
Respect is not automatic

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By —— Bio and Archives April 16, 2021

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Among the underclass are unproductive trouble makers with an attitude, whom political progressives and the liberal left media designate as oppressed victims of the conservative and capitalist system, and are actually victimized by their disingenuous saviors, to be used among other things, in their quest for power. The present administration's aim is to increase their base with these specimens of limited intelligence, from a minority, to become a majority and flood the polls with Neanderthals to their bidding.This poses a danger, because ignorance is prone to error. Respect is not an automatic privilege, but must be earned. This is something foreign in the liberal narrative, because it gives to the unproductive what they haven't earned and label it empathy.

George Giftos -- Bio and Archives | Comments

George Giftos is a retired travel agency executive, in management for agencies by Fugazy World Travel, U.S. Industries, Carlson Companies.
George is a veteran of the U.S. Air Force.