
Tens of millions of dollars are being lost daily

Restore Rail Service Immediately

Restore Rail Service ImmediatelyTORONTO - The Coalition of Concerned Manufacturers and Businesses of Canada (CCMBC) is calling for the federal government to restore rail service immediately. These blockades are against the law and are causing untold hardship to families across the country. Member companies that depend on lumber shipments from the west cannot get goods. Plastics companies have rail cars of raw material stranded in the U.S. unable to make it to their plants. Propane shipments are not making their way to customers in the Maritimes both industrial, agricultural and family homes.
Tens of millions of dollars are being lost daily. Food manufactures are running out of their supplies and cannot get their product to market. This blockade could result in food shortages and fuel shortages and jobs are at grave risk with layoffs quickly becoming the only option for some business owners. Rail carries millions of products and materials on behalf of local and remote businesses, supporting and growing the Canadian economy. It is an essential service. It must be restored immediately. The Coalition would note that if foreign funded activist are permitted to participate in blocking vital rail transportation seems to be a foreign act of aggression against Canada. The CCMBC calls for immediate action by the federal government. If the Prime Minister is unwilling or unable to restore the rule of law then he should resign. For more information on the Coalition please visit ccmoo.ca or contact Jocelyn Bamford @416-335- 7500 ext. 269

Jocelyn Bamford -- Bio and Archives

Jocelyn Bamford is the president and founder of the Coalition of Concerned Manufacturers and Businesses of Canada.