
Rick Hayes

Rick Hayes lives in the epicenter of liberal land where reality and truth will never encounter a welcome mat. An award-winning writer and photographer, with over twenty years of professional experience in both fields, Hayes started his journalism adventure after a successful, eye-opening career as a Banker in Wall Street. Although he spent his early work life surrounded by custom made shirts, expensive ties and the shiniest of shoes, Hayes was an accomplished singer, cutting a few records with a local band and appearing on one of the first cable shows. Working for a weekly New York paper, in one of the most politically corrupt areas in the State, he began investing his time trying to understand the nature of corruption.

Most Recent Articles by Rick Hayes:

President Joe "Obama" Biden

President Joe Obama BidenAlthough it appears that President Joe Biden may be experiencing some form of severe dementia, he also seems to be suffering from a condition known as dissociative identity disorder, which is characterized by the presence of two or more distinct personalities. In Biden's case, he is taking on the character and goals of his former boss President Obama.
- Friday, September 17, 2021

Why The Gavin Newsom Recall Will Fail

Why The Gavin Newsom Recall Will FailShould California Governor Gavin Newsom remain in office? Should a drunken pig be allowed to drive a car? Sadly, the efforts to recall a Governor who has single-handedly destroyed a once prosperous and exuberant state will fail. Not because the votes needed to oust Newsom are insufficient, but because the Democrat party runs the election process in California; that spells corruption and manipulation.
- Tuesday, September 14, 2021

9/11 is Completely forgotten after 20 years

9/11 is Completely forgotten after 20 yearsThink back to the pain and anger Americans felt on September 11, 2001. And remember how unified the country was and how vigilant the nation became trying to prevent future terrorist plots. Absolute proof that our government has forgotten the horrific lessons learned on 9/11 can be clearly observed in President Biden's position on the southern border. Can any American imagine what the response would be if, on September 12, 2001, then-President Bush declared the southern border wide open? Aside from utter disbelief in the policy, Americans would rightly suspect that Bush had lost his mind.
- Saturday, September 4, 2021

Real Options For The Unvaccinated

Real Options For The UnvaccinatedThe recent FDA-approved Pfizer Covid vaccine should be a good thing. But the tunnel-visioned, high-pressured push to mandate having millions of Americans vaccinated, even those with natural immunity, has only managed to escalate the suspicions of millions of people.  Freedom to choose what goes into one's body, a once fundamental choice in a free society, is no longer a guarantee. But more importantly, is the increasing distrust in a healthcare system charged with disseminating the truth as it pertains to available treatments.
- Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Failure Without Fallout

Failure Without FalloutAnyone looking at the news this past week can clearly see that President Joe Biden and his administration are shocked by the events unfolding in Afghanistan. But how can anyone, especially those in Washington, be so far removed from reality?
- Monday, August 23, 2021

NO Investigations, Please

NO Investigations, PleaseAlthough many Americans are demanding investigations into the embarrassing fiasco in Afghanistan, there are many reasons to forgo such a path. Americans are rightly weary and tired of years of politically motivated false investigations into the Russian collusion and Ukrainian Quid pro quo witch-hunts.
- Thursday, August 19, 2021

President Joe Biden is not responsible for the collapse of Afghanistan

President Joe Biden is not responsible for the collapse of AfghanistanAmericans should carefully watch the happenings in Afghanistan. The same administration that allowed Afghanistan to crumble in just a few days is the same administration that is allowing America to be invaded by millions of unvetted, Covid positive illegal immigrants.
- Wednesday, August 18, 2021

America 2.0: A far, far cry from America's ancestors who shouted, "Give me liberty or give me death"

America 2.0: A far, far cry from America's ancestors who shouted, Give me liberty or give me deathThe formidable forces that changed America into something very different from what the founding fathers envisioned have a surprise awaiting them. Estimates of illegal immigrants currently living in the country range anywhere from eleven to twenty million. According to the Washington Examiner, only 68 percent of illegal immigrants entering the southern border are apprehended. However, apprehensions don't tell the whole story since thousands of those captured are immediately released into the surrounding area.
- Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Mandating into Madness

Mandating madnessSeen as the responsible duty of any person who cares about the planet's future, what is to prevent the United States Government from mandating that all Americans immediately purchase solar panels and electric cars in the interest of climate change and saving the earth? What is to prevent corporate America from refusing gainful employment or airlines refusing transportation to any American who does not provide proof of purchase of solar panels and electric cars? Nothing if Americans now accept mandatory vaccines in whatever form they take. The time to stop poison Ivy is not when it has taken over the garden but when it first sprouts.
- Monday, August 2, 2021

