
And if their Facebook statements aren't enough, the group attended McClintock's recent townhall meeting wearing red robes and white bonnets, mimicking The Handmaid's Tale

Radical Feminists Troll Rep. McClintock, Then Claim Victimhood

Recently radical activists forced California GOP Rep. Tom McClintock to need police escorts out of district town hall meetings when things turned violent. Yet in another hit piece on McClintock Wednesday, the Sacramento Bee clearly sided with the same feminist activists who trolled his district town hall meetings, and then claimed the Congressman's office threatened them when they called in. The Bee writer, Anita Chabria, who claims to be a "race, immigration and social justice reporter" interviewed three women for the article who claim to be victims. "They started saying that we were impeding...the functioning of a federal office and that we were in violation of a federal law," said Alisa Jaffe Holleron. "I felt like it was threatening. I felt like they were telling me I was breaking a law and if you break a law you can get in trouble."

Does this sound like innocent constituents calling their Congressman?

However, nothing could be further from the truth. The women are part of an activist network that has bombarded McClintock's office with daily calls meant to disrupt business, make his staff "uncomfortable" "wreak havoc" on his office, "wear them down" "keep them off balance" and even "torment a new intern." Does this sound like innocent constituents calling their Congressman? The callers say "they began the effort as a way to reach out across the political divide in a rural area that has become increasingly split since the election of Donald Trump." "My intention is inviting (McClintock) to have a dialogue with us" said Alisa Jaffe Holleron. "I'm bothered just how disturbing the divisiveness in our district is." Except on Facebook in their activist groups, they freely admit that they "don't expect to influence McClintock's policy." The screen shots of this group's Facebook pages speak for themselves--there is no dialogue they are interested in having unless it involves McClintock in the fetal position. Holleron claiming it "felt like it was threatening" is almost laughable. The woman is a marriage and family therapist, who counsels adults during the most difficult times of their lives.

Who Are We, McClintock" Calling Group

This "victim" Alisa Jaffe Holleron, a member of El Dorado Progressives,Indivisible Roseville, and the ringleader founder of the "Who Are We, McClintock" Calling Group posted an encouragement to join "Calling Group" on her Facebook page:
"We are a group of 460 people. We call McClintock's office frequently. Some of us call every day. We share what we've talked about with the group, and have gotten to be a wonderful community of folks who support each other. We give suggestions for things to talk about and scripts if needed." (emphasis mine)
Igor Birman, McClintock's Chief of staff, said the daily calls are an organized attempt to stop the staff's legitimate work without any desire for real political dialogue and said the callers have turned nasty at times.
"They 'torment' our interns and then brag about it" Birman said. "Our interns range in age from high school to college graduates. Some are under 18. These bright kids, who come to Washington to learn about our system of government and work long hours while drawing no salary, were sworn at, compared to Nazi train conductors, asked when they lost their virginity and what type of birth control they were using, just to name a few."
"Kate Hege, another constituent who phones in, said the pressure to stop calling made them want to persist" the Bee wrote. Kate Hege, an activist attorney, then posted this on Facebook:
"The Nazi train conductor metaphor was me, I was explaining Hannah Arendt's concept of "the banality of evil" encouraging the interns to see their part in what's happening in our country, as benign and mundane as it might seem to them. They kept saying that they were just doing their jobs. I asked them to be more ethically engaged, to ask questions, not just carry-on because it was their job. That was months ago, I guess it made an impact!"

The modus operandi of this group is they manufacture the very news that they get "social justice" reporters to write favorably about

Hege has worked as a Workers' Rights Coordinating Attorney with La Raza Centro Legal, as well as with California Rural Legal Assistance. She didn't just fall off of the activist turnip truck; she's been practicing her activist craft for years, and doing so as an attorney. "At McClintock's most recent town hall, Hege, Holleron, Mascorro and nine other women ages 12 to 70 dressed in red cloaks and white bonnets to mimic the oppressed women in Margaret Atwood's 'The Handmaid's Tale,' a book and ongoing television series about a misogynistic dystopia run by a totalitarian regime" the Bee reported. The modus operandi of this group is they manufacture the very news that they get "social justice" reporters to write favorably about. In the article, Alisa Jaffe Holleron, depicted as "a grandmother and therapist who specializes in conflict resolution" disputes she has been harassing. A quick perusal of her Facebook page shows quite a different story, including her own photo of Holleron at the Women's March wearing a pink "#" hat to show her feminist resistance.
Holleron is all over the 'Who Are We McClintock calling group' Facebook page posting and organizing. She's a licensed Marriage/Family therapist specializing in divorce and "co-parenting." Can you imagine seeking out professional help and ending up in the care of this man-hating witch? These people are nothing more than incendiary thugs set on terrorizing conservatives and the right into submission. McClintock Chief of Staff Igor Birman explained:
"No one in our office was ever told to accuse callers of breaking the law. Senior staffers, myself included, have met many times and continue to meet with Indivisible members, and we welcome constituent calls. While many calls are in support of the Congressman, since January of this year we started receiving them from a group whose mission statement, as posted by its leader, is to "make [staff] uncomfortable" "wreak havoc in [Mr. McClintock's] office" "take a lot of [staff's] time" "weaken [Mr. McClintock's office] in any way possible" "upset" our staff, "throw [our staff] off balance" etc.
On the Facebook pages, these women activists openly admit that they "don't expect to influence [Mr. McClintock's] policy." The screen shots of this group's Facebook pages speak for themselves. Alisa Jaffe Hollernon said on her Facebook page:
"Trump is loyal to Russia. We need to not be distracted about things like the wall. We need to get this man impeached."
About Trump's election Holleron said: "No, I won't get over it. Getting over it is pretending something terrible isn't happening. Something terrible is happening. It is not normal." And if their Facebook statements aren't enough, the group attended McClintock's recent townhall meeting wearing red robes and white bonnets, mimicking The Handmaid's Tale, a dystopian story of women in a totalitarian and theocratic state that has replaced the United States of America. They claimed they were there in protest of his anti-woman agenda." "We wanted the Congressman to hear our voices because of the attacks on women that he supports and the creeping authoritarianism that he supports" Hegé told HuffPost. "The women who staged the silent handmaids protest this time were from Foothills Rising,"Who Are We, McClintock?" calling group, and members of the Indivisible movement. Member Kate Hegé, told HuffPost that there were "about a dozen Handmaids, ages 12 to 70" representing Amador, Calaveras, Alpine, El Dorado, and Placer Counties.

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Articles with Megan Barth

Katy Grimes is an investigative journalist, Senior Correspondent with the Flash Report, ReaganBabe, and Senior Media Fellow with Energy and Environmental Institute. A longtime political analyst, she has written for The Sacramento Union, The Washington Examiner, Watchdog.org, The Pacific Research Institute’s CalWatchdog, The San Francisco Examiner, The Business Journal, E&E Legal, The Sacramento Bee, Legal Insurrection, Canada Free Press, and Laura Ingraham’s LifeZette, and can be heard regularly on many talk radio shows each week.