
The only surefire win for Poilievre is if he demands parliamentary debate on Justin Trudeau’s leadership, the Canadian government’s role in the WEF and Canada’s place in the WEF.

Save Us From Trudeau’s WEF World, Pierre Poilievre

Save Us From Trudeau’s WEF World, Pierre Poilievre

Televised Fox Nation calls for the Liberation of Canada will never see the nation liberated from its tyrannical Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

But America’s next door northern neighbor certainly needs—and deserves—liberation.

“Tucker Carlson called for the US to send an armed force to "liberate" Canada from Justin Trudeau. (Business Insider, Jan. 29, 2023).

Why should we let Canada become Cuba?

"He compared Trudeau to Fidel Castro and said he was "completely in favor of a Bay of Pigs operation." "Carlson said "I mean it" after making the outlandish statements. “While interviewing Canadian college professor David Azerrad on his Fox Nation show, Carlson compared Trudeau to Cuban communist leader Fidel Castro and referenced the trucker protests against COVID-19 restrictions last year. "I mean, why should we stand back and watch our biggest trading partner, the country with which we share the longest border – and actually a great country, I love Canada. I've always loved Canada because of its natural beauty – Why should we let it become Cuba?" Carlson said. "Why don't we liberate it? We're spending all this money to liberate Ukraine from the Russians, why are we not sending an armed force to liberate Canada from Trudeau? And I mean it.”

How did Canada get ceded over to the World Economic Forum (WEF)

Brickbats started being tossed Tucker’s way even before his show ended.

Carlson at least deserves gratitude for bringing to public attention the necessity of liberating Canada from tyrant Trudeau.

To me, among the comments attached to the many stories that followed is this one by Joe Lebiau: “I wish someone would help with the Trudeau take over.”

The pathos of this comment strikes the heart of the tragedy of post-Trudeau Canada because of the total lack of “someone”.

“Someone” does not include the majority of the Canadian media, bought off by Trudeau with $600 million from the public purse, who never report on the stats of Canada after eight years of WEF-compromised Justin Trudeau.

Had Tucker done his homework; had the Canadian media been awake and not “woke”, no one would need to ask this question: “How did Canada get ceded over to the World Economic Forum (WEF) with virtually NO parliamentary debate?”

“Two years after Canada signed on to the World Economic Forum-initiated Agile Nations Charter, Conservative MP Leslyn Lewis is blowing the whistle on the "secrecy" surrounding the program. (Western Standard, Jan. 25, 2023)

Why did it take two years for Lewis to blow the whistle?

The unelected WEF is not our government

"The Liberals chose to enter into a World Economic Forum (WEF) initiated Charter without parliamentary input," Lewis (Haldimand—Norfolk, ON) said. (Western Standard) "The unelected WEF is not our government. Canadians didn’t sign up for the WEF’s plan to create agile rule making in a post-pandemic world and the 4th Industrial Revolution.” “The former Conservative leadership candidate said the Canadian government signed the Agile Nations Charter in November 2020, back when Canadians were "distracted" by the COVID-19 pandemic and the violation of their Charter rights' due to public health restrictions. “Lewis has been outspoken when it comes to globalist policies that would impact Canadians' Charter rights, such as the ArriveCAN app, the World Health Organization's Pandemic Treaty, the WEF's Known Traveller Digital Identity project, and Environmental Social Governance policies. She said many Canadians have concerns with the values, objectives, and influence organizations like the WEF have over their lives, and are "cautious about handing over any personal information or control to them.” “Lewis gained access to the details surrounding Canada's participation in the Agile Nations network following an Inquiry of Ministry to the House of Commons on Oct. 21, 2022. "Why the secrecy?" she asked in a Wednesday tweet that linked to the document. “Canada was among the seven countries invited to the ‘Panel on Agile Governance for the Post-pandemic World’ in November 2020, convened jointly by the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Canada, Denmark, Italy, Japan, Singapore, the United Arab Emirates, and the United Kingdom, as well as senior representatives from several private sector companies, came together for discussions on "agile regulation of emerging technologies.” "Lewis said this is part of a trend of the Canadian government "proactively engaging with international organizations governed by unelected global elites on matters of public policy, technology and data sharing," similar to the WEF's Known Traveller Digital Identity project. “Canada will lead or participate in seven items under the first Agile Nations work programme, such as 'Coordinating National Standards Bodies of the Agile Nations,' 'Pre-load Air Cargo Targeting,' and 'Consumer Connected Products.' Lewis said she is most concerned with 'Digital Credentials and Digital Trust Services” project, being led by Canada. The project involves exploring and testing the use case of digital credentials, which are tied to users' digital wallets and are used to obtain services and complete financial transactions. Lewis said the Canadian government is bringing about a "radical public policy shift" towards a Digital Identity Program, which will allow for more centralized government access to Canadians' private data. She said these projects are a part of a "wider government objective," one that aligns with the WEF's priorities. "Canadians have a right to know what their government is doing, to ask questions, and to demand transparency on policies that have immense impact on the direction of this country," she said. “Lewis said that because the mainstream media has mocked Canadians for asking questions, there is a "chill" on the debate around the WEF. "We need to see these issues come to the floor of Parliament for debate, and the voice of Canadians need to be heard and respected.” “The TBS’s Inquiry of Ministry document obtained by Lewis says the WEF and the OECD also invited corporations to take part on the discussions surrounding the establishment of the Agile Nations Charter. () “Those include Facebook, IBM, German industrial giant Siemens, Sherlock Biosciences, financial tech company Suade Labs, Volvo Group, and Wingcopter. “The charter, which is not legally binding, was signed by the participating governments in November 2020.” Really? “Innovation Canada is also responsible for the “Consumer Connected Products” project which relates to cybersecurity and the internet of things, or consumer products which can connect to networks. (Epoch Times, Jan. 25, 2023) Behold the current status of the so-called “internet of things”: Canada's Bill C-26: Yet Another Government Power Grab SOVIET ERA ETHOS STOMPS PRIVACY AND DUE-PROCESS Another doozy from the Canadian government.(Zerohedge, Jan 28, 2023) Following along several other bills winding their way along the Road to Serfdom…
  • Bill C-11 regulates the internet under the CRTC and paves the way toward institutionalized content moderation, the requirement for licenses to publish online, and regulation of user generated content (in Senate)
  • Bill C-36 the Online Harms Bill sought to designate political dissent as “hate speech” and invoked penalties for criticizing politicians (not sure where this one is at the moment).
  • Bill C-18 throws a funding lifeline to Canada’s flailing agitprop industry (a.k.a the mainsteam media), in that it will require tech platforms to pay licensing fees for content the media outlets post there (passed third reading in November). This bill will reward big media conglomerates like Bell, while freezing out small and independent organizations.

