
MP Seats by population only

Quebec has lost any Right to Special Treatment

It really shouldn’t be more than common sense that our representation of MPs in Canada’s parliament ought to reflect the number of voters in each province and by electoral district within each province. The system has been grossly out of whack for generations. To put it simply, my vote should be equal to yours and visa versa in respect to our influence on any election of MPs. However, the actual process has always taken into consideration a myriad of historical and political factors.
As a result of the political and formula manipulations of the various commissions and parliamentary committees that have decided these matters in the past, many classic out-of-balance cases of under or over representation have taken place. Ontario today, according to the present formula is about 18 seats short of their required number of MPs. British Columbia would need 7 more seats. Alberta 5 more seats. The rest of the provinces require no change. The present discussion has raised concerns with the announcements that P.M. Harper’s Conservative government will seek to adjust the people’s representation to more properly reflect the population numbers across all Canadian Provinces and territories.
Some years ago a special arrangement was made to protect Quebec’s unique culture and minority influence within Canada with a guarantee of a fixed number of 75 seats in parliament regardless of its population decline or growth. Quebec has been over-represented as a result. Now, with a declining population relative to the growing populations of some other provinces of Canada, they are concerned they will lose their extraordinary influence on Canadian affairs. As a consequence, Quebec’s National Democratic Party (NDP) opposition House Leader, Thomas Mulcair is therefore not only demanding that Quebec should retain their fixed number of MPs, even if their population continues to decline but is demanding that an ever increasing number of seats be allocated to Quebec in perpetuity to a total equal to 25% of Canada’s growing population in order to retain their exceptional influence over Canada.

The appropriate answer is NO!

Why? Simply because Quebec has forfeited any right to even ask for such consideration, given their dictatorial and obnoxious behaviour towards English-speaking Canadians within and without Quebec over the last 40 years. Quebec’s blackest trademark being their language laws that have caused over 500,000 of their English- speaking Canadians to abandon Quebec rather than tolerate their demeaning, arrogant and (some of their citizens) violent criminal behaviour. Then again, Quebec refused to contribute to the defence of the free world in the two great conflagrations of the 20th century. Their leadership and the majority of their citizens of French origin considered World War I as a British Empire war even though their “beloved” homeland was invaded and that very Empire, including Canada, was fighting to defeat the invading Germans. In WW II French Quebec exhibited sympathies towards the Nazis, were anti-Semitic and were pro the Laval government (a pro-Nazi government that co-operated with the Nazis after the fall of France). During WW II (1939 to 1945) our former Prime Minister P. E. Trudeau (1968-1979 & 1980-1984) and his Quebec cronies exhibited this attitude in spades to the extent of near treason. * * See pages 121 to 123 and Chapter 9 of “Young Trudeau,” by biographer – historians Max and Monique Nemni, publishers; McClelland an Stewart Ltd, Toronto (2006). There are few positive contributions Quebec has ever made or will ever make to Canada. They are a racist, church-school brainwashed and an anti-Anglais linguistic backwater of childlike misdirection. So long as they stain the Canadian scene, Canada can never progress as it should. Even the damage done to our laws and the fundamental ethical principles underlying those laws by our Quebecois oriented past leadership will take decades to rectify. Their actions have so corrupted our own English-speaking citizens that few now have any idea who they are or the great culture of freedom they represent.

Spoiled Brats – Quebec’s Politicians

The time has come to call the shot on the juvenile behaviour of Quebecois politician’s and the foot stamping tantrums of their unhappy belle Province citizens. This spoiled “Nation” within the Nation of Canada can never be raised to adulthood by our federal MP coddlers who themselves seemingly have great difficulty in exercising any form of disciplined child rearing. If Quebec eventually is abandoned to follow its childlike destructive ways of trashing the very freedoms of their own family and their English-speaking neighbours, especially by constantly demanding more than their fair share, they will forever swim in the anarchy they have created. Their so-called Francophonie of like minded nations to which the rest of Canada is presently forced to contribute millions of dollars can barely tolerate the Quebecois, sneering as they do at les Habitant’s French patois accents. The Quebecois reciprocate with their complete distain of their “friend’s” linguistic snobbery.

