
We are now witnessing the birth of a new MSM lie that there is no such thing as Islamic terrorism

Rachel Maddow: Islamic Terrorism? Never Heard of It

In just the latest example of liberal media types trying to redefine the motivations of the Boston bombers, whose motivation was made all too clear when Dzhokhar Tsarnaev admitted to authorities that “religious fervor” led to his actions, Rachel Maddow did her best last week to pretend that there is no such thing as Islamic terrorism and anyone who believes otherwise is a tin cap wearing idiot.
Maddow started her show on Wednesday with the tried and true method liberals everywhere use to smear conservatives: point to a single person who in no way represents the beliefs of the conservative majority and then use their words to tarnish the rest of us. During the 2012 election that person was Todd Akin, a little known and unimportant GOP candidate who somehow became a household name following his unbelievably stupid remarks on rape. Next thing you know the Republican Party had become the Party of Rape and Obama was on his way to a second term victory, mostly due to the overwhelming advantage he held among single women voters (thanks, Akin!). Maddow’s Akin stand-in last week was Alex Jones, the proprietor of the website InfoWars. Jones revels in conspiracy theories. No joke - he actually believes the lunar landings were faked, a fact that Maddow gleefully brought up on her program as evidence of kooky right wing ideology. While Jones does have a bit of a following on the right side of politics, many credit him with alerting the public to the massive purchases of ammunition and arms by the Department of Homeland Security, he is hardly a bellwether for conservative thought.
Jones’ latest conspiracy theory is the Boston bombing was a false flag operation perpetrated by the federal government. Even though practically no one of import supports this theory, Maddow used Jones’ words to imply that most conservatives are too dumb to discern the difference between truth and fiction. “The American right is right now embracing this stuff more overtly than they have in the past,” said Maddow. She continued by saying that the conservative acceptance of conspiracy theories is now mainstream and her proof was a litany of clips from various right wing commentators pointing out the danger of Islamic radicalism and its role in Boston. From denial of the lunar landings to the myth of Islamic terrorism, her point had been made: only stupid conservatives could possibly believe that Islam, the religion of peace, could have anything to do with something so heinous as the Boston bombings. Maddow’s blindness to the dangers of Islam is continuation of the left wing’s attempt to whitewash the truth – that Islam is the religion of terror, a barbaric seventh century ideology that has no place in the twenty-first century. Even though the proof is everywhere to see – talk about mainstream, Islamist clerics and religious leaders throughout the Middle East and elsewhere openly praise jihad and the righteousness behind killing Jews, Christians, westerners or anyone else who gets in the way of Islam – these facts goes against the liberal narrative, that is more focused on destroying America rather than defending it, so they must be repressed. We are now witnessing the birth of a new MSM lie that there is no such thing as Islamic terrorism. As for the 20,000 plus Islamic terrorist attacks around the world since 9/11? Well, that’s just disaffected Muslim youth having a bit of fun, I guess.

Fred Dardick -- Bio and Archives

Fred Dardick got a BS in Biology at Boston University and MS in Biology at Stanford University before deciding that science bored him. He now runs a staffing company in Chicago where he is much happier now.