
Ridiculously lax evidentiary standard used by the identity-politics-obsessed Left, CNN already deserves to be driven into bankruptcy

Race-baiting, Trump-hating CNN sued by 175 black employees for discrimination

CNN, which pretends to be a racism watchdog with all its wild, unfounded accusations against President Trump and many others, is being sued by a boatload of current and past employees for racial discrimination, the Daily Wire reports.
News personalities and writers at CNN repeatedly try to paint President Donald Trump as a racist, which is ironic considering that they’re being sued by 175 African-American former and current employees for racial discrimination.
Whether it’s Don Lemon claiming that anyone who supports Trump is “complicit” in racism or bitter Ana Navarro calling Trump a “misogynist racist bigoted pig,” CNN’s obsession with trying to connect Trump to racism is obvious. Ironically, the network that desperately tries to portray itself as strongly opposed to racism is being sued for just that — racial discrimination.
The lawsuit against CNN and related companies asserts that black workers have been given lower performance ratings in evaluations. This may very well be based on nothing, a naked Jesse Jackson-style attempt to extract money from a big-pocketed company, but by the ridiculously lax evidentiary standard used by the identity-politics-obsessed Left, CNN already deserves to be driven into bankruptcy.

Matthew Vadum -- BombThrowers -- Bio and Archives

Matthew Vadum,  matthewvadum.blogspot.com, is an investigative reporter.

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