
“Planned Parenthood’s annual report reveals that its mission is aborting innocent babies”

Planned Parenthood’s Abortion Mission

ORLANDO, FL – While masquerading as a “healthcare” provider for women, Planned Parenthood killed a record number of unborn babies via abortion during its fiscal year 2017, according to its latest annual report.
Planned Parenthood has long insisted that abortion is only three percent of all its services rendered. However, during October 1, 2016 to September 30, 2017, Planned Parenthood performed a total of 332,757 abortions, an increase of 11,373 from 2016 and the most abortions it has performed annually since 2012. That means that during its fiscal year 2017, Planned Parenthood performed nearly one-half of all abortions in the U.S. -- an average of 911 abortions each day. Planned Parenthood’s president Leana Wen recently stated, “Our core mission is providing, protecting, and expanding access to abortion and reproductive health care. We will never back down from that fight.” The largest U.S. abortion provider depends on government health care services, grants, and reimbursements for approximately 37 percent of its income. The report shows that in the year ending June 30, 2018, it reaped a total of $563.8 million in government funding, an increase of $20.1 million above the $543.7 million in government revenue it received the previous year. “Planned Parenthood’s annual report reveals that its mission is aborting innocent babies,” said Mat Staver, Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel. “Abortion is not healthcare. It is the intentional act of killing a human being. This is human genocide for profit,” said Staver.

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