
Dave Merrick

Dave Merrick, Davemerrick.us is an internationally known and published artist whose works reach into the greatest diversity of audiences. Known primarily for his astoundingly lifelike portraiture, Merrick’s drawings and paintings grace the walls of an impressive array of well-known corporate and private clientele. Many of his published wildlife pieces have become some of America’s most popular animal imagery. He has more original work in the Pro-Rodeo Hall of Fame than any other artist. His wildlife and Southwestern-theme work is distributed internationally through Joan Cawley Galleries of Scottsdale AZ.

Most Recent Articles by Dave Merrick:

The Devil's Slip Is Showing

The Devil's Slip Is ShowingToday lies are told and believed - simply because some criminal mind could see some obvious gain in propagating whatever satanic fabrication is convenient. Take for instance, "The wall (at our southern border) is immoral!" Really? How can that be? Unlike the Berlin Wall, it is not being built to keep anyone in our nation. It is only meant to keep evil - known and unknown - from entering our nation and accosting our citizens!
- Saturday, February 9, 2019

We Have Met The Enemy, And He Is ... Not At All What We Had Expected

We Have Met The Enemy, And He Is ... Not At All What We Had Expected I am seeing more and more articles popping up confirming that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is not the dumb girl from the Bronx she pretended to be on her way to getting elected. The new Congresswoman for New York's 14th congressional district is now only loosely maintaining the ditzy ruse she and the DNC cooked up in order to attract more of the emerging, dumbbell, snowflake left. Canada Free Press scooped America when we called total BS on her act, in the article, "The Manchurian Counterfeit", which ran November 20 of last year.
- Wednesday, January 9, 2019

'Collusion-gate', The Turkey Is Coming Out Of The Oven!

'Collusion-gate', The Turkey Is Coming Out Of The Oven! We should all brace ourselves for the coming unveiling of the Frankenstein that has morphed out of what is clearly now Robert Mueller's 'Collusion-gate.' Approaching $20 million and two years in the making, the ongoing and now deafening drum roll for that debut is ever-fluctuating between "... what now?" and "Enough already!"
- Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Please Cry For Me, Venezuela

 Please Cry For Me, Venezuela Were you arguing with your liberal friends and relatives over Thanksgiving dinner? You know you did - or at least you have. Do you have liberal friends/relatives? I sure do. Those dunderheads will occasionally, unwittingly send out danger signals, rather like stroke victims ("Your eyes are going in different directions! Curl your tongue for me!"). Some of our liberal friends and family are worth keeping, of course. And those are the ones we should be trying to reach with lifegiving truth.
- Monday, November 26, 2018

Deceivers Leading Many Astray... They're Here!

Deceivers Leading Many Astray My last article, "The Manchurian Counterfeit", was an obvious thought provoker, given all the places it went and the comments it garnered in response. And again I will come back and beat the drum about the profound effect that liberal network television and now liberal 'network' Internet are having on the thinking of my countrymen. People, please, listen up.
- Sunday, November 25, 2018

The Manchurian Counterfeit

The Manchurian Counterfeit I have written several articles harping on the roles of television and the Internet in training up programmed humanoids that I call (the older of whom) 'silver ponytails' and (the younger that most all conservatives refer to as) 'snowflakes'. We are today surrounded by a whole new 'America' that the lamestream media has been carefully nurturing, like a bonsai tree, for the past fifty years.
- Tuesday, November 20, 2018

The Thief Will Never Announce His Coming

The Thief Will Never Announce His Coming America is being flipped upside down. Most people seem oblivious to it - largely, I think, because life as we know it is now so lightspeed and multifaceted.
- Friday, November 16, 2018

Do A Hundred Yards For Captain Jackson

Do A Hundred Yards For Captain Jackson. You probably don't remember Captain Arthur J. Jackson. At 19 he was 'PFC Jackson', a kid Marine in World War II's South Pacific Theatre on Peleliu Island. With his outfit pinned down by intense enemy fire and his brother Marines with their hands full just surviving,
- Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Judge Righteously And Pray For Righteous Judgment

Judge Righteously And Pray For Righteous Judgment Brett Kavanaugh is the absolute picture of old fashioned integrity. And, like the President who is trying to hire him, he is currently being beat up and clawed at mercilessly by satan's representatives and their cattle-brained followers (the so-called 'democrats'). The scandal-saturated left is today barely recognizable compared to what it was back when JFK and Hubert Humphrey were at the helm.
- Saturday, September 29, 2018

