
Here’s a classic case of Problem, Reaction, Solution… How far will the federal government go to dismantle the US Constitution?

POLICE STATE END-RUN: DHS Wants Control of U.S. Elections

The establishment rigs the 2000 US Presidential Election and makes Florida and its notorious pregnant chads the centerpiece of that artificial controversy. Predictably, the public reaction is outrage. Suddenly, there are calls nationwide for electronic voting as the solution to the old ‘inefficient’ paper ballot system. Now that electronic voting is all-pervasive in the US, the next problem becomes ‘cyber security’ – which the government are referring to as the next burning national security issue. Now that electronic voting is all-pervasive in the US, the next problem becomes ‘cyber security’ – which the government are referring to as the next burning national security issue.
Enter the relatively new and prohibitively expensive Department of Homeland Security (DHS), which ironically (or not) was created by one George W. Bush – a president who was installed into power not by the popular vote, but by a dubious Supreme Court decision in that very same 2000 US Presidential Election. Now DHS head and Obama appointee Jeh Johnson, is nudging towards the idea of the domestic military force taking over the election process. Johnson claims that US elections are part of the country’s vital infrastructure and therefore it must be under the control of an already bloated federal agency. What is wrong with a decentralized, traditional paper ballot system? If you are in the business of fixing elections, the answer is simple: paper is too difficult, sloppy and complicated... to hack. It’s no coincidence at all that this latest power-grab by the federal government comes immediately after a mainstream conspiracy theory that Russia was somehow behind this week’s election database ‘hack’ in Arizona (once again, Putin did it). No proof has been offered by either politicians and media anchors presently parroting this latest sensational plot. --Continue Reading...

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Patrick Henningsen is Founder of 21st Century Wire

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