Our Quebec baby-minding English-speaking MPs

Surely our English-speaking MPs, especially those of our majority Conservative Party of Canada (CPC) will become mothers and fathers of sterner stuff and say, “No dear, Daddy and Mommy think its time to make your mind up, either shape up and learn to eat and behave properly or you will be sent to bed with no dinner and isolated from the family. Maybe the Children’s Aid will take you, but we can no longer accept your miserable infantile antics. We have to progress in this world and not be dragged down forever by your incessant demands while the rest of us work hard and fight the wars of civilization and die in the tens of thousands for your freedoms while you sneer at the “maudis Anglais” and run for the bush. Peace or war you are a dead weight on our progress and social harmony.

Time to say Goodbye – Adieu et Bon Voyage!

Mr. Mulcair represents the true feelings of the majority of Quebecers. We have heard it all before, encore et encore. It has infected all of Canada, especially our armed services, the R.C.M.P., the Federal government, the civil service and the Ottawa National Capital district plus surrounding towns and villages. We loath the federal government’s paid French-Canadian agitators now inserted into every English-speaking province to demand millions of dollars of unnecessary French language services. They must be sent packing back to their Nation of Quebec. The whole charade is a multi-billion dollar insult to Canadians from coast to coast. Quebec indeed represents a huge financial and morally corrupting presence.

A cautionary note:

We must always recognize those very special French Canadian volunteers who have fought valiantly in Canada’s wars and died and sacrificed with the rest of us, they are the heroic valiant exceptions. We also honour the large minority of outstanding French Canadian Quebecers who do not think this way but work successfully with the majority, but as with all disturbed societies it is virtually impossible for the latter to make their voices heard above the cacophony of the rest.

We must take action now – Declare the Rest of Canada and Territories other than Quebec “Officially Unilingual English.”

Repeal the Official Languages Act now and declare all provinces and territories unilingual English-speaking in exactly the same manner as Quebec has eliminated English in that province. We should not however, mimic the nasty demeaning sign and language police with their vindictive informers. We must stop the language wars by eradicating the lost causes of the French language and French/English official bilingualism throughout all levels of government and our courts everywhere in Canada. Quebec companies wishing to trade into Canada, a free enterprise country, could label their products in English or French or any other languages to freely accommodate their client’s needs (with reciprocity agreements of course). All official government services for French speakers in Canada must cease immediately. Quebec must separate as an adult Nation soon thereafter. Quebec must issue its own currency and assume their portion of Canada’s debt. Canada would assume its portion of our national debt. Territorial redistribution would eventually be necessary according to pre 1867 arrangements. ** ** Mr. James Allan is a former professional accountant and long time student of the Quebec situation in Canada as to the true costs of Official Bilingualism. Just this September 2011 he has proposed a logical reassignment of Quebec territory in the event of a negotiated separation. Please let me know should you wish to receive either of his studies.

To Prime Minister Harper and the Conservative Party of Canada

The foregoing plan is the only practical and moral choice possible to rebalance our confederation of Canadian provinces. We must eliminate the baby-sitting of an amoral childlike Quebec. We have declared them a Nation. Let them be a Nation of adults. The first step is to eliminate the language atrocity. Repeal the Official Languages Act now and all its divisive regulations. Unify all Canadians in the new French-free Canada so that we can progress boldly into the future under our ancient laws with no special laws for tribal groups defined by race, nationality, ethnicity or skin colour or any other aparheid group designation. Canadians must also learn or relearn the basic principles of their heritage. Especially the principle that each individual Canadian must be subject to the same laws and equal to each other before and under those laws. Freedom demands we return to the fundamental tenets of our society. Free speech, Freedom of the media, Freedom of Association, presumption of innocence, etc. Those values millions have fought and died for. There is no possibility of maximizing Canada’s strength while these ever-bickering French/English confrontations continue. Quebec will never accept Canada unless they control it. English-speaking Canadians will never permit that type of dictatorship or any other tribal or religeous group’s dictatorship. Now is the time to act. May you, Rt. Hon. Prime Minister Harper, become the all-Canadian statesman of the 21st century by giving birth to the creation of a new united English-speaking Canada and the possibility of an adult French-speaking good neighbour; the Nation of Quebec.

Dick Field -- Bio and Archives

Dick Field, editor of Blanco’s Blog, is the former editor of the Voice of Canadian Committees and the Montgomery Tavern Society, Dick Field is a World War II veteran, who served in combat with the Royal Canadian Artillery, Second Division, 4th Field Regiment in Belgium, Holland and Germany as a 19-year-old gunner and forward observation signaller working with the infantry. Field also spent six months in the occupation army in Northern Germany and after the war became a commissioned officer in the Armoured Corps, spending a further six years in the Reserves.

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