
There is a hierarchy in the progressive movement

Progressives, Education and ISMs

Progressives, Education and ISMsThe progressive movement in America has had the greatest success by taking over the public education establishment. Through their unionization, the radicalization of public school curricula, the collusion of union-selected boards and the apathy of parents, progressives have, for two generations, been indoctrinating children with ideas and philosophies that are juxtaposed to those of the Founding. This most pervasive and destructive effort on the part of progressives is just now beginning to see the light of day, but one must fear that it might be too late to recapture a system so large and so powerful that citizen outrage will have little impact. One need look no further than the pronouncements of teacher-union leaders to see that these purveyors of propaganda have no intention of bending to something like the will of the people.

Obama, Biden, Pelosi and the rest of the democrat party are hurtling toward the cliff

Through the public education system, in which we still find over 70% of America’s children, the progressives have advanced several “isms” that tend to warp and twist the logic and intellectual development of children essentially held captive eight hours a day in a government-mandated system that has not substantively improved in over 50 years. The most pervasive “ism” is environmentalism. The entirety of the environmental movement is focused on the destruction of capitalism and the redistribution of wealth, not just in America but around the world. Other “isms” include feminism and pacifism. Though one does not ever want to see young Americans in harm’s way, one must support and defend this nation particularly if the values and interests of this nation are at risk. The issue of feminism is again another approach to deconstructing the identity of the individual and destroying the fabric of the nuclear family. Perhaps the most pernicious “ism” is racism. The previous president, lacking a moral center or courage of any kind, used his self-identified race as a bludgeon to assault anyone who might disagree with him. Obama, Biden, Pelosi and the rest of the democrat party are hurtling toward the cliff. They are embracing socialism and are seeking authoritarian rule over all in this country. They do not believe in Natural Law or Natural Rights and are incensed at the mere existence of the Constitution. They are the true enemies within.

The Grand Scheme

Most progressives in America are conflicted. Though their egalitarianism dictates that to be equal, all must share power, they have come to the conclusion that perfecting society cannot be left to the masses. In order for progressives to achieve their goals of perfecting man and society, there must be a ruling elite to decide on what perfection really means. To that end, there is a hierarchy in the progressive movement. • The Masters of the Universe. These are the socialists who have benefited the most from capitalism and who seek the elimination of competition from the globe. They believe in world governance founded in a socialist economic system. Right now, the United States, as the most powerful economic engine on earth, stands as a bastion against a world order run by these selfish, self-centered and self-absorbed sociopaths who are enraged by the mere thought of an individual who might seek achievement on his or her own. Think about George Soros when you imagine who the Masters of the Universe might be. • The Power Elites. These are the beautiful people who come from entertainment, politics and academia. Living and thriving within their own circles, they propagate a power system that cannot be swayed by reality. Taking the hand- outs of the Masters, these individuals seek power at all costs for all the wrong reasons. Their intentions are to rule, not govern, and they will do anything to achieve those ends. • The Apparatchiks. These are the individuals that come from the higher levels of government, non-profits, think tanks and other enterprises that adhere to a progressive agenda. These people are true believers, and they pursue their objectives with near religious zealotry. They are the puppet masters. • The Soldiers. Here one finds the rank and file of nearly every public union and government bureaucracy in the country. Also counted here are the companies and battalions like those found in Antifa, BLM and the unwitting adherents to an ideology they barely comprehend. The soldiers need little convincing that what they are doing serves a greater purpose. • The Dependent Masses. Think about the fact that we now have more people living in poverty and dependent on federal aid than at any time in our history. This did not happen by chance. With all the democrat and so- cialistic rhetoric, we need look no further than the rhet- oric spouted by the democrat leadership. They need a permanent underclass to flourish. The more dependency, the greater the power of the elites. • The Enslaved Minorities. No greater sin has been perpetrated by the progressives than the suppression of minorities in our large cities.

Guarding the Ramparts

I am often asked by readers of my newsletters what is to be done about progressives. My reaction is often visceral and sharply pointed. I perceive progressivism as the most evil manifestation of human behavior one might find, because the goal of progressivism is the eradication of liberty and the institutions that guarantee that liberty. Thus, I have a clear picture of what must be done. First, we must become more active in reforming public education. There are no silver bullets to fire at the mess, hoping for things to be better. The public education issues are legion and are as unique district to district as are the people who live within each district. With that said, there seems to be no room for a top-down set of solutions coming from the national government. They need to get out of the education business altogether. More citizens need to run for school boards and when elected, demand fiscal prudence. These same citizens should lead efforts to decertify every teacher union in the nation. Education reform is not possible without this fundamental adjustment. Also, bad teachers and administrators need to be shown the door. We have neither the time nor the inclination to enable consistent poor performance. Our children deserve better. On other fronts, Americans must embrace the Constitution and limited government. This wonderful document makes it very clear where responsibilities lie. If our politicians cannot uphold their oaths of office, then they should be removed through the political process. We must also demand a balanced budget and the end of needless social programs that perpetuate rather than solve the social ills of the nation. By allowing individuals to remain “victims” of society, we deny them their dignity and their rightful place as contributing citizens. We must demand of each other the types of behaviors that contribute to rather than detract from the betterment of society. Society should not be asked to support the consequences of the bad decisions of others.

Dr. Sam Clovis -- Bio and Archives

Samuel H. Clovis, Jr., Doctor of Public Administration
Liston to Sam on LATalkRadio, Sundays: 1:00 to 3:00 PM (PST)
(Impact With Sam Clovis)

Sam Clovis was raised in Kansas and attended the United States Air Force Academy, serving for 25 years on active duty as a fighter pilot.  He retired as a Colonel and the Inspector General of NORAD and the United States Space Command.

Sam served as a Fellow at the Homeland Security Institute, contributing in national preparedness and immigration policy.  He recently served as a tenured full professor of economics at Morningside College.

Sam has a BS from the Academy, an MBA from Golden Gate University and a doctorate from the University of Alabama.  He served as national co-chair and chief policy advisor for the Trump for President Campaign, was a policy director during the transition period and served as the Senior White House Advisor to the US Department of Agriculture.  He currently lives in rural Iowa.