
The Holy Veil of Manoppello: The Human Face of God

Paul Badde Brings Back the Holy Face of Jesus For All Yearning To See Him

The Holy Veil of Manoppello: The Human Face of God

Just one look—one glimpse—at the compelling Holy Face of Jesus imprinted on the Image of the Veil of Manoppello is enough to bring a pervading Peace flooding into the ever-yearning human soul.

Best-selling journalist, author, historian Paul Badde, who lives in Rome and works for EWTN, wrote the book ‘The Face of God’: ‘The Rediscovery of the True Face of Jesus’ in 2010. He has returned to the subject in 2018 with more information in ‘The Human Face of God:’the Holy Veil of Manoppello’ whose many pictures once seen are impossible to forget.

It was one long winter night in 2011 that I randomly Googled ‘Face of God’ to discover Badde’s first book with its iconic cover picture, both to remain in my life ever since.


Finding the Face of God on Christmas Day

A picture that lives in the human heart forever

No ancient master’s brush strokes; no human hand created this image, which is believed be a miraculous picture of Our Lord imprinted on a cloth covering His Face at the moment of His Resurrection.

Fascinating new information in Badde’s latest book tells the story of how the beloved Capuchin Monk, Father Domenico da Cese, some 50 years after being buried in one of four horrific earthquakes that struck Italy on January 13, 1915, recognized ‘the mysterious Man’ who had pulled him and his father out of the rubble of the earthquake, inside a church when he was 10 years old.

The 10-year-old-boy, now a man of 60 found his way to Manoppello:

“Upon arrival in Manoppello, Father Domenico entered the church, approached the tabernacle, knelt down, and then, after climbing the stairs, saw for the first time, through the glass case made in 1923, the veil with the Holy Face. It was as if he had been struck by lightning. Kneeling again, he stammered, “This is the man who pulled me out of the debris fifty years ago! He is the one who saved me! It is He!” (The Holy Veil of Manoppello: The Human Face of God)

And this is only one miraculous story associated with the Holy Veil of Manoppello.

The ‘St. Gallen Mafia’ comprised of rogue cardinals and suspected of having placed Jorge Bergoglio on the chair of St. Peter, powerful as it proved to be, was no match for the miraculous image of Jesus’s Face.

Had the St. Gallen Mafia been successful first time out, Pope Francis may have taken power over Pope Benedict back in 2005 rather than during Lent of 2013.

It was thanks to providence that Cardinal Joachim Meisner happened to visit the miraculous image of Jesus’s Face only a short time before the 2005 papal conclave.

“At that Conclave, with Paul Badde's help, Cardinal Meisner was able to show his fellow cardinals that there then existed an attempt – by people such as Cardinal Achille Silvestrini, Cardinal Walter Kasper, Cardinal Karl Lehmann, Cardinal Godfried Danneels, Cardinal Murphy-O'Connor, Cardinal Audrys Juozas Bačkis, and Cardinal Carlo Martini – to prevent Joseph Ratzinger’s election.” (Paul Badde, LifeSite interview, Dec. 7, 2018). “As Badde then heard it, they had intended Cardinal Martini's election. During that same Conclave, however, he also later heard in Rome the name Jorge Bergoglio mentioned.

Respected National Catholic Register journalist Edward Pentin tweeted:

Back in 2005 Cardinal Meisner won the day by relying on a secret beyond his passionate argument to the gathered cardinals—a picture of the Holy Face on the Veil of Manoppello in his pocket.

Joseph Ratzinger succeeded as Pope and it wasn’t until 2013 that he mysteriously stepped aside making way for Pope Francis.

“On 17 April 2005, a Prelate from within the Vatican called and informed Badde that he had evidence about a conspiracy of Cardinals who had tried to prevent the election of Joseph Ratzinger as next pope. (LifeSte) “It was the so-called Sankt Gallen group, as I know now, and the Prelate gave me also a list with their names, among them Cardinal Achille Silvestrini, Cardinal Walter Kasper, Cardinal Karl Lehmann, Cardinal Godfried Danneels, Cardinal Murphy-O'Connor, Cardinal Audrys Juozas Bačkis, and Cardinal Carlo Martini.”

Quick off the mark, Badde called Cardinal Meisner in the afternoon, asking him what to do in a responsible way “since I didn’t want to create a scandal”.

“He got furious, but told me calmly: “Follow your conscience.” “So I wrote an article mentioning the hints I had gotten, all of which appeared the following day, on 18 April, in the daily newspaper DIE WELT.  “On that day, Cardinal Meisner not only brought a photo of the Face of God into the Conclave, but also that article of mine and fought like a lion against this conspiracy, no matter how alone he was, and despite his limited Italian. ““It’s been the hardest day of my life!” he later told me, not mentioning, however, any other details. 
“But when the conclave was over, it became clear that Meisner had become the king-maker, or more precisely, the pope-maker.  “So this was the essential role that the Holy Face had played in the election of Pope Benedict, which makes it also easier to understand why Ratzinger himself traveled to Manoppello as soon as possible after his election. “The Holy Veil has played a role for many popes, and it certainly will play a role for Pope Francis and future popes, too, though I don’t know its nature.”

It was Easter of this year when Badde sent me the pdf of ‘The Human Face of God’, ‘the Holy Veil of Manoppello, to be published by Sophia Institute Press.

I waited longingly for the book, which he kindly sent me on November 9.

Yesterday, I prayed to the Holy Spirit on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, to help me find ways to get the book to as many people as possible at St. Peter’s Church in my hometown.

When I returned home, I found this email from my dear friend Don Pirrello to whom I had sent Badde’s book:

“I have decided to give Paul’s book as my Christmas gift to as many people I can think of and will ask each one of them to share it with someone else. I’ll be placing my Amazon order this week.  “Consider me a foot soldier in Paul’s and your army to make the Holy Veil known to as many souls as possible.”

Don and I are in the army now, with hundreds of others, the Army that promotes Paul Badde’s attempt to get the Holy Veil of Manoppello to any and all yearning for the Face of God.

We can think of no gift more precious for Christmas 2018 and all the days to follow.

Sending out a message for a Blessed Christmas to all Souls on Earth:

The Holy Veil of Manoppello: The Human Face of God

How a miraculous image of Jesus’ face may have thwarted St. Gallen Mafia at 2005 conclave

Author’s Quest to Make the Holy Veil of Manoppello Better Known

Amazon: The Holy Veil of Manoppello: The Human Face of God

Sophia Institute Press:The Holy Veil of Manoppello: The Human Face of God

Judi McLeod -- Bio and Archives -- Judi McLeod, Founder, Owner and Editor of Canada Free Press, is an award-winning journalist with more than 30 years’ experience in the print and online media. A former Toronto Sun columnist, she also worked for the Kingston Whig Standard. Her work has appeared throughout the ‘Net, including on Rush Limbaugh and Fox News.