Something's Rotten In Chinatown

Something's Rotten In Chinatown Two years ago, October 2nd, Canada Free Press scooped this most recent development in Hillary's e-mail shenanigans. My article entitled, "Finally I Can See What 'Emailgate' is REALLY All About!" spelled out the hidden agenda behind Secretary of State Clinton carrying home her classified digital work/e-mails to what I then called a "do-it-yourself, gas-powered, home run computer system." The Daily Caller News Foundation has now reported that the unauthorized and completely nonsecure computer server at the Clinton home was obviously hacked by a Chinese firm that was "... Involved in collecting intelligence for China."
- Saturday, September 1, 2018

Lest We Forget What This Is Really All About

Lest We Forget What This Is Really All About Back on the 16th of this month, I was anxiously awaiting the arrival of our paper and any evidence of the planned, nationwide journalistic attack that was supposed to have been waged against our president that day. The most I could see was a column they had picked up from the Times' Kathleen Parker. And it was just more of her pitiful anti-Trump tantrum. The spirit of liberal writers like her and Maureen Dowd reminds me of swearing contests I used to take part in behind my uncle's barn when I was in elementary school.
- Monday, August 27, 2018

Waiting Anxiously For The Wheels Of Justice

Waiting Anxiously For The Wheels Of Justice Here is Wednesday's hypothetical situation. Imagine if you will ... The National Rifle Association has hit the streets. Their guns are still holstered, but masked members are running about, sucker punching and clobbering with shot-filled rubber hoses, anybody who is wearing a Hillary Clinton T-shirt or has one of her bumper stickers on a vehicle. Further, imagine that Congressman Jim Jordan gave a speech this morning to a crowd of hyper-reactionary and hysterical conservative listeners. He advocated that all sorts of physical confrontation and discomfort be generously administered to any liberal members of government who might be seen out and about - shopping or at a restaurant or gas station.
- Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Prepare For America's Communication Suffocation

Prepare For America's Communication Suffocation This is undoubtedly the scariest time we have been in since America was founded. We have been here for about a week. Where we are right now makes the Cuban missile crisis or major terrorist attacks, by comparison, look like little more than daily news.
- Wednesday, August 15, 2018

It's Time To Leave 'CNN Land'

It's Time To Leave CNN Land People are beginning to wake up to the fact that the biggest and most seditious 'collusion' in our nation today is the collusion between leftist politicians and the liberal media. I have written several articles about that partnership - collusion - between the liberal media/entertainment empire and leftist politicians. But people, being the sheep that we are, are slow to catch on.
- Tuesday, July 31, 2018

A Mexican Miracle In Response To The MAN We Know As Donald J. Trump!

A Mexican Miracle In Response To The MAN We Know As Donald J. Trump! Former Mexican president Felipe Calderon, during the Obama administration, quickly picked up on our then traitor-in-chief/president's invitation to the world to use a wounded Constitutional America he was out to ruin as a welcome mat and a grab bag full of bleeding-heart-leftist-enabled entitlements.
- Thursday, July 26, 2018

A True Story For A Sunday Morning

A True Story For A Sunday Morning The night of Jesus' last meal with his disciples, Jesus told Peter - who had just assured Jesus that he would never be ashamed of their relationship - that (Saint, yes) Peter would in fact deny Him, that very night, three times before the rooster had finished crowing. And that is exactly what Peter did. Peter's third denial was even made with him swearing at the person who had put the two of them together! By the time the cock had crowed twice, Peter, hearing that, wept bitterly lamenting his own weakness.
- Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Constitutional America Is Indeed The Last Stand For Liberty On This Earth!

Constitutional America Is Indeed The Last Stand For Liberty On This Earth! Many things bear repeating nowadays - everything worthwhile, anyway. Anyone, especially writers/commentators who are sharing their thinking, broadcast, quickly learn that at least two thirds of the audience they last had either weren't listening or will have forgotten some of what was said by their next appearance.
- Sunday, July 22, 2018

America's Prologue To Tragedy

America's Prologue To Tragedy Mr. Zuckerberg has now passed Warren Buffett in billions, taking over the spot for the third richest man on the planet. As Bob Dylan has said, "Money doesn't talk - it swears." And young Mark might be the most powerful guy on earth, even despite his wealth, simply because he runs a growing 'nation' that contains more people than Russia, China and the USA combined.
- Monday, July 9, 2018