
Tom Mulcair: Hardcore Communist platform messaging

Putting a Silk Hat on a Sow – NDP Resorts to Spin and Lies to Cover True Intentions

Guess we’re all expected to throw in with the NDP now since its party members at a recent policy convention voted to soften their hardcore Communist platform messaging. Of course there was no resolution at said convention to actually denounce or abandon the destructive ideology behind the messaging.
Rather the NDP’s secret weapon in preparation for taking the reins of federal power in 2015, is to filter their platform so it’s easier for the snake-oil susceptible public to digest. Seems the power of demagoguery - so perfected by Obama for America organizers - is trickling into NDP campaign strategy, and surely NDP party members had many ah-ha take-away moments when said Obama organizers shared their rules for radicals with convention attendees over the weekend. By adopting this cynical, patronizing, deceptive bait-and-switch approach to platform development, NDP leader Tom Mulcair has shown he is as big a charlatan as his socialist soul-mate in America. What can be said about a party that espouses principles so horrifying that they cannot be spoken of openly? Indeed it is the outspoken, proud and righteous that fear not trumpeting their values and beliefs. The one who understates is neither a true-believer nor honest to themselves or to others. How can the NDP expect to be taken into the collective Canadian bosom, when they are so insecure about their own platform? Why the need for deception and misdirect? And isn’t there something diabolical about the NDP collaborating with leftist activists rabble rousers, operating on behalf of a foreign government within our sovereign territory, attempting to influence our elections? And what impression do we get when a party lies to us even before they are elected?
Perhaps it is too much to hope for that the changes in the party’s constitution are a genuine attempt at moderation. Dare we dream to think this may be an earth-shaking movement from hardcore, extreme leftism to the moderate, compromising political centre? Has the misguided and lost NDP ship righted its doomed course? Unfortunately Mr. Mulcair will disappointingly find that the centre is already a massive pile-on, those pesky other parties having staked their claim years ago. Besides, Marxism-light is hardly the brand economically hard-hit Canadians are willing to embrace at the moment. Undoubtedly too many Canadians suffer from the sweet collectivist high that results from excessive suckling on so-call “free” government hand-outs, but even the garden variety Canadian socialist cannot without conscience take the plunge into the collectivist abyss that the NDP’s true agenda calls for. The function of the cosmetic veneer that’s being smeared on the campaign messaging is therefore more easily understood, since a person is more apt to jump off a cliff if they are blindfolded. Still one has to respect the effectiveness of employing superficiality and image when influencing the electorate; it is, after all, paying dividends for the Liberal Party. Prop up a tooth-whitened, empty tailored suit with a familiar name, and you’ll have the Liberal media eating out of your hand. This lesson is clearly not lost on Mr. Mulcair and his accolades, but lacking a glamorous front man and saddled with communist-era party principles, there doesn’t seem to be any other choice for the NDP but to lie about their true agenda. Is it so shocking that the free everything for everyone brand so greedily lapped up by Quebecers doesn’t resonate with the rest of Canada? And rather than the NDP distancing themselves from their traditional hard-left roots, and embracing values more congruous to mainstream Canadian values, perhaps they wouldn’t have to resort to messaging sleight of hand.

Free spending, free taxing collectivist utopia model finds ready acceptance in Quebec

Admittedly the free spending, free taxing collectivist utopia model finds ready acceptance in Quebec, and if it weren’t for the dummies in the rest of Canada to steal from, to feed the insatiable entitlement money furnace in Quebec, the communist dream would have died with Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot. Let’s force ourselves to image the unimaginable; what would happen if the NDP actually won a majority in the House of Commons. Horrifying, shocking, suicide- inducing, absolutely, but let’s force ourselves to confront our possible destruction so we may appreciate the enormous danger the NDP represents to our freedom, liberty and private property. We need only look to provinces that the NDP has already destroyed such as British Columbia, Ontario and my home province of Manitoba to find clues of what our future would look like under the iron fist of communism.

In Manitoba the NDP has raised taxes across the board repeatedly

In Manitoba the NDP has raised taxes across the board repeatedly. The first thing the NDP did when they took power in Manitoba was to repeal sections of the balanced budget law instituted by the previous Conservative government, and since then they have run wild with spending. Just a few months ago residents were hit with the largest tax increases that the province has seen in the last 25 years. In addition to taxes being raised, all manner of levies, licensing fees and excises under provincial jurisdiction have skyrocketed. Even the little pleasures that allow the peasantry some measure of relief including gambling, alcohol and tobacco were hit heavily; consider that a package of cigarettes cost $7.50 when the NDP took power over a decade ago, now a package will set you back $14.00. Selinger and his band of thieves are now trying to institute an increase to the provincial sales tax, which will require the repeal of the current law that requires a referendum on the matter – like that is going to stop them. Therefore, it is not unreasonable to predict that if the NDP were elected federally, income taxes would increase across the board, perhaps up to 5 – 15%. Especially hard hit will be the so-called rich – known as the evil bourgeoisie in Marxist lingo or entrepreneurs and wealth-creators by the rest of us. A special wealth tax would also be instituted by the NDP if elected federally, designed to confiscate 50% or more from anyone earning $100,000 annually. Ironically, given the anti-business climate in Manitoba, most of those big money earners are likely to be government employees.

