
Precisely. Should not Canadians have a chance to vote on the country’s recovery course, on its future?


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has now openly referred to his federal government’s post-COVID-19 economic policies as complying with “The Great Reset”, the title of a document first published in 2016 by the World Economic Forum (WEF). Our Canadian PM is focused on using the uncertain times created by the pandemic to “Build Back Better” and reshape our country’s economic and social make-up. Before broaching what this means for Canada, here are a few pertinent points to appreciate the path Canadians are currently tripping along. “Build Back Better” is a politically-charged phrase that serves as a mantra in the WEF’s The Great Reset. It’s an euphemism used by globalist-minded leaders like Justin Trudeau whose objective is to redesign capitalism, advance an international green agenda, and ultimately establish a new global order. (Google it – this information is all public.)

In Canada, Justin Trudeau has publicly tied the country’s COVID-19 recovery to The Great Reset as well as the 2030 objectives of the U.N.

COVID-19 – The Great Reset (July 2020) is the latest policy document written by Klaus Schwab, WEF founder and CEO. Schwab describes how the coronavirus has disrupted both economic and social infrastructure and it provides an opportunity “to create a more inclusive, resilient and sustainable world going forward.” The WEF has advanced a post-COVID plan to be implemented over the next 10 years. By 2030, countries will have reformed to adhere to the objectives set by the economic and social governing bodies of the United Nations (U.N.). Last point, early next year the WEF globalists will gather at their annual Davos Summit. The summit will spotlight the Global Shapers program, a youth activism initiative now operating in 400 cities around the world. More than 1,300 people have been trained and financed as climate activists and organizers to protest for change. Beginning in 2021, countries will need to manage “grassroots movements” that will be demonstrating for global climate change solutions. In Canada, Justin Trudeau has publicly tied the country’s COVID-19 recovery to The Great Reset as well as the 2030 objectives of the U.N.Twice in the last two months Canada’s PM has announced this direction for the country. In a video conference to a U.N. audience in September, Trudeau stated: “This pandemic has provided an opportunity for a reset. This is our chance to accelerate our pre-pandemic efforts to reimagine economic systems that actually address global challenges like extreme poverty, inequality and climate change … Building back better means getting support to the most vulnerable while maintaining our momentum on reaching the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.” In front of an audience of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce at the end of October, PM Trudeau made the commitment to “build back better in a fiscally sustainable way” — although he provided no details regarding the government’s fiscal plans. When pressed to discuss the country’s finances, the PM evaded the questions by stating: “But I think there’s a lot of uncertainty still around where we’re going to end at the end of this pandemic, and I think it would be premature to be locking things down.”

In short, we need a “Great Reset” of capitalism. We must build entirely new foundations for our economic and social systems

The PM’s messages are ripped directly from the pages of COVID-19 – The Great Reset and Canadians can expect to repeatedly hear this script in the coming months. The Schwab book foresees that COVID-19 lockdowns will gradually ease, but anxiety about the world’s social and economic prospects will intensify. The economic downturn may lead countries’ economies to their worst depression since the 1930s. Schwab’s answer – echoed by Trudeau – is: “In short, we need a “Great Reset” of capitalism. We must build entirely new foundations for our economic and social systems.” What exactly does this reset mean for our country? The policies that Canadians can expect to see introduced are laid out clearly in WEF documents and presentations: • Amend tax regulations for greater government control over business and individuals ▪ Introduce wealth taxes ▪ Withdraw subsidies from fossil-fuel industry ▪ Create new funding programs for green initiatives ▪ Enact greater government intervention and social planning measures to tie the country’s policies to U.N. policies Canadians will hear about the wonderful promises of the “Building Back Better” Canada Plan. It has the potential to create or maintain 6.3 million green jobs. With $109 billion investment by the federal government over the next 10 years, Canada will generate $790 billion in green initiatives and this will result in a net-zero economic recovery. The plan includes introducing new government programs: retrofits of homes and workplaces, accelerated electric vehicle uptake, greening of the electricity grid, and more. It will also mean the decarbonizing of Canada’s natural resources sectors.

This plan hinges on Canadian private sector investments of $681 billion in the next ten years. And (here is the detail that is not being revealed by Trudeau and Finance Minister Freeland) the Government intends on securing these investment dollars by “reinventing capitalism.” WEF documents explain how this will be accomplished; how governments will be “future-proofing capitalism” by tightly tethering the private sector to government regulatory control. WEF recommends to global leaders:
Governments and regulators must intervene to ensure the costs of environmental and social damage are internalized by the companies responsible: profits cannot come at the expense of long-term societal resilience. For capitalism to deliver a sustainable and inclusive recovery, it is critical that companies’ cost of capital reflects the quality of their governance and their impact on society and the environment.
WEF instructs its global leaders to leverage the COVID-19 pandemic, and make sure that it becomes the catalyst for a profoundly positive transformation of the global economy. There are more details — a lot more. But how much of “The Great Reset” can Canadians comprehend – and how much of this grand design will they believe? Justin Trudeau is betting on both Canadians’ apathy in all things political, and their trust in government to allow him to implement the WEF plan.
However, to those who are watching this disturbing scenario unfold, Ottawa political commentator Spencer Fernando sounds the alarm: “What was once called a conspiracy theory is now confirmed by Trudeau, as we can see the elites using this crisis as an excuse to centralize power and reshape our lives in their own image.” Fernando suggests, “If Trudeau wants to use The Great Reset or Agenda 2030 to fundamentally change Canada into some kind of Euro-Green socialist utopia, then he should seek a mandate from the people.” Precisely. Should not Canadians have a chance to vote on the country’s recovery course, on its future? By Chris George The Niagara Independent Click here

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