
Biden's Response Overcame Collapse by Drugs & Hidden Earpiece

President Trump Wins 1st Debate In Splenetic, Self-Indulgent Fashion

President Trump Wins 1st Debate In Splenetic, Self-Indulgent FashionTrump Wins on Points Any fair-minded person at the Trump-Biden 1st Debate walked away with several strong impressions. First, Trump won on depth of his answers, despite his constant interrupting. Second, Joe gained the “Overachiever's Award” by failing to collapse, babble blindly, or ask “Where's my teleprompter, Man?!!” Unfortunately, just participating isn't enough.

Keep prodding Joe's tender psyche with jabs, knowing Biden will blunder into a knockdown comment

Trump Underestimates Joe Trump missed a giant chance to land a grievous body-blow. Why? Probably he underestimated Joe's preparation, ear phone assistance and drug regimen, believing if he rattled Biden early, he'd drop like a sack of shallots. Bilious Biden Instead, Biden landed a few blows himself on irritated Trump, but was mostly vague and unfocused. Slumberin' Joe's best line? “Would you shut up, man?” So this debate merely underscored their reputations: Trump – an undisciplined communicator who can't shine for self-indulgence. Biden – as a vapid politician, past his prime, staggering towards the finish line – even if by wheelbarrow. How Trump Improves Can Trump improve his next performance? Yes. 1. Stop looking for the walk-off home-run. Instead, like a cagey boxer, keep prodding Joe's tender psyche with jabs, knowing Biden will blunder into a knockdown comment. 2. Bolster claims with facts. On voter fraud, cite Illhan Omar's ballot harvesting. 3. Focus on Joe's weakest topics – like Obama's Defense Sect. Gates saying Joe's “been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.” Timing Trump must work on timing. Talking over others is contrary to being understood. Instead, DJT should await an opening to make a pithy, pinpoint comment. A calmer demeanor is more likely to catch Joe off guard, and the audience could better hear and approve. Trump must note that few comments will be remembered after such an event. So a brief and witty retort clearly heard by all is the ne plus ultra and must be carefully evoked by a masterful setup. Brevity is the soul of wit.

Bamboozling Biden is a weak candidate and can be beaten like a rented mule if Trump simply stays the course. America's future rides on this outcome

Drugs Joe began to collapse the last third of debate, slurring words and stuttering. Was he using a powerful chemical whose effects began to diminish? Further, Joe occasionally appeared distracted, muttered to himself, staring into the crowd for spells, then suddenly turning, transfixed by a thought. Was he getting guidance from a hidden earpiece? Too bad there wasn't drug testing or inspection of Joe's ears. Donald Can Persevere Trump can do much better, but he must plan and prepare. Joe's an old survivor in clear decline. Donald must remember how much is riding upon this race. Set aside mere bravado and the lucky punch approach. Get ready for a 2-hour game of cat-and-mouse which will end in triumph if Trump merely brings his A-Game and sticks to his strategy. Bamboozling Biden is a weak candidate and can be beaten like a rented mule if Trump simply stays the course. America's future rides on this outcome.

Kelly O'Connell -- Bio and Archives

Kelly O’Connell is an author and attorney. He was born on the West Coast, raised in Las Vegas, and matriculated from the University of Oregon. After laboring for the Reformed Church in Galway, Ireland, he returned to America and attended law school in Virginia, where he earned a JD and a Master’s degree in Government. He spent a stint working as a researcher and writer of academic articles at a Miami law school, focusing on ancient law and society. He has also been employed as a university Speech & Debate professor. He then returned West and worked as an assistant district attorney. Kelly is now is a private practitioner with a small law practice in New Mexico.