
These two men, like them or not, will be at the cusp of the most formidable anti terror remedy since the onset of war in Syria when they meet this Monday at the United Nations

President Obama - President Putin – A World Divided Against Itself Can Not Stand

Presidents Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin will meet Monday during the United Nations General Assembly in New York. Both Presidents see Syria’s disasters differently. Yet they both have the opportunity of a lifetime before them. With the onset of the United Nations General Assembly in New York the world is witness to the counter productive collision of principles, personalities, priorities and objectives that exists between America’s President Barack Obama and Russia’s President Vladimir Putin. What escapes us is why these two world leaders can not agree to engage in formation of a superpower coalition. The formation of such a coalition would mark the reversal of President Obama’s unproductive and unpopular Syrian failures, and the rescue of America’s disastrous foreign policy in Syria.
With the onset of the United Nations General Assembly in New York the world is witness to the counter productive collision of principles, personalities, priorities and objectives that exists between America’s President Barack Obama and Russia’s President Vladimir Putin. What escapes us is why these two world leaders can not agree to engage in formation of a superpower coalition. The formation of such a coalition would mark the reversal of President Obama’s unproductive and unpopular Syrian failures, and the rescue of America’s disastrous foreign policy in Syria. When one takes into consideration all factors, President Obama has every reason to join with President Putin except one. By shifting away from toppling President Assad, President Obama might anger conservative hawks in the United States Congress and elsewhere. However these dissatisfied hawks would be forced to go along once military actions yield significant positive results. Thusly the free world would rapidly unite behind it. Many people think that it is just too easy for both President Obama and Vladimir Putin to agree to disagree on Syria since each side has a clear set of objectives and will seemingly stop at nothing to achieve them. On one side we have President Obama mired, unproductively chasing the self described fantasy of toppling Syria’s President Assad, while prosecuting the war on ISIS and terror with half the required measure. On the other side we see President Putin outlining his reasons for rescuing Syria’s President Assad hence the stoppage of what will be a monstrous, catastrophic humanitarian disaster that will mercilessly grind on for decades. Yet both Obama and Putin seem to more or less agree that ISIS and terrorist factions inside of Syria need to be expunged from the face of the Earth. But both presidents fail to agree on the issue of President Assad’s removal or retention. President Putin’s actions are engendered by a sense of civil urgency, while President Obama’s actions are congruent with his goal of removing Syria’s President Assad.
It is here that we should remember America’s outgoing U.S. coalition envoy General John Allen said the war in Syria has become a stalemate. This means a door has opened, a momentous opportunity to cripple and defeat ISIS and terror in Syria beckons mutual action. Thusly there is every reason to stress urgency and demand positive commitments from both Presidents Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin towards a cooperative remedy for the unmitigated disaster in Syria. If there ever was a time to put certain objectives aside and join together against terror in Syria it is now; as the world bears witness to the agonizing, insufferable, inhumane savagery in Syria resulting in immense waves of Syrian refugees swarming into European countries unabated. It is here that any competent presidential advisor, intelligence analyst, military or otherwise would do his or her best to inform President Obama that if he wants to save the middle east and resurrect what is left of America’s foreign policy, then he has a multitude of compelling reasons to join President Putin and form a superpower coalition. But these same advisors would also advise President Obama and President Putin to refrain from tying Syria’s rescue to occult Ukrainian dealings. Russia’s President Putin seems to realize he must end his Ukrainian disaster, and at the same time stop ISIS and terrorist factions from creating a bona fide terrorist state in the Kingdom of Syria, a terrorist state that would require unfathomable amounts of blood and treasure to dislodge. Thusly President Obama is being offered the mother of all golden chances to rescue himself and the world from a disaster he had a significant hand in creating. A superpower coalition not only would work, but with the recent news of ISIS and Syrian terrorist factions mired in stalemate we would experience a thriving increase in anti terror results. Anti terror victories would soar and terror’s dream of an Islamic state would be at an end. Final prospectus: When one categorizes and tabulates the plusses and negatives of the formation of a superpower coalition one clearly sees not only the ability to take advantage of unity and strength in numbers, but we also see the ability for both Presidents to rescue themselves, their allies and the world from situations in Syria which unless reversed will continue to be the guarantor of horrific, prolonged catastrophes. These two men, President Barack Hussein Obama and President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin -- like them or not -- will be at the cusp of the most formidable anti terror remedy since the onset of war in Syria when they meet this Monday at the United Nations. That remedy is the formation of a superpower coalition. Because a world divided against itself cannot stand.

Eddie Pedersen -- Bio and Archives

Eddie Pedersen is a 58 year old California Resident.  Lifetime Conservative Republican.  Hobbies are Hunting Fishing and Bicycling