Fauci As The New Whitman

Fauci As The New WhitmanAccording to the media, Dr. Anthony Fauci, and the unprecedented pro-vaccine publicity campaign, anyone not getting the COVID-19 vaccine must either be a racist or a fool. And if some Americans don't voluntarily comply, the plan is to force them to inject an unapproved substance into their bodies with threats of ostracizing them from society.
- Tuesday, June 15, 2021

The Most Dangerous Deception

The Most Dangerous DeceptionI remember watching a martial arts "master" conduct a class in front of an audience where all he did was wave his hands, and scores of his students immediately fell to the ground. When these students regained their strength and tried another way to combat the master, all he needed to repel any attack was another simple wave of his hand, and again the students crashed to the floor.
- Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Looking At The Big Left's Lie

Regardless of race, is it possible that everyone can agree that people who commit crimes are more likely to encounter Police? And can everyone further agree that criminals who resist arrest are more likely to be shot by Police than criminals who do not resist arrest? Democrats, B.L.M., and Antifa, with the full backing of the propaganda media, have pushed the popular but false narrative that innocent black people minding their own business are routinely shot and killed by Police simply because they are black.
- Wednesday, May 26, 2021

What kind of People are Running America?

What kind of People are Running America?Americas' Michael Johnson, the elite 400 and 200-meter sprinter, stretched the chest area on his track jersey when he won Olympic gold to showcase the U.S.A lettering. U.S. Olympic champion Carl Lewis ran with the American flag after capturing 1st place in the 100-meter dash. "I love you, America." was shouted by U.S. Olympic champion Justin Gatlin after beating an elite field at the Olympic games.
- Monday, April 12, 2021

What Are We Looking For?

Republicans, Democrats, those on the far right and far left are all searching for something. Should we pass more laws, win more elections, place more judges on the courts to get what we want? That depends on what it is that we want. If we want more power, passing more laws, winning more elections, and placing more judges on the courts is the road to take. And how much power do we want? Is there ever enough power? History always shows us that those who have obtained wealth, fame, and power always want more.
- Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Border Crisis - Some Answers

Border CrisisThe United States was indeed developed and strengthened with the welcomed inclusion of immigrants worldwide. It is also true that this country has vast amounts of land that can easily accommodate millions of refugees fleeing murderous drug cartels and oppressive dictatorships. So why are millions of Americans against President Bidens' "path for citizenship" to millions of illegal immigrants and his opening up the southern border?
- Wednesday, March 31, 2021

A Warning From A Wise Old Man

A Warning From A Wise Old ManOn Saturday, March 20th, an elderly gentleman walked his dog through a New York City park on a beautiful sunny day. "I fled from communist Russia," he said while facing a small group of people taking in the day on one of the park benches. In a side-to-side motion with his arm, while pointing his finger, he said, "This country is doing exactly what Russia did to become communist, and you people are allowing it to happen. Wake up." The man is 100% correct. Who can argue against the fact that Americans are losing their Constitutional freedoms at a rate never before seen in the history of this country? The freedom to speak openly and freely is almost a thing of the past. What Americans are not allowed to say is almost as prevalent as the tonnage of information Americans are not allowed to know.
- Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Are We a Moral and Religious People?

Are We a Moral and Religious People?John Adams said: "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." Look around at the laws and progressive policies waiting to be passed . Abortion even after birth, men competing in women's sports, and children crushed into shipping containers at the border. Moral and religious?
- Thursday, March 18, 2021

Stop Talking About Elections

Stop Talking About ElectionsIf you were told you could no longer eat, would you spend time searching for the best cookbook?  The establishment left revealed to conservatives that their votes no longer count, yet conservatives still discuss strategies for the 2022 election and whether Trump will run in 2024.  On programs such as Fox News, Americans learn how Democrat policies are destroying American minorities, women, and children. How gas prices are rising, the border is collapsing, and lockdowns are political. 
- Thursday, March 4, 2021

How did Joe Biden ever become President?

We must first remember that according to the election results, Biden was more popular than any previous President in U.S. history. Biden's approval was so immense that he managed to get a record voter turnout without actually campaigning. Even though he sometimes forgot what office he was running for, or what state he was in, the election tally showed that Biden would have easily beaten Reagan, Clinton, or Obama.
- Monday, March 1, 2021