If elected federally the NDP would rack up massive debts and deficits

If elected federally the NDP would rack up massive debts and deficits; my estimate is that the national debt would nearly double while budget deficits would become annual, record-breaking trends. Consider that Manitoba had a balanced budget when the NDP took power; indeed the Manitoba Conservatives delivered balanced budgets with small surpluses four years in a row prior to the NDP black cloud settling in. Now the province’s debt stands at $37B and climbing steadily, with only the Maritime Provinces and Quebec having higher debt per capita ratios than Manitoba. Sounds like Ontario during Bob Rae’s rein of economic terror, during the glory days when he was running around calling himself a proud New Democrat. If Canadians elect the NDP federally they would be giving their great, great, great grandchildren the gift of debt since that’s how long it will take to pay off. The massive structural deficits and the repayment of interest alone would take valuable resources and put at risk nation programs such as health care, employment insurance and our military. This of course assumes interest rates will remain at practically zero, the level they are now at. As the government of Canada the NDP would introduce massively expensive new programs such as a national day care program, a housing program, various green programs and some form of medication subsidy for seniors. All these programs have been bantered around by the NDP over the last decade or so and my estimate of their annual cost would exceed $25B in new, annual spending. As a result the civil service would increase in size by 25% and thousands of pages of new regulations would be introduced which would ravage our industries and personal freedom and liberty. Unemployment rates will rise as a result which will force the expansion of the eligibility for unemployment insurance, more people will be put on some form of disability payments or perhaps even a food stamp program, similar to the American model, will have to be implemented to mitigate the horrendous loss of jobs. In spite of the government currently controlling every molecule and every aspect of our lives, a federally elected NDP government would move to regulate and tax the carbon dioxide we breathe by instituting some form of green tax to further punish our industries. Never mind that anthropogenic global warming has been debunked, and look at all the terrible experiences Americans have had with flushing money down the government green rat hole with the likes of Solyndra, the solar panel company that went out of business after receiving $500M in tax payer subsidies. Still all this experience with the crushing costs of so-called “green” policies is sure to roll off the back of the rabid NDP progressives since ideology trumps experience in the great bluffing poker game we call public policy. Recall the anti-business, pro-union policies that Bob Rae’s NDP government instituted in Ontario several years back – the same policies that lead to the gradual decline of manufacturing in the region. Not to be outdone, when Manitoba extended its floodway, the NDP made the job a union shop which prevented non-unionized labour from participating. The result was a dramatic increase in labour costs which tax payers had to absorb. Consequently it is not unreasonable to conclude that if the NDP government were elected federally, likely all government jobs will be unionized. This would result in massive increases to labour costs as a result of the inflated wages and gold-plated pensions and benefits that unions demand – and usually get courtesy of the spineless bureaucrat morons that negotiate on behalf of tax payers. All these costs will be heaped atop the tens of billions of dollars that the federal government is currently carrying in the form of unfunded civil service pension liabilities.

King Trudeau the Entitled has taken his rightful place as heir apparent to Canada

A federal NDP government is almost too awful to contemplate but clearly many rational Canadians got a good scare when Quebec helped the party to achieve official opposition status. However, how that King Trudeau the Entitled has taken his rightful place as heir apparent to Canada, 2015 will see a dramatic decline in the NDP’s national popularity as the Liberal Party is sure to drain off NDP votes in Quebec. We can only hope that the NDP are soundly defeated and put back into their rightful place within the realm of political obscurity. Still, that the NDP party has aligned itself with the street radicals within the Obama for America organization is very troubling, and unfortunately the bad influence is rubbing off. As any Fabian Socialist worth their weight in other people’s money knows, lying is always justified if it advances the cause. Unfortunately, you can dress a pig up in a silk suit but in the end, beneath it all, there is still a pig.

Tom Barak -- Bio and Archives

Tom is a Canadian-based freelance marketing consultant and writer and has been a long-time member of the Conservative movement. He received his MBA accreditation from the University of Manitoba and splits his time fundraising for community centres and mentoring and consulting with local and national businesses.