance with all of the requirements so dictated and outlined in our current laws and guidance for citizenship in this country. This immigration process has worked well for this country for decades since its inception and until the most recent years when our government was controlled by political parties who cared more for reelection to federal offices than for the well being of the country as a whole. This same group of politicians clamor long and loudly for what they call "Immigration Reform" but which is nothing more than downgrading or adversely changing our country's immigration laws for loose and absolute disregard for maintaining logical and legal and orderly admittance of foreigners into this country.

We don't need immigration REFORM; we need immigration ENFORCEMENT

What these people want for this country is without question the most dangerous, divisive and destructive to our legally adopted laws and regulations on the subject of admittance of foreigners to our country; all with the intent of gaining votes for perpetuity in political office. I have said many times in this column that 'We don't need immigration REFORM; we need immigration ENFORCEMENT'. Getting back to Governor Walker and his contact with an -- as he calls it -- "illegal immigrant" while on the campaign trail in Iowa on Saturday, July 18, 2015, when he "was accosted by an illegal immigrant from Mexico who demanded to know why Walker doesn't support Obama's Executive Amnesty." I personally find that a tad on the suspicious side that a foreigner would be so adept as to be able to correctly quote such an authority of the cuff, on a perchance meeting with the candidate Walker. I am more inclined to believe that this foreigner was a "plant" by the liberal Democrat party to get publicity for his (and the Party's) cause for amnesty or "immigration reform". Liberal Democrats are so desperate to regain control of our government, which the people wrested away from them in the recent federal elections, that they will stoop to any device or proposition to make known their intent. They are in direct accomplice mode with our usurper president to turn our country over to the corrupt and criminal United Nations' hoodlums. Governor Walker's column quoted an account of the confrontation showing the Washington Post as its source as follows:
"'We're a nation of laws,' Walker, the Republican governor of Wisconsin, repeatedly told Jose Flores, 38, who was joined by two of his four children, Luis, 7, and Leslie, 13, who had tears rolling down her cheeks throughout the exchange. Flores, who lives in Waukesha and works for a medical supply factory, said he and his wife live in fear of being deported and separated from their children, who he said were all born in the United States. 'My point,' Walker said, 'is that you have to follow the law, follow the process'... The Flores family stood out in the white crowd... At first, Walker told the family that he did not have time to talk to them... But the Flores family waited by his campaign bus and approached him again... It was an opportunity for Walker to demonstrate how he calmly fights back against challenges from activists. He was forceful as he told the Flores family that immigrants must follow the rules, but he added, 'I completely sympathize with the situation you're all in and others are in.' One of the activists, Sam Freeman of Wisconsin's Voces de la Frontera, cut the governor off and shouted, 'So that's why you want to separate their family?' Walker curtly said that he wanted to talk only with the family and that their plight is the reason the United States must go forward with "putting in place a logical system." To address illegal immigration, Walker said, the nation needs to secure the border and enforce its laws before it can focus on other issues. An immigration system cannot come at the cost of American workers and their wages, he added. 'The president had years to deal with this throughout the legitimate legislative process,' Walker said. 'He had his own party in charge for the first two years ... he was in office.' Flores listened intently to Walker and then said, 'Now it's my turn.' Flores repeatedly asked Walker why he tried to block DAPA. Walker told him that he is a governor and not part of the federal government or the legal system... 'When are you guys going to fix the immigration system?' Flores said. 'When are you guys going to take the time to fix immigration reform? So we've got to be deported?' Walker stayed on message, listing his immigration talking points and criticizing Obama for not fixing the system. He also said that he supported the lawsuit Wisconsin filed to stop Obama's executive action. 'No man or woman is above the law in this country,' Walker said. "That's the beauty of America."
Scott Walker has been an extraordinary leader since his emergence on the political scene in his home state of Wisconsin several years ago. At the time, Wisconsin was one of the very most liberal Democrat states in the country. His election to the governorship of that state was the beginning of a career as a conservative patriot that brought control back to the people and dismissed several incidents and persons who were destroying freedom and trying to get control of every aspect of daily life. He made unfriendly and out-of-control unions back off from their dictatorial-type leadership of their members and Walker brought fresh air, and people control back to the state once again. He would make a fine choice for the role of President of the United States.

Jerry McConnell -- Bio and Archives

Gerald A. “Jerry” McConnell, 92, of Hampton, died Sunday, February 19, 2017, at the Merrimack Valley Hospice House in Haverhill, Mass., surrounded by his loved ones. He was born May 27, 1924 in Altoona, Pa., the fifth son of the late John E. and Grace (Fletcher) McConnell.

Jerry served ten years with the US Marine Corps and participated in the landing against Japanese Army on Guadalcanal and another ten years with the US Air Force. After moving to Hampton in 1957 he started his community activities serving in many capacities.


He shared 72 years of marriage with his wife Betty P. (Hamilton) McConnell. In addition to his wife, family members include nieces and nephews.


McConnell’s e-book about Guadalcanal, “Our Survival was Open to the Gravest Doubts