
It’s the Sharpton’s of the world that turn the decent ones violent and hurt the black communities


As an ex-professional boxer who doesn’t want to get mauled by some conceited weakling on the street, I really appreciate cops. If there were none, we’d probably have thousands of incidents on a daily basis in our chaotic cities. So I have no sympathy for 17 time loser Delrawn Small who was shot by Officer Wayne Isaacs as he beat the cop through his car window in Brooklyn. And I am sickened by his niece, Zoe Dempsey, who announces, “This is war.”
What does she know about war? Temper tantrums, skirts and weak assaults. Without cops, beatings and rapes would be an hourly occurrence. I have always felt the beneficent influence of the police. At 16 I lived in a rich neighborhood, Great Neck, and some cops pulled three of us over for driving illegally. My friend, Wayne, started screaming and throwing punches. What for? We were in the wrong. He had some sick hatred towards cops and just made our predicament worse. We got pulled into the station house in Roslyn. Who needed that? In jail in my early forties, one of my friends starting mouthing off to a CO. He was screaming at the cop as he took him off to solitary. I wanted to jump on my friend and beat him up. I was on the cop’s side. I felt that my freind was an entitled girl and he should keep his mouth shut like a man.
Black or white, who cares about idiot Dempsey. He should have behaved himself like a gentleman. Small chance of that when he had seventeen violations. And his relatives want to defend his lack of reputation. If he weren’t dead he would belong in jail. To become part of modern civilization the blacks have to concern themselves with being civilized. They have to stop being defensive. When I criticized a group of black teenagers in Ferguson who beat up a seventy year old white man with an oxygen tank, two pro fighters at Gleason’s Gym told me they never wanted to talk to me. I’m lucky they didn’t want to fight me. But they should have defended me for looking out for the dignity of blacks and protesting their riots. I know so many good blacks. It’s the Sharpton’s of the world that turn the decent ones violent and hurt the black communities.

David Lawrence -- Bio and Archives

David Lawrence is a writer for Canada Free Press.