
The “Midnight” that Archbishop Sheen foretold many years ago, is now full upon us; the forces of death rule the world, using any and all means possible to crush opposition.

Pray For Deliverance From The Crushing Evil Darkness Of Our Day

Pray For Deliverance From The Crushing Evil Darkness Of Our DayGreetings to all of you. Unfortunately, this corona virus has made it impossible to generate a newsletter for June 2020. Our only option was to pen a president’s message and an editorial, and to post them on our website and facebook page. “It is necessary that the good, the children of light, come together and make their voices heard…..Before the power of prayer, the deceptions of the children of darkness will collapse, their plots will be revealed, their betrayal will be shown, their frightening power will end in nothing, brought to light and exposed for what it is: an infernal deception.” (Archbishop Carlos Maria Vigano)

The movement to allow abortion, to enshrine it into law and then to make all of us pay for it, was built entirely on deception

The movement to allow abortion, to enshrine it into law and then to make all of us pay for it, was built entirely on deception. Euthanasia and assisted suicide were built entirely on deception. The total disregard for God as the Giver and Taker of human life; the belief that man has the “right” to decide who is to be born and when we are to die, are no different than the disobedience of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, based on the deception of the Serpent. The devil, whom God, Himself, called a liar and a murderer, and the prince of this world, deceived Adam and Eve. He will deceive anyone who will listen to him, with whatever lie will appeal to them. Today he is deceiving governments and whole nations. “If you tell a big enough lie, and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.” (Adolf Hitler) The next stage of deception is fast upon us; the body parts of babies murdered in abortion are being sold for “research”; the cells of these poor children are being used in vaccines (generating even more blood money for abortionists). Body parts, such as heart and lungs, are being removed from men and women, while still alive, to transplant into men and women with defective organs, so that they can live. To give up one’s life for another is a wonderful thing, BUT, it is not a wonderful thing when one is murdered to save another’s life. Lies and deception are designed to make us feel guilty if we do not sign organ donor cards. (In the U.K. a law is being considered to declare that the bodies of persons who “die” belong to the state for purposes of organ harvesting, unless that person said no to organ donation.) “A nation that will cannibalize its babies for parts will abandon its elders to secret abuse and choking, solitary deaths. Such a nation fears death, because it believes nothing comes after. So it also fears life. (John Zmirak) The “Midnight” that Archbishop Sheen foretold many years ago, is now full upon us; the forces of death rule the world, using any and all means possible to crush opposition. The “slippery slope” is now far more slippery and wide, the agents of “Death” bolder. The battle of “Powers and Principalities” is in full swing. There is no middle ground. Please pray. Pray to God for deliverance from this crushing evil darkness. Only He can help us now.

The Approach of Midnight - Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

Virginia Miller -- Bio and Archives

Virginia Miller, wife, mother and grandmother.  Newsletter editor with Stratford & District Right to Life for 8 years.