
Arthur Christopher Schaper

Arthur Christopher Schaper is a teacher-turned-writer on topics both timeless and timely; political, cultural, and eternal. A life-long Southern California resident, Arthur currently lives in Torrance. Twitter -- @ArthurCSchaper Facebook aschaper1.blogspot.com asheisministries.blogspot.com

Most Recent Articles by Arthur Christopher Schaper:

Insufferable: John Kasich Running for President in 2020?

John Kasich. As Presidential contender, all he wanted to do was make nice and preach hollow niceties all while abandoning conservative principles and pushing a smarmy liberalism that taxes us into oblivion and forcing higher spending. As governor of Ohio, he signed off on conservative reforms, but only because of a hard-core, supermajority Republican legislature.
- Monday, May 1, 2017

Syria: The Middle East’s Blazing Tire Yard

Ever seen a tire fire? They are a lingering yet cancerous domestic disaster. The rubber lasts for ages, keeping the fire alive far longer than any other substance.
- Monday, April 10, 2017

Robert Reich: The Democratic Party is on Life-Support

They have lost an election which DNC leaders rigged to ensure that their prized queen would win, first through engineering her victory in the primary against Weekend at Bernie's, then through media frauds and collusion during the General Election.
- Sunday, January 22, 2017

How Conservatives Must Confront Arrogant Progressive Liberals: D'Souza v. Alex Jones

Conservatives need to understand that our ongoing fights with communistic elements, whether in the media or in public forums, is about a lot more than trying to change the minds of the leftists themselves. They are only interested in entertaining an audience and shaming their conservative, pro-liberty opponents.
- Thursday, December 22, 2016

There is No Free Trade Without Borders

I believe in free trade, but ultra-libertarians and free-market proponents ignore the necessary conditions for the rule of law and culture. Libertarian policies cannot flourish in a vacuum, but require a government to protect our rights--Including the rights of the working man. Chinese citizens have few rights, and the freedom of that nation's economy has not translated into political liberty.
- Friday, December 9, 2016

Dana Rohrabacher Shows True Leadership, Stand with Trump

The way some Republicans act, running away from conflict and playing into media-hyped panic, it is no surprise that even when they have power, when they hold onto the majority in Congress, they still flounder and fail. This is just astounding, and sad.
- Saturday, October 15, 2016


Hillary Clinton is hacking. She is a hack, she is defined by hacks, and she is hacking away her chances at the Presidency.
- Monday, September 12, 2016

Citizen Sanctuaries, not Sanctuary Cities

After eight years of Obama's immigration lawlessness, sanctuary cities like San Francisco are facing severe scrutiny. For too long, they have proudly refused to cooperate with federal authorities to deport illegal aliens.
- Saturday, September 10, 2016

NeverTrumpers Are Wrong: A Blue State Conservative's Take

The United States is a great country. For too many Americans, though, they are not feeling it: sluggish economy, rampant terrorist attacks, defeated morale, both here and abroad. Corrosive, subversive scandals have engulfed the Obama administration (IRS, DOJ, Fast and Furious). Special interests are gaming the system in an unprecedented, disturbing fashion. Look what happened to Bernie Sanders during the Democratic Primary. The DNC (with disgraced Chairman Debbie Wasserman-Schulz) was actively—illegally!—colluding to ensure a Hillary Clinton coronation.
- Saturday, September 3, 2016