
Carlson has indicated he plans to launch a version of his former show on Twitter

McCarthy’s ruse comes to fruition A. Dru Kristenev | May 31, 2023
Even if truthful republicans can garner a hundred or so House members to vote down this back-stabbing travesty, there is a strong possibility that democrats would support it because it fulfills their wish list, irregardless of their bawling otherwise

A Memorial Day Disaster Jim Ross Lightfoot | May 31, 2023
It is time to pray, get off the couch, and take back our schools and churches

Keep counterpunching, keep boycotting, stay strong and ignore the rhetoric. Remember, “If you kill the body, the head will die.”

BOMBSHELL: Video Shows AZ Election Officials Tampered with Tabulators without Lawyers or Observers Present

The impact of that failure is currently unknown. Time will tell whether it’s a ticking bombshell, or a dud

UN Honors Palestinians’ Narrative of a “Catastrophe” They Falsely Blame on Israel Joseph A. Klein, CFP United Nations Columnist | May 31, 2023
The United Nations has sunk to a new low in its animus against Israel

Looking down & smirking in a very strange way. We know this is a tell. But what’s going on? Very weird

What CSIS told him about China's interference aimed at him and the Conservative Party

This extensive study documents that gorillas compose happy songs they hum during meals. These are gorillas singing while eating

Well here's the answer: - an extra 61 cents-a-litre at the pump - an extra $573 a year—on top of the first carbon tax of $1,500 per family

"Listen to the members of this House who were targeted? What will it take for him to end the cover-up?"

Byron Donalds for Speaker News on the Net | May 30, 2023
He takes no prisoners

“They didn’t count on the fact that our side, the good guys, were actually recording this 24 hour footage to be used later, as in right now. We have more video coming out”

Traditional Catholicism will own the Church in a generation!

Look at the li’l fella strike that pose News on the Net | May 30, 2023
A star is born!

That Ugly Old Tree Terry Oxley | May 30, 2023
Dedicated to all the ugly old trees we must save from the axe: virtue, faith, family, liberty, rule-of-law, self-governance, free speech, love of country and a constitutional democracy

Even Alberta’s AHS COVID-19 Scientific Advisory Board was run by corrupt NDP bureaucrats, who deliberately blocked life-saving medications from being used for COVID-19 patients, which led to 5733 Alberta COVID-19 deaths

We all know McCarthy has a narrow majority, which is why we all tried to rally behind the House bill and give him some leeway. We could even have accepted less than the GOP House bill

The Office of the Maine Attorney General and the Maine State Police will work together "in the coming days to continue the investigation and the events that led up to the officer-involved shooting"

Bringing Down The Hammer For Canada Free Press: They are liars. They are criminals. They are Quislings, and they should be in prison.

Old School Republicans Steve Rossiter | May 30, 2023
The choice is between liberty and slavery, whether old school Republicans will admit it or not

The Vote is going to expose all the cards--We will see who really is for MAGA

Breaking the Debt Ceiling Bill down to the basic concepts: Funding The IRS, Funding Green New Deal, Funding Student Loans, Spending more money than last year

This is All about MAGA, All About America First-- The old wing of the Republican party has no appeal ...

A quick summary of the phoniness of the Budget deal, Meaningless Concessions

The heart of the matter-- What they are selling us

Media including Fox pushing this deal think you are an idiot

Walk me through the economics of this bill-- A Permanent Covid Economy--Bigger Government, Bigger Inflation