Trudeau ceding over Canada’s sovereignty to the WEF

Question: What were Her then Royal Majesty’s Opposition doing when Trudeau was ceding over Canada’s then 153—year sovereignty to the WEF? The Pierre Poilievre Conservatives should face up to the fact that in the next election Canada won’t be the same Canada it was when they were elected as the Opposition. The only surefire win for Poilievre is if he demands parliamentary debate on Justin Trudeau’s leadership, the Canadian government’s role in the WEF and Canada’s place in the WEF. For the sake of your country, start the retrieval today, Mr. Poilievre. "The stated goal of the Agile Nations Charter is to "create a regulatory environment in which innovation can thrive" by making it easier for businesses within their jurisdictions to introduce and scale innovations across their markets while upholding protections for citizens and the environment. The participation length in the Charter is not defined for any member, and participation in specific projects as well as the network itself is on a voluntary basis. "Lewis said this is part of a trend of the Canadian government "proactively engaging with international organizations governed by unelected global elites on matters of public policy, technology and data sharing," similar to the WEF's Known Traveller Digital Identity project. “Canada will lead or participate in seven items under the first Agile Nations work programme, such as 'Coordinating National Standards Bodies of the Agile Nations,' 'Pre-load Air Cargo Targeting,' and 'Consumer Connected Products.'

Canadians have a right to know what their government is doing

"Lewis said she is most concerned with 'Digital Credentials and Digital Trust Services” project, being led by Canada. The project involves exploring and testing the use case of digital credentials, which are tied to users' digital wallets and are used to obtain services and complete financial transactions.

"Lewis said the Canadian government is bringing about a "radical public policy shift" towards a Digital Identity Program, which will allow for more centralized government access to Canadians' private data. She said these projects are a part of a "wider government objective," one that aligns with the WEF's priorities.

"Canadians have a right to know what their government is doing, to ask questions, and to demand transparency on policies that have immense impact on the direction of this country," she said.

“Lewis said that because the mainstream media has mocked Canadians for asking questions, there is a "chill" on the debate around the WEF.

"We need to see these issues come to the floor of Parliament for debate, and the voice of Canadians need to be heard and respected.”

“The TBS’s Inquiry of Ministry document obtained by Lewis says the WEF and the OECD also invited corporations to take part on the discussions surrounding the establishment of the Agile Nations Charter. (Epoch Times, Jan 25, 2023)

“Those include Facebook, IBM, German industrial giant Siemens, Sherlock Biosciences, financial tech company Suade Labs, Volvo Group, and Wingcopter.

“The charter, which is not legally binding, was signed by the participating governments in November 2020.”



“Innovation Canada is also responsible for the “Consumer Connected Products” project which relates to cybersecurity and the internet of things, or consumer products which can connect to networks. (Epoch Times)

Behold the current status of the so-called “internet of things”:

Canada's Bill C-26: Yet Another Government Power Grab(Zerohedge, Jan 28, 2023)

SOVIET ERA ETHOS STOMPS PRIVACY AND DUE-PROCESS Another doozy from the Canadian government. Following along several other bills winding their way along the Road to Serfdom…
  • Bill C-11 regulates the internet under the CRTC and paves the way toward institutionalized content moderation, the requirement for licenses to publish online, and regulation of user generated content (in Senate)
  • Bill C-36 the Online Harms Bill sought to designate political dissent as “hate speech” and invoked penalties for criticizing politicians (not sure where this one is at the moment).
  • Bill C-18 throws a funding lifeline to Canada’s flailing agitprop industry (a.k.a the mainsteam media), in that it will require tech platforms to pay licensing fees for content the media outlets post there (passed third reading in November). This bill will reward big media conglomerates like Bell, while freezing out small and independent organizations.

Question: What were Her then Royal Majesty’s Opposition doing when Trudeau was ceding over Canada’s then 153—year sovereignty to the WEF?

The Pierre Poilievre Conservatives should face up to the fact that in the next election Canada won’t be the same Canada it was when they were elected as the Opposition.

The only surefire win for Poilievre is if he demands parliamentary debate on Justin Trudeau’s leadership, the Canadian government’s role in the WEF and Canada’s place in the WEF.

For the sake of your country, start the retrieval today, Mr. Poilievre.

Judi McLeod -- Bio and Archives -- Judi McLeod, Founder, Owner and Editor of Canada Free Press, is an award-winning journalist with more than 30 years’ experience in the print and online media. A former Toronto Sun columnist, she also worked for the Kingston Whig Standard. Her work has appeared throughout the ‘Net, including on Rush Limbaugh and Fox News.