
Jerry McConnell

Gerald A. "Jerry" McConnell, 92, of Hampton, died Sunday, February 19, 2017, at the Merrimack Valley Hospice House in Haverhill, Mass., surrounded by his loved ones. He was born May 27, 1924 in Altoona, Pa., the fifth son of the late John E. and Grace (Fletcher) McConnell.

Jerry served ten years with the US Marine Corps and participated in the landing against Japanese Army on Guadalcanal and another ten years with the US Air Force. After moving to Hampton in 1957 he started his community activities serving in many capacities.

He shared 72 years of marriage with his wife Betty P. (Hamilton) McConnell. In addition to his wife, family members include nieces and nephews.

McConnell's e-book about Guadalcanal, "Our Survival was Open to the Gravest Doubts"

Most Recent Articles by Jerry McConnell:

The Presence of the Attorney General in Ferguson Invites Racism

In an August 20, 2014 FoxNews.com article titled, "Holder Says He Understands Mistrust Of Police As Ferguson Protests Dwindle" and on that same date, "during his meeting at the FBI building in St. Louis, Holder told Ferguson community leaders that he has assigned the federal government's 'most experienced agents and prosecutors' to the investigation of a white police officer's fatal shooting of a black 18-year-old."
- Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Why Do Black Leaders Have Preconceived Notions of Guilt When the Races Exchange Roles?

If at first you don't succeed, try - oops; not that one, but it's very close. The one I'm thinking of when I heard that the cavalry, in the form of two black leaders, not Black Panthers, although that group are certainly present at this roasting; but these warriors heard that a young black boy got shot by a white policeman during the riots in Ferguson, suburb of St. Louis, Missouri, and they're here to make sure some white cop gets not necessarily fair but equal treatment.
- Wednesday, August 20, 2014

An Honest Judge Speaks About Obama and Our Government

Time after time our honesty-challenged news -- often called mainstream media -- highlights one judicial baron who is so in bed with the person for whom he hands down his decree or finding, always favorable to the recipient, that when a truly reputable justice speaks up it is as refreshing as a spring breeze.
- Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Finally - Liberals Are Beginning to Protest Obama's Immigrant Decisions

Maybe Obama has overstepped his bounds of authority once too often. Judging by the size of a protest rally in, of all unexpected places, Boston, Massachusetts, which by one account, that of rally organizer Jeff Kuhner, host of WRKO's The Kuhner Report, put the number close to 10,000.
- Friday, August 1, 2014

Democrats Led By Obama and Harry Reid Determined to Scuttle USA

It has been obvious for a long time, at least getting close to six years since the incredibly unfortunate date of January 20, 2009, when Barack Obama was illegally sworn in as our 44th president, though unchallenged proof of his eligibility has yet to be presented. Oh, yes, phony paperwork, badly handled and mismanaged, has been presented at times by the usurper himself, but it has always been exposed for the fraudulent state that it is in.
- Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Forty-six Democrat Senators Want to Change our Laws Strictly for Politics

Forty-six Democrat Senators Want to Change our Laws for Strictly Politics
The impossible just got legs for a potential possibility; and not a good one at that. In a bare-faced political move, forty-six elected Democrats in our United States Senate; that's EIGHTY-SEVEN PERCENT of all Democrats, are willing to make a change to our most predominant, most revered and oldest established legal document, the United States Constitution, all for their desire for more political power in our government.
- Thursday, July 17, 2014

Now More Than Ever, Strict Term Limits Are Needed for America's Survival

For more than a decade I have been actively writing political columns which have appeared in local newspapers and national websites along with Canada Free Press, a solidly American free conservative website out of our friendly neighbor to the North, as you are probably aware.
- Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Once Again Obama Deliberately Sticks a Dagger in America's Heart

How many times are the so-called leaders of this country going to let the tinpot, phony imposter president use his fatal weapons to destroy our once world-leading nation? I call on the people who can but WILL NOT lift a finger to bring a very beneficial solution to America's unfavorable imbalance in the area of petroleum satisfaction.
- Sunday, June 22, 2014

Death Penalty a Possibility in Bergdahl Case

A United States citizen military person recently deserted his Army post of duty, potentially endangering all his fellow military members of an Army unit in Afghanistan. At this writing not all details of the incident have been revealed, but the perpetrator, Bowe Bergdahl, Sergeant, US Army has been identified positively.
- Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Where Scandals, Fraud, Bullying, Preface Absolute Dictatorship With a Foreign Stench

There are many individuals online with comments on anything from "A" to "Z" and "1" to "infinity" and most are very informative and effectual. One of my favorites is David Coughlin's "Views on the News" for certain time periods that he alludes to in his dissertations. His most recent, for which I give thanks for quotes from S. E. Cupp, provides an interesting view of the week just past:
- Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Utah Congressman Set to Propose Funds Cut for Paramilitary Units at BLM, IRS and Other Fed Regulatory Units

I, and I'm certain many of my readers will agree when I say, "Kudos" to Cheryl K. Chumley and her employer, the Washington Times, for covering the story concerning the Utah Congressman, Chris Stewart, who, accordingly, "is mulling a measure to cut funding for any 'paramilitary units' that work for the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and other federal regulatory agencies."
- Thursday, May 15, 2014

Obama and Dems Want Min Wage Hike Expense, But Not Keystone XL Oil $$$

Obama and Dems Want Min Wage Hike Expense, But Not Keystone XL Oil $$$
It figures; if it costs more taxpayer money with no significant revenues, the liberal Dems, led by the head Socialist, Barack Obama, it follows that the socialistic dupes who think that the 'annointed' one, who is really the 'tainted' one, can do no wrong, will be in favor of running the country into deeper and more serious debt. It makes one wonder if these pawns of communist propaganda ever consider the damage they do to our sinking nation.
- Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Obama Playing Messiah With Keystone Pipeline and 30% Opposition

The Weasel in the White House once again plays his "sabotage America" games with the Keystone XL Oil Producing Program, making it even harder to reap the many bountiful benefits it could bring to this country. This forever dangerous liar will stop at nothing to keep that oil from being part of an out and out separation for us from the greedy and nefarious plans the OPEC oil (Islamic) nations will continue to press on us.
- Thursday, May 1, 2014