
Pelosi Refuses to Denounce Hateful Anti-Christian Ad

Concerned Women for America (CWA) broke the story on Tuesday about an anti-Christian promotional advertisement put together by organizers of San Francisco's partially taxpayer funded and Hedonistic Folsom Street Fair -- sponsored by Miller Brewing, Co. -- which will take place this Sunday. Over 400,000 people are expected to attend. The ad replaces Christ and his Disciples with homosexual sadomasochists in a twisted portrayal of Da Vinci's The Last Supper.
"As if the add itself isn't offensive enough," said, Matt Barber, CWA's Policy Director for Cultural Issues, "we have photographic evidence that the San Francisco government suspends indecency and child abuse laws for a day allowing fair goers to parade the streets of San Francisco, fully nude, engaging in illegal public sex while tax-payer funded police stand-by and do nothing. Children are allowed to -- and do -- attend this event and are exposed to this activity which is illegal child abuse. We're a nation of laws, and we're calling on Mayor Gavin Newsom to enforce the law and for San Francisco police to arrest lawbreakers on Sunday." "Furthermore," continued Barber, "On Tuesday we requested that California's elected officials, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, publicly condemn this anti-Christian, anti-Catholic add. Instead, Nancy Pelosi responded to our request with a condescending and dismissive quip." Media are reporting that Drew Hammill, Pelosi's press secretary, responded to CWA's request by saying, "As a Catholic, the speaker is confident that Christianity has not been harmed." Pelosi, who is a major supporter of the "gay" lifestyle, will be receiving an award from the radical homosexual group, "Human Rights Campaign" on October 6th.

Matt Barber -- Bio and Archives

Matt Barber is founder and editor-in chief of BarbWire.com. He is an author, columnist, cultural analyst and an attorney concentrating in constitutional law. Having retired as an undefeated heavyweight professional boxer, Matt has taken his fight from the ring to the culture war. (Follow Matt on Twitter: @jmattbarber).