
When you play Chicken with God, there can only be one outcome

Playing Chicken with God

Playing Chicken with God, VancouverThe biggest frustration for anyone who proudly calls themselves a British Columbian is the juvenile antics of the City State of Vancouver. A City State mentality is where a city is so caught up with its own image that it forgets its debt to those areas outside its borders that were instrumental in its continued prosperity. This attitude can be an annoyance to the rest of British Columbia who can be up to its knees in snow while the Vancouver media stupidly gushes about early Crocuses in the lower mainland, but it has a darker side. Vancouver’s image comes at a steep cost as major issues or inconvenient truths are ignored. The most serious of these truths can be summed up in a few words. Vancouverites are earthquake deniers!

Not only is Vancouver overdue for a major earthquake, but that Vancouver is hopelessly ill prepared for it

Those members of the political left who love to parade the findings of select scientists, neglect to acknowledge those other scientists who bluntly state that not only is Vancouver overdue for a major earthquake, but that Vancouver is hopelessly ill prepared for it. Furthermore, these same scientists have made it clear that Vancouver is living on borrowed time. Ten years ago they were warning that a major earthquake nicknamed “The Big one” would devastate Vancouver within 50 years, yet the warnings have been consistently ignored. For a major city to be so hopelessly ill-prepared for such a massive acknowledged threat reflects a disturbing mindset, not only on the entire political landscape, but Vancouver's media as well. Putting this into proper perspective, we are talking about a disaster that would adversely affect ten percent of Canada’s population. These unfortunates would be killed outright, or die slowly entombed in rubble. They would be badly hurt and discover that the entire medical system is irreparably overwhelmed. The lucky ones would be those fortunate enough to survive so they can frantically try to rescue loved ones. The most vocal left wing zealot will be crushed under the weight of a disaster that will shatter their world. Cold, terrified, and helpless they will be reduced to desperately listening for agonizing cries of loved ones that will eventually go silent. The victims will find out that Mother Nature would not differentiate between sexes, colour or political affiliation, and Vancouver’s war on cars means that those rescue vehicles that can move, would be paralyzed by Vancouver's childish political zealotry. Add in the pathetic cries of scared, homeless, hungry, injured pets, and you have the recipe for a perfect hell. Of course the disaster would not end with the human cost, as there is an environmental cost that is completely ignored. Vancouver, like any other city, has an abundance of fuels, oils, chemicals and toxins that are vital to its function. These contaminants are safe as long as they are stored. The ‘Big one’ will shatter all these storage containers and the toxic stew will go straight into the lower mainlands waterways. The waterways of the lower mainland, especially the Fraser River, are major migratory highways, and it shouldn’t take a genius to see what kind of environmental damage we could be looking at. Anyone who recognizes the environmental catastrophe that will unfold, needs to have a cold hard look at the entire environmentalist movement who don’t see the environmental time bomb they are living on. Then we need to finally confront the fact that, when it comes to real environmental threats, the environmentalists are anything but geniuses.

Destruction of Vancouver’s port facilities can easily have devastating economic impacts across Canada

For those from other provinces who see this all as a Vancouver issue, think again. It doesn’t matter if Saskatchewan Canola is worth 100 dollars a bushel on the Asian market, if you don’t have a port to ship it from. The business in the prairies who depends on offshore shipping to survive, will suddenly see Vancouver’s lack of maturity in a new light. Since provinces depend on their economies to make things work, and those economies increasingly depend on world markets, the destruction of Vancouver’s port facilities can easily have devastating economic impacts across Canada. So what is the bottom line? It would be very understandable if the majority of people dismissed Vancouver’s inevitable demise with a ‘You reap what you sow mentality’. Vancouver is without a doubt, one of the most obnoxious cities in the world, incapable of recognizing that its high opinion of itself is not shared by many others. Unfortunately, it is always the adults in the room who have to clean up the mess of spoiled political teenagers, and it is the lack of adults that have become the elephant in the room. I will end with a message to the Vancouver media:
“Everything in your life from your friends, loved ones, home, work, office, the restaurants you love, to the very floor that you are sitting on, can disappear in a few terrifying seconds. When you play Chicken with God, there can only be one outcome.”

Mark Nickel -- Bio and Archives

Mark Nickel,  a blue collar man and a right wing thinker, getting through each day as it comes on the West Coast, Canada’s LA LA Land,  was born in Kamloops, B.C.  On his mother’s side, his family’s Canadian history goes back 250 years.  His father was born in the Ukraine under Joseph Stalin’s murderous purges. His family fought at Vimy Ridge, The Battle of the Atlantic and from Juno to the Rhine.

Having worked in the sawmills of British Columbia at age 17,  and after 35 years seeing his livelihood destroyed by the Soft Wood lumber dispute, Mark witnessed the collapse of the entire Forestry Industry as every political party in Canada proved incapable of defending its vital interests.  So his passion for political empowerment started, out of necessity.

The most important lesson he learned is that most political parties are actively preventing fresh blood from rejuvenating the system.  Being a British Columbian has exposed him to the extremism of Left wing politics and left him with the firm belief that the political Right has become stale and ineffective because too many of the old Guard Conservatives actively stifle new ideas and strategies.