
Rolf Yungclas

Rolf Yungclas is a recently retired newspaper editor from southwest Kansas who has been speaking out on the issues of the day in newspapers and online for over 15 years

Most Recent Articles by Rolf Yungclas:

More Putin agent hype as Trump does the opposite

In the last week so-called "Russian puppet ruler" Donald Trump's administration has:
  • attacked the airbase of a Russian ally with 59 cruise missiles;
  • worked to strengthen Russia's 68 year-old adversary NATO by meeting with the NATO Secretary General and working to get the nation of Montenegro into NATO;
  • met with the President of China, one of Russia's major competitors on the world stage;
  • demolished Russia in several UN Security Council session debates US Ambassador Haley had with her Russian counterpart;
  • chided Russia for their bad acts when the US Secretary of State said our relations with Russia were at a low point on his visit Moscow to see Putin and the Russian Premier.
- Sunday, April 16, 2017

Deconstruction of America has stopped

For the last eight years the nation underwent what was sometimes called fundamental transformation. I call it the deconstruction of America, a process that actually began over a hundred years ago, but was rapidly accelerated by the mass influx of leftist socialists into all levels of government during the Obama administration.
- Thursday, February 23, 2017

President Trump hits the ground running

One of the things President Trump did Friday after taking office was to confirm General James Mattis as Secretary of Defense. And what a first day on the job Saturday was for Mattis!
- Monday, January 23, 2017

Cold War continues – the American Cold Civil War

Cold war was a term that took up common usage beginning in 1950s America to describe the ongoing conflict between the U.S and the Soviet Union. While not engaged in direct military action, the two nations were diametrically opposed to each other diplomatically, in proxy wars and in economic matters. An attitude of war toward each other but restrained, in this case by mutual assured destruction if they came to blows.
- Monday, January 16, 2017

They failed to purge the American Way

During the last eight years we have experienced a non-violent coup d'etat attempt against the American Way. Under the banner of Fundamental Transformation, the political-media cabal of the Left attempted to absolutely dismantle everything from free market capitalism to heterosexual marriage to physiological sexual identity at birth to judging people by the content of their character.
- Thursday, December 15, 2016

Republican defeatism syndrome

I've never seen anything like it. Republicans who say they endorse Trump are, in amazing frequency, repeatedly trashing him and making a point of saying he has already lost the election. The extent here, of a party declaring itself defeated all the way to Election Day, is unprecedented!
- Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Trump not criminalizing politics by talk of jailing Hillary

The Obama-Clinton Democrats continue to show their blatant disregard of the law by making phony accusations of Trump that he is "criminalizing politics" with his remarks on the campaign trail and at the second Presidential candidate debate that Hillary Clinton should be jailed. The Democrats must believe that Trump can win if they are so concerned about his plans to have his Attorney General investigate Clinton if he is elected President.
- Monday, October 17, 2016

Debate proves Hillary’s words much more hurtful

After a week that included the release of an 11-year old video intended to cause Donald Trump to step down as a Presidential candidate, and ending with the second Presidential candidate debate, Trump goes into this week with his base more solidly behind him and Ms. Clinton exposed even more clearly as the hypocrite she is.
- Monday, October 10, 2016

Time to fact-check the fact-checkers

Hillary Clinton, how do you lie to us? Let me count the ways. Liberal fact checkers are providing cover for Clinton's lies. Much of the media's so-called fact checking is more like Media Matters efforts to propagandize for the Democrats than something Snopes has had a reliable record of - refuting urban myths.
- Monday, October 3, 2016

Another UN speech attacking the US, from Obama

The United Nations has always been a forum for speeches by American-hating nations. This year one of those berating America was the President of the United States. Yet Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has only good things to say about "the United States of America, the most powerful and the most generous nation on earth."
- Monday, September 26, 2016

Behind in the polls, Clinton talks tough vetting

While Hillary Clinton continues to show she has nothing fresh in her non-stop personal attack against Trump, terrorism on American soil the last couple of days has her emulating Donald Trump now.
- Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Kerry and Obama helping to finance terrorism

A few weeks ago I showed that the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal had rejected, in July 2011, reconsideration of the 1981 claim by Iran for compensation from aircraft not delivered ($2.2 billion was the total stated then). I have been unable to find any record of it being considered again. Yet Secretary Kerry found that it was necessary to pay the terrorist-sponsoring regime in Iran $1.7 billion for that specific claim.
- Monday, September 12, 2016

Clinton campaign is failing

The Hillary Clinton campaign and the mainstream media are stuck in the past. It's the past of several months ago, before the constant stream of Clinton lies had reached critical mass...before Donald Trump's policy statements overtook his off-the-cuff gaffes as news stories...before the opinion polls stopped showing what was described as an insurmountable lead for Clinton.
- Monday, September 5, 2016

Neither Key nor National Anthem are racist

Back when the TV channels would sign off at midnight or later, they would always play the National Anthem, followed by a test pattern. While I remember it mostly being an instrumental version played by a marching band or an orchestra, a two-verse version with a woman singing it accompanied by an acoustic guitar was also popular.
- Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Kerry gives no proof of ransom payment source

As Democratic Party members march lockstep to try to elect corrupt former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to the White House, it becomes clearer that her successor, John Forbes Kerry, is not only corrupt but guilty of treason for his so-called diplomatic efforts that serve as a conduit for the U.S. funding of Iran's terrorism-sponsoring regime.
- Monday, August 22, 2016

Democrat and Establishment insanity

In light of recent accusations of Donald Trump being insane, I hereby practice medicine without a license and diagnose the liberal media and Establishment politicians as being insane.
- Monday, August 15, 2016

Iranian claim for compensation dismissed in 2009

In the midst of accusations that the Obama Administration's payment of a negotiated claim by Iran for compensation was actually a ransom for hostages, a Speakin' Out exclusive shows that the Iran-U.S. Claims Tribunal had actually dismissed Iran's claim for compensation in July of 2009.
- Tuesday, August 9, 2016

The DNC misses it on economic policy

Speaking at the Democratic National Convention last Monday, U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren let loose on her usual object of attack, banks and corporations, amidst an undercurrent of vocal Bernie Sanders supporters who accused her of being a sellout to the Clinton machine and their political dirty tricks.
- Monday, August 1, 2016

Lost in the non-endorsement

Hopefully this is the last time I'll have to put on my flak jacket to talk about Ted Cruz. While his speech at the Republican National Convention opened wounds from the primary campaign and seems to have strengthened the resolve of the Never Trump crowd, I wanted to take a look at the speech, which, overall, with its theme of freedom was very good.
- Monday, July 25, 2016

Clinton, not Bush responsible for Benghazi deaths

You may have seen the memes that list all of the supposed G. W. Bush “Benghazi” being posted by those wanting to defend President Obama and his former Secretary of State and current presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.
- Monday, July 18, 2016