

RNC vs Trump, Why No Jobs, Why Muslims Hate America, Federal Reserve Problems

I tend to get a lot of mail because I publish my email address after each article. Because of the election and questions that are not being answered by the mainstream media, my mail is filled with political questions (in addition to the usual about business and finance). Perhaps you might like to hear my answers to the most asked questions this past week.
Q. WHAT HAPPENS IF THE REPUBLICAN CONVENTION NOMINATES A PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE WHO RECEIVED FEWER VOTES THAN TRUMP? MMB Answer: If Trump is the candidate chosen by the American people and someone else – a Mitt or McCain loser candidate – gets the nomination, it could do what Ross Perot and the Tea Party Groups wanted to do but have been unable to achieve: A viable third party. If Donald Trump is the patriot he portrays himself to be – and I believe he is – he will form The American Republic Party. He will file for party recognition in 50 states. He will coordinate meetings in population centers in every state and send invitations to all of those people who have contacted him during his presidential campaign to join him to discuss the philosophy of the new Party. He will tweet and email them and invite them to join him in removing the corrupted power of the RNC. He will do it quietly and privately so the RNC doesn’t have the opportunity to create chaos with planned protests and protestors. In essence, he will remove about 35-40 percent of the existing registered Republicans and add a large number of registered Independents and traditional Democrats with whom he shares many values. It will destroy the corrupted RNC. He will help find committed common sense Republicans to run for office under the banner of the new Party and will help raise money to counter the means by which the Republican Party controls who is elected to office in opposition to the socialist progressive Democrat Party.
Q. WHY DO MUSLIMS HATE AMERICANS? MMB Answer: Believers in Allah live under Sharia Law which is not compatible with the Constitution of the United States of America. The incompatibility has nothing to do with religion. Sharia Law is not compatible with any civilized political system in the world... not in France, Germany, Italy, Great Britain, Australia, or America and Canada – not anywhere. Islam is based on five pillars. These pillars are obligatory acts of worship and control every aspect of the worshiper's life. Christians and Jews would define it as tyrannical because it controls the believers' lives... from banking and welfare to social moral values and family life -- and, interestingly, the environment (maybe that's why the Obama Department of Justice is looking into making it against the law to disagree with the EPA's global warming theories?). The battle America has with Muslims who see their God as different from our Christian or Jewish God has nothing to do with religion. It has to do with Sharia Law... those five pillars of Muslim life. Thus it has nothing to do with freedom of religion. One cannot worship Muhammed without accepting Sharia Law which defines social order for Muslims. We in America are supposed to have what we call the Rule of Law (and we did have it until the concept of Constitutional Law became politicized). Sharia Law opposes the city, county, state and federal laws of the American nation. Sharia Law is what tells Islamic men that it is okay to stone women to death if they commit adultery (it's okay for men to commit adultery). Sharia requires two male witnesses if a woman says she is raped, and Sharia Law says it’s okay to kill homosexuals. It also says it’s okay to lie to or kill non-believer infidels – that would be you and me. It's okay to overthrow the government of another nation if that nation's citizens are non-believing infidels. Thus when Americans oppose Islam, we do not oppose a religion, we oppose that which insults the U.S. Constitution which is Sharia Law. It is Sharia Law that enables the animalistic behavior of those who slit the throats of Christians and children, who put people in cages and drown or burn them... people we call “religious fanatics.” It is Muslims who accept Sharia Law as part of Islam that are religious fanatics and who are a danger to the American and Canadian people. They are a danger to all who do not believe in Islam and Sharia Law. That's why Muslims hate non-Muslims -- the Americans, Canadians, French, Germans, English, Irish, Scots, and everyone else that rejects Allah as their God. Q HOW ARE JOBS CREATED? MMB Answer: Only the creation of non-government jobs or those jobs NOT dependent on payment by the government are of any significance. Why? Taxes pay the government's bills, including government jobs and jobs contracted by government with private sector companies. When the government hires a non-government owned (NGO) company to pave roads, the check that pays the private sector company for the work comes out of the same tax-based Treasury that pays government employee salaries. That’s part of the reason why many of the jobs created each month is a relatively insignificant statistic. If you don’t know how many of the jobs created in the private sector were paid for by government you have no idea how many meaningful jobs were created. Government employees and those employed in the private sector who work under government contracts pay taxes too, don’t they? Most of them do. Some of them do not. But they only pay 20 to 30 percent of the 100 percent of funds (their cost) taken from the Treasury to pay them. Thus, they are a net tax loss. If I work for the company hired to pave roads, 100 percent of my pay comes from taxpayer dollars and only 20 to 30 percent of that amount is paid in taxes. That results in a 70 to 80 percent loss. These jobs do not contribute to the tax base. Meaningful jobs come from the non-government funded private sector. Currently, the only person running for the Presidency who has created meaningful jobs is Donald Trump. There are several reasons no jobs are being created in the current economy. First, there is little to no faith in the ability of the current government (all three branches of it – Executive, Legislative, Judicial) to solve problems. People do not risk their personal assets and incomes to create new independent businesses and jobs when they lack trust in government (which can take their property away from them practically at will). The only thing those in the Legislative and Executive arenas of government know about job creation makes government bigger – which adds to the problem of out-of-control spending. So we lack leadership that results in no job creation. Second, those who think government is the solution to everything (certainly part of the Bernie Sanders philosophy -- largely that of Governor John Kasich, too) keep passing rules and regulations that have a negative impact on independent business... especially on new start-up businesses. They do not understand that when a person or family puts personal assets at risk to start a new company they will not allow others to tell them which risks they must take... which is what all of the regulations Congress passes does. They say “You must do this and you cannot do that and you must pay for this and that and then you can risk your money to start a new company that provides jobs.” People who want to start their own business respond by saying "no thanks." Third, commercial banks haven’t got a clue about how to make business purpose loans to individuals. They know how to loan to companies... they really know how to loan to very large corporations. As a result, they do not lend money to new start-up businesses unless they are funded by substantial amounts of venture capital. Local independent businesses (which create 70 percent of our new jobs) do not attract venture capital. The truth is, commercial bank credit is tighter right now than it has been in a generation... lack of leadership, an unstable real estate market, a corrupted investment banking sector, and government debt (consumer debt, too, to a lesser degree) are why. They need to go back to the wealth creation loan policies put in place in commercial banks in the 1980s which safely makes credit to individuals available for business purpose loans. Trump is right when he speaks of corporate inversion. Tax policies in America are driving big corporations out of the country and they take their jobs with them to nations where labor costs are lower, labor union demands are non-existent, and taxes are much lower. There are solutions to this problem. For example, eliminate the capital gains tax for stockholders who invest in companies that create more jobs in America than they create in other nations. It will draw investor money to those companies that create jobs here rather than abroad and income taxes paid on salaries for all those new jobs will for outweigh any loss of tax revenue from capital gains currently paid by investors. The entire tax code needs to be simplified for both individuals and corporations. The Cruz flat (or a VAT) tax is not the answer. I wrote a Canada Free Press article on the subject of the flat tax which explains why it does not work. QUESTION: HOW CAN VOTERS OFFSET THE DANGERS OF A SANDERS OR CLINTON PRESIDENCY? MMB Answer: Make sure the House of Representatives and the Senate is Republican. If a Democrat is elected to the Presidency, a large majority in the Senate can prevent progressives from being appointed to the Supreme Court. A large majority of Republicans in the House can prevent irresponsible and costly programs from being implemented because the House controls the purse strings. This solution, however, is dependent upon electing conservatives, not Republicans in Name Only (RINOs) and you, the voter, must do the homework on your candidates. You may even have to do some work in helping find the best candidates – and yes, you may have to contribute to their campaigns (because the RNC will not provide funds to candidates it cannot control). Those are the responsibilities of citizens who value freedom.


This private corporation that is not part of the government is causing all of our economic problems because of its zero interest rate policies, quantitative easing, and other policies resulting in debt, isn’t it? MMB Answer: The Federal Reserve System was unconstitutionally forced on the American people in 1913. The Constitution of the United States places responsibility for America's money management in the hands of the Congress and can be changed only by an Amendment to the Constitution, not by a legislative action. The copy of the unlawful Federal Reserve Act that I have indicates a contract between this private, non-government owned agency was for 90 years. That means the Federal Reserve’s contract with the United States government ended in 2003. Why has the Congress not returned the function of the Fed to the Treasury Department? Why are they still in business? Their performance record certainly doesn't justify keeping them around. It’s true that the policies of the Federal Reserve are responsible for much of our economic trauma. They avoided their oversight responsibilities relative to the liar loans that were so much a part of the failure of Lehman Brothers derivatives which started the entire Too Big To Fail pro-Wall Street economic decline in 2007. It’s true that Fed policies regarding quantitative easing and TARP and home foreclosures severely damaged the American people. The Federal Reserve, however, is merely a part of an international cabal of central banks and they dance to the tune played by their handlers. The best way to cut off the head of this snake – or disable the many arms of this octopus – is for individual states to implement state banks. You can find out about what state banks are and how they can turn the economy around in your state by going to my blog, marilynwrites.blogspot.com where I have posted the Expert Witness testimony I make available to state governments when they inquire about state banks. These questions and answers represent only a handful of the issues surrounding the problems of North America. There are many more question... there are many more answers. You can find them for yourself merely by becoming informed about your government, its Constitution, and the economic system on which it relies for survival. You will find few (if any) answers about saving our nation by spending your time reading disinformation created by psyops experts to keep you from identifying and focusing on the real issues. One of the things I appreciate about Canada Free Press is that Judi McLeod is very careful about the articles that get published here.

Marilyn Barnewall -- Bio and Archives

Marilyn Barnewall received her graduate degree in Banking from the University of Colorado Graduate School of Business in 1978. She created the first wealth creation (credit-driven) private bank in America in the 1970s. Prior to her 21-year banking career, she was a newspaper reporter, advertising copywriter, public relations director, magazine editor, assistant to the publisher, singer, dog trainer, and an insurance salesperson and manager.