
Herman Cain

Herman Cain’s column is distributed by CainTV, which can be found at Herman Cain

Most Recent Articles by Herman Cain:

John Kerry’s climate change nonsense

In testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee last week, John Kerry (who is technically still the chairman of that committee) demonstrated that he doesn’t know any more about job creation than his soon-to-be new boss.
- Sunday, January 27, 2013

What’s right with Kansas: Real innovators are GOP governors

In Washington, Barack Obama is looking to expand government into every nook and cranny of American life, and is looking to raise taxes to pay for it. But just in case you’ve bought the idea that conservatism is dead, my friends, look to the states.
- Friday, January 25, 2013

Obama’s inaugural address for left-wing America

A president’s inaugural address is usually not a political speech. It usually speaks to broad themes about the things that unite Americans and appeal to our hopes for the future of the nation. Presidents are politicians, of course, but they are also supposed to understand when to stop being political and exercise presidential leadership that puts them above the political fray.
- Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Constitution: A mere annoyance for Obama

When Barack Obama takes the oath of office for his second term, he will promise to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. Of course, the president says he’s going to do a lot of things. That doesn’t mean he’s going to keep his word.
- Monday, January 21, 2013

The Washington way: Do something that does nothing

There are a lot of reasons to oppose gun control measures, especially those imposed by President Obama by way of executive order. Not only is he attacking constitutional right, he is also endangering many people who would otherwise use a gun to protect themselves.
- Wednesday, January 16, 2013

IRS declares war on employers

The IRS is officially at war with American employers over ObamaCare. The agency has now issued a regulatory rule designed to prevent businesses from changing their hiring practices to avoid ObamaCare’s requirements for paying employee health insurance.
- Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Businesses are on defense

Notre Dame was supposed to have a superior defense in the recent NCAA National Championship football game against the University of Alabama. Instead, Alabama’s offense blew Notre Dame out.
- Monday, January 14, 2013

Smart man: Bobby Jindal wants to get rid of income, business taxes in Louisiana

They don’t all think we’re stupid, so let’s talk this morning about someone who is smart and respects the people of his state. That’s Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal. Governor Jindal is proposing to eliminate all personal and corporate income taxes in Louisiana, and go to a system that depends entirely on the state sales tax.
- Saturday, January 12, 2013

Showing Charles Blow the way off the plantation

The New York Times is at it again. Apparently the New York Times employs a columnist named Charles Blow – a black man who has a problem with another black man. Me.
- Tuesday, January 8, 2013