
Rick Rizzolo is allowed to bring a new suit on the same claim

Rizzolo Returns To Court Thursday With A New Attorney

Convicted racketeer Rick Rizzolo's latest attorney Sigal Chattah filed a new lawsuit for "Negligent interference with prospective business advantage" on November 29, 2012, against beating victim Crazy Horse Too, asking for rescission of Rizzolo's settlement agreement to pay Henry $10 million dollars in exchange for a shortened prison sentence.
So far, Henry's trust has received $3 million illegally paid to Rizzolo's stepmother Kimtran Rizzolo from the secret sale of the Philadelphia Crazy Horse Too, and an untold sum of money Rick's ex-wife Lisa Rizzolo transferred to the Henry trust from her secret stash in the Cook Islands. Before the money can be turned over to Henry, several legal issues must be settled including a Ninth Circuit Court appeal by Kimtran that is pending, and the following refusal by Ms. Chattah to dismiss Henry's claims "without prejudice," meaning Rick Rizzolo is allowed to bring a new suit on the same claim. More...

Steve Miller -- Bio and Archives

Steve Miller, is a former Las Vegas City Councilman. In 1991, the readers of the Las Vegas Review Journal voted him the “Most Effective Public Official” in Southern Nevada. Miller writes internationally syndicated columns on organized crime and political corruption for Rick Porrello’s AmericanMafia